


Teach-Outs Schedule

Teach outs are taking place each day during the strike

Tuesday 26th November 2019

Picket line teach-outs:
  • 10:00am Bartlett Architecture: Year 3 History & TheoryTeachOut
  • 11:00am Malet Place: Join Paul Gilroy, Esther Leslie, and Matthew Beaumont tomorrow for Teach Out on why we're striking
  • 11:00am Bartlett Architecture: Situated PracticesTeachOut

Afternoon Teach-out:

Title: Disrupting casualisation: recentering the margin
Time: 12.50pm to 2.00pm
Venue: SOAS Junior Common Room

Explore with casualised members of staff and their allies strategies to challenge inequities and injustice that remain hidden behind what is presented as a normal, rational, and desirable university work practice.

Invited speakers :

  • McStriker (BFAWU)
  • IWGB UCL Striker
  • Ken Loach, dir. “Sorry We Missed You”
  • Annelise Orleck, author, “We Are All Workers Now”

A workshop will follow the talks to provide an opportunity for precarious staff to voice their concerns and participate in developing strategies of resistance.

Wednesday 27th November 2019

Picket line teach-outs:
  • 10:00am Bartlett Architecture:Teachout with Kneed on Collective Sustenance and how to create sustainably ()
  • 10:00am - 11:00am UCL Institute of Archaeology: Hands-on Spinning and Weaving [weave a square for our retirement blanket!]
  • 10:00am -12.00pm IOE Concourse: Intergenerational solidarity- Protest songs from three generations. Retired members and students are especially welcome to join the picket to demonstrate and celebrateintergenerational solidarity through collectively singing protest songs from threegenerations. Song book and backing track provided.
  • 10:30am IOE:Intergenerational Solidarity and Intergenerational Justice - Judith Suissa
  • 11:00am Bartlett Architecture: Collective writing on casualisation / Know your rights
  • 12:30pm Chandler House:meet outside Chandler House. Depending onweather, we'll head to a local park or a local pub for a participatory reading of HaroldPinter's play "". Some copies of the script will be provided, but you canalso access them on your own device via the library's subscription. The play will be followedby a discussion of its themes.
Afternoon Teach-out:

Title: Our University: A Manifesto (A joint UCU/The World Transformed Policy Lab Session)
Time: 13.00pm to 2.30pm
Venue: SOAS Junior Common Room

The is about university workers and students trying to shape the future of Higher Education.

Over the last 20 years the landscape of British Higher and Further Education has been dramatically transformed. Students face staggering tuition fees, staff face mounting pressure from the TEF and REF, casualization is growing, and structural inequalities continue to be reproduced within our universities.

What policies should the next government be looking to implement in HE? How can we transform the sector for the better?

Speakers tbc.

This is a UCL-wide teach-out hosted by UCL UCU. The teach-outs take place immediately after our daily strike meeting. Please note venues and speakers are subject to change at the last minute.

Thursday 28th November 2019

Picket line teach-outs:
  • 10.00amIOE Concourse:Disability, casualization and worker’s rights-Jennifer Rode (IOE)
  • 10.30am 22 Gordon Street: The Power of Sound and Image in Protest / Henrietta Williams and Merjin Royaards
  • 11:00amIOE Concourse:What can we learn about global education from historical and global policystudies of the OECD? Christian Ydesen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
  • 11:00am - 12:00pm Malet Place Picket Line - UCL English: Hear poetry from Will Harris, LukeRoberts, Dai George and others. Feel free to bring work of your own to share.
  • 12.00 - 1.00pm: Anthropology 14 Taviton Street: Race, Ethnicity, Nationalism & Ethnography - Julia Sauma & Ashraf Hoque
  • 11.30am 22 Gordon Street: Unionising Architects/Cultural Workers / UVW-SAW
  • 12:30pm Chandler House: in the basement of , Florian Breit willpresent a talk entitled "Of Blue Books and Welsh Nots: How to diminish a language
  • 1:00 -2.00pm: Anthropology 14 Taviton Street: Technocracy: v.0.2 - Ludo Coupaye
  • 1:00pm20-21 Gordon Square - The Street -History of Art Department
  • 2:00 – 4:00pm: Anthropology 14 Taviton Street: Russia’s Population Policy: Spies and Witches - Sara Randall, translating from French for Svetlana Russikh
Afternoon Teach-out:

Title: Eugenics and Bioessentialism - UCL and Beyond -Speakers include Christine Yao and Sandy Ogundele
Time: 13.00pm to 15.00pm
Venue: SOAS Junior Common Room

This is a UCL-wide teach-out hosted by UCL UCU. The teach-outs take place immediately after our daily strike meeting.

Friday 29th November 2019

Picket line teach-outs:
  • 10:00am 22 Gordon Street: Kurdish Solidarity Network / Plan C: Climate strike, social ecology, and struggles in Rojava
  • 10:00am SSEES:Socialism, Capitalism and Ecology -SSEES and UCL Urban Studies
Climate crisis themed Picket line teach-outs - malet street:

On Friday the 29th UCU has themed day 5 of the strike around the climate crisis, and there willbe a series of teach-outs andtalks on Malet Street before a march from Malet Street to Parliament at 12 noon.

10:00amElisavet Hasa & Julian Siravo (RCA)Climate Movements and the GreenNew Deal
10:20amDavid Cross, ZeroCO2e, (UaL)Higher Education andthe Strugglefor Divestment
10:40amKate Jeffery, Professor of BehaviouralNeuroscience,(UCL) Scientists for XRThe Psychology of Climate Inaction
11:05amPoppy Beck, Negar Taatizadeh &Students (BSADeclares)Bartlett School of ArchitectureDeclares /Architecture EducationDeclares
11:30amClaire James CACCCampaign Against Climate Change
11:50amUKSCN (Invited)School strikers invite us to jointhem!

11am - Solidarity March and Rally: Planet +Pay + Pensions

Assemble 11am Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY
Depart 12 noon
March to Parliament for a rally at Westminster Central Hall

Come and join us on the concourse for banner and placard making

Speakers to be confirmed

Monday 2nd December 2019

Picket line teach-outs:
  • 10:00am IOE Concourse: Pay and Pay-Gaps in Universities - Alex Bryson
  • 10:00am 51 Gordon Square: (the day after World AIDS Day), Prof. Jonathan Bell will lead a teach-outon the theme of “Sexuality and Healthcare in the US.” - UCL Americas.
  • 10.00am - 2.00pmAnthropology 14 Taviton Street: Charting (on) the picket line: a crash course in doing ethnographic diagrams of agents and powers - Martin Holbraad
  • 11.00amIOE Concourse: Students and Global Protest Movements - Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou
  • 11:00am 22 Gordon Street:Another work life balance is possible -Barbara Penner and Jane Rendell with Emma Cheatle and Catalina Mejia.Emma and Catalina will introduce ’To Manifest' () and read aloud from it. This will be followed by gathering experiences to pin up on the picket line of pay gaps; then we will work on how to address inequalities in pay and work differently after the strike.
  • 12:30pmin the basement of:The Linguistic Landscape of Greenlandic -Lily Kahn
  • 2:00 - 4:00pm: Location TBA: Hear Xine Yao, Xara Zabihi Dutton, Matthew Sardegno,Maria Düster, Sofía Kourous Vázquez, Harry Chancellor and Paul Davis share texts relatedto issues of revolution, revolt and strike action - UCL English.
  • 3.00 - 4.00pmAnthropology 14 Taviton Street - Soul Loss: A collage of quotes - Alex Pillen
Afternoon Teach-out

1:00 - 2:00pm Structural Domination In the Academy - Imagining an Alternative University
Venue: The Tudor Room,
Imperial Hotel,61-66 Russell Square,London WC1B 5BB

Hear Alice Ella Finden, Abeera Khan, Rachel Watters, and Victoria Showumni talk about how structural oppression manifests in the academy and how we can imagine alternatives.

  • Abeera Khan and Alice Ella Finden are from the Preventing Prevent Working Group at SOAS.
  • Rachel Watters is the NUS Women’s Officer who will be speaking about institutional responses to sexual harassment.
  • Dr Victoria Showumni will provide an intersectional analysis pay inequality and institutional racism.

Organised by Sandy Ogundele, Students Union, UCL Black and Minority Ethnic Students' Officer.

Tuesday 3rd December 2019

  • 10.00am - IOE: Forum Theatre -Theo Bryer (IOE), Chris Routh (IOE) and others t.b.c
  • 10:00am - 22 Gordon Street:Think Out: Homelessness and the hostile environment on & around UCL’s campuses -Ben Campkin and Lo Marshall with Carla Ecola
  • 10:30am -51 Gordon Square - Brazil’s former Minister of Finance, Joaquim Levy will discuss: “Brazil Zero CO2.” -UCL Americas
  • 11.00am - IOE: Marx walking tour - details to follow - Sandy Leaton Gray (IOE), Mary Richardson (IOE) and Arthur Chapman (IOE). Come and join us for the anti-Trump demo and activities in support of migrants andrefugees
  • 11:00am - 22 Gordon Street:Teach Out with MA Situated Practices
  • 11:30am - 1:00pm -Brick circle @ Tolmers Square :How can land rent theory help us fight today's battles? A teach-out to look back & forward at land, rent, housing, and class -with Michael Edwards, Callum Ward, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Andrew Purves, Louis Moreno (Goldsmith University) and more. See
  • 12:30pm in the basement of:The Suppression of Hebrew in the USSR -Sonya Yampolskaya
Afternoon Teach-out:

Title: “Resist Trump – Defend Migrants – End the Hostile Environment”
Venue: The Tudor Room,.


  • Bell Ribeiro-Addy, Labour Candidate for Streatham.
  • Malu Gatto (UCL Institute of the Americas).
  • Nadia Sayed, Stand Up To Racism.
  • And more...

The Stop Trump Coalition has called a protest from 16:00 in Trafalgar Square and the UCL branch banner will be there.

Wednesday 4th December 2019

10:30am Main Gates, Gower Street:solidarity rally with the IWGB

The IWGB is calling strike action this Wednesday - join UCU / IWGB rallyWe will be holding aon Wednesday. Meet at 911 Main Gates on Gower St., 10:30am.

The IWGB is calling strike action on Wednesday for hundreds of security, porters and cleaning staff who are employed by outsourced companies at 911. UCL management have this time been a bit more prepared and have warned that many more buildings will close – if they have not already been closed by our strikes.

  • 10:30am Main Gates, Gower Street:
  • 9:30am Student Central:Solidarity Workshop -Researcher and artist Guy Atkins will facilitate a solidarity workshop which will help us explore what we all need support with, wherever we happen to be positioned in the strike. Through this workshop we will imagine what might help foster solidarity, collectively designing a physical object to facilitate this between us.
  • 10.00am IOE - Poetry (and other) Readings. Do you have a favourite poem or piece of literature related to our strike themes? Come andshare it! Solidarity with outsourced workers–support the IWGB strike.
  • 12:30pmmeet outside the Montague Place entrance to the British Museum for an. The trail will take about an hour to complete and will be followed by discussion in the cafe.
  • 2:00pm Meet at the British Museum's back entrance oppositeSenate House - Join us at the British Museum for a teach-out tour of the collection with Sam Caleb, Eric Langley, Fran Brooks, Nick Spengler andothers - UCL English.
  • 2:15pm Student Central:How our majority-white lecturers best support our students of colour?
  • 3:30pm Student Central:Dreams for the Future/Where did it all go wrong?
Disability Discrimination and Awareness #includeus day and rally

Wednesday 4 December is our.

There will be aat(the HQ of the National Education Union) at 13:00.

Invited Speakers: Mike Rosen, TUC Disabled Members Committee, Alliance for Inclusive Education, NEU, UNISON, National Union of Students, Disabled People Against Cuts + UCU activists on #includeUS actions & where next for our strike.

Please note venues and speakers are subject to change at the last minute. We will be sharing details of departmental Teach Outs as they become available on our social media channels
