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LMS-Bath Symposium: Advances in Spectral Theory

July 15-26, 2024, University of Bath

Mini-school speakers: July 15-19, 2024

Conference Speakers July 22-26, 2024


If you would like to attend the meeting, please register .


We are in the process of applying for funding for early career participants to attend the conference and summer school. Please register your interest above if you would like to attend the meeting and, if it becomes available, would like to apply for funding. You may also wish to apply for a from the UK Spectral Theory Network in order to attend fund your visit.

Getting to Bath

Please find information about getting to Bath and the University .

Location of the meeting

The meeting will be held in Wolfson Lecture Theatre (4W1.7), 4 West, University of Bath. (See )

Schedule for the Summer School

The schedule for the summer school can be found here.

Lecture notes for the summer school

Lecture notes for the course by Dyatlov are

Lecture notes for the course by Galkowski are here.

Information for the Conference

The schedule for the conference can be found here.

Please find the list of titles and abstracts for the talks here.


We gratefully acknowledge support from the London Mathematical Society and the Isaac Newton Institute. This event is organised in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute.