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The use of recordings to assist teaching is voluntary, and in many circumstances may be inappropriate. Consideration should always be made as to whether recording is necessary, as the knowledge of being recorded will likely have negative consequences for the freedom of expression and discussion necessary for teaching and debate. In some cases a student or staff member may ask to make a recording for the purposes of a reasonable adjustment, and such requests should be supported on the basis that the requester has the sole use of and responsibility for that recording. Principles Consent. All recordings must be made with the informed consent of all participants, and their storage, copying, distribution. Consent may be revoked at any time. Consent is a key principle of the GDPR, privacy and dignity. Commercial use similarly requires explicit written consent in the form of a signed contract or license agreement which defines the rights of parties. Surreptitious (secret) recordings are not permissible, as the recording will be made without knowledge of participants and therefore consent cannot be given. These breach the UCL Dignity at Work policy. Just as staff must seek permission from students to record lectures in which students may participate, students must seek consent from staff if they wish to record them. Processing. Processing should be proportionate. It may involve the removal of one or more student interventions in a recorded class, or removal of video but not audio. It may also involve excerpting part of the recording or manual captioning. If processing was triggered by a student removal request, consent to distribute the edited recording should be subsequently confirmed (if a participant has been excised completely this is not strictly obligatory). In some circumstances, for example in small-group teaching, it may not be possible to retain a viable recording after participants have been removed. Storage. Recordings are to be stored with the consent of all participants. This requirement applies to the staff member in addition to UCL. Thus, if a student objects to a particular part of a recording involving themselves being retained, the staff member must remove it from all versions of that recording on their computer as well as from UCL systems. 911ill ensure that access is provided on a streaming basis only, and is protected from being downloaded by a user. Distribution. Recordings may only be distributed with the consent of all participants. There are three primary types of distribution: the current student cohort entitled to attend lectures, their tutors and administrators (the default, Moodle group), a different private distribution, e.g. to a seminar group, to other UCL classes, or to classes in other universities; or to a staff group including examiners public distribution. Ownership. The following principles apply to full lectures or excerpted material: Teaching materials without staff audio/visual performance are covered by the UCL Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) policy. Staff retain their intellectual property rights, but grant 911 a perpetual right to use these unenhanced materials. Pre-recorded lectures, i.e. lectures performed by staff howsoever recorded, are covered by this Lecture Recording Policy. Technologies include audio or video recordings with or without slides, and PowerPoint slides enhanced by audio voice-over. In all cases staff retain ownership of the recording (IPR and performance rights). Where more than one staff member is recorded, each will own their part of the recording. Recorded classes are also covered by this Lecture Recording Policy. Additional obligations exist on staff to ensure that students have given their consent to the recording, processing, storage and distribution of the recording. In order to achieve this, specific consent will be elicited (which may be revoked on a case-by-case basis). Other purposes. Recordings of classes will not be used for purposes other than the education of that years student cohort or subset thereof unless all participants consent. Recordings will not be used in capability and disciplinary procedures. Recordings will not be distributed to students without the consent of the staff member, for example, to undermine strike action or to substitute their own teaching. Record-keeping It is strongly recommended that staff maintain a log of all recordings that they made and manage, detailing: title, course reference, nature of lesson (lecture or seminar), date, recorded by, participants, whether it was edited (and the nature of any edits), consents given (who consented and the type of distribution consented to), file locations of copies and versions, the expiry date for deletion (if applicable). Staff are reminded that recordings of student participation are personal data owned by the students, and the GDPR applies. Storage must be proportionate, and recorded participants are entitled to informed consent of any recordings and their uses. Pre-recorded lectures When staff pre-record a lecture on a computer in their own home, they retain control over the delivery of the recording, including processing. Recognising that staff may need to make recordings in sub-optimal conditions, care should be taken to ensure audio and video quality. See Appendix 1. Staff must not record any other individual, such as members of their household, without consent. Children must not be recorded as this raises issues of safeguarding (see UCL Safeguarding Policy). Once made, the recording should be uploaded to UCLs systems, and be accessible via Moodle. Uploading will be considered an act of distribution to all entitled to access the relevant Moodle page. Provided that the recording is of themselves alone, staff are also entitled to use these recordings, or excerpts from them, in any way they see fit, including publication on video distribution websites. Staff are advised that they will be liable for any breaches of copyright that might occur as they would for other forms of publication. If an employee leaves UCL employment, the department may wish to continue to use the recording subject to an agreement with the staff member. A royalty fee will be payable for each year that the recording is used. Live-recorded lectures and seminars When staff record a lecture (or seminar) live paragraphs 4.1-4.3 apply. In addition: A general recording consent must be sought from all students for recording before starting. Students may be asked to complete a consent form as part of the course induction process. This consent will permit 911 to distribute recordings made during their study to other students in their year entitled to study on that programme and UCL staff, for the purpose of education. The consent will be subject to two advisories that in some cases recordings may be distributed to a smaller subset, and that students are entitled to ask that their contribution to a class be removed following recording. Students will be given advance warning of recording, and reminded at the start of every lecture/seminar if recording is in progress. Prior to completion of each lecture/seminar, students should be reminded that if they contribute to the lecture, the student has the right to revoke their consent once the recording has been made. If the recording is published on Moodle at the time the request is made, it will be taken down until the contribution is removed. Staff are individually entitled to agree a one-year or multi-year retention policy. The UCL default will be for one year as this is simplest to manage, but departments may reach an agreement to opt for a default multi-year policy. One-year retention. Recordings are removed from view after a standard completion point, typically prior to examinations (see below). Multi-year retention. Recordings are removed after all students permitted to view it complete their study. Recordings should be temporarily removed during periods of take-home examinations. For consistency, it is recommended that the same period of down-time is applied irrespective of the manner in which examinations are conducted. Once all students entitled to review the recordings leave UCL, recordings will be taken down and deleted. Backup recordings, including those on staff personal computers, should also be deleted. Public lectures Public lectures are subject to the principles outlined in this policy. Individuals recorded must consent to publication. This principle applies to pre-arranged speakers and audience members. Attendees must be advised in advance that they will be recorded, and the purposes to which that recording may be put (for example, for teaching, or for publication on a public-access website). Where audience members are recorded, their participation should not be distributed without their consent. Consequently, if an audience member is recorded and cannot be identified and consent sought, they must be removed prior to distribution. Public lectures conducted on UCL premises and captured using Lecturecast are additionally subject to the UCL Lecturecast policy. Meetings UCLs practice is not to record meetings. If a recording is made inadvertently the recording should be ended and deleted as soon as possible. However, recordings may be made, with the consent of all present, for the purposes of note-taking or as a reasonable adjustment. Where a participant enters a meeting after recording has begun they must be informed of this fact. Additional protocols are likely to apply to interviews recorded for research purposes. Appendix 1: Types of lecture pre-recording and sources of information Guidance on recording voice-over on PowerPoint is available here. Re-takes can be performed on a per-slide basis. Data is stored on the home computer, or, on Office 365, in cloud storage. Guidance on recording audio/video is available here. It is advisable to use local rather than cloud storage while making the recording. Video editing software is available. It is possible to use systems such as Blackboard Collaborate Ultra from Moodle to record lectures. However there is no option to edit the recording online, and since the recording is made live over the network, quality may be compromised. This pathway is not recommended for pre-recording. 56< !   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