

UCL Urban Laboratory


London Lesbian and Gay Centre documented conversation

18 October 2018, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm

London Lesbian and Gay Centre hat from The London Salon: queer night scenes event at the Museum of London, curated by UCL Urban Laboratory

Event Information

Open to



Gay's The Word, 66 Marchmont Street, London WC1N 1AB

We are organising a second public, documented conversation on the London Lesbian and Gay Centre, warmly inviting those who planned, supported, attended or worked at the community space to participate.

Focusing on its history and the lessons that can be learned for present-day campaigns to create LGBTQ+ community spaces, the event will take the form of a public conversation, with the purpose of contributing to the limited documentation and archives on this space. Participants are encouraged to bring their memories and memorabilia. Drinks will be provided.

If you would like to attend, RSVP by email, stating your link to the London Lesbian and Gay Centre, to: b.campkin@ucl.ac.uk. Please also pass on this invitation to anyone you know who has experienced the Centre firsthand. This is the second such conversation we have organised and we are particularly looking to hear from women and those who worked for or at the Centre.

This event forms part of UCL Urban Laboratory's ongoing research on in the capital being undertaken by .