
UCLIC - UCL Interaction Centre


911ill have a great presence at CHI 2023

2 March 2023


We will have a great presence at , the premier conference in Human-Computer Interaction. The conference will take place in Hamburg, Germany, on 23-28 April 2023.

We got 13 papers accepted to CHI 2023. We shall also have academics present in two panel discussions at the conference and present a ToCHI journal article. We shall co-organise three Workshops and a SIG meeting, and demonstrate work in the interactivity session. Our PhD students and faculty will also take part in the Doctoral Consortium.

We're excited to announce that Four groups of students from the Human-Computer Interaction MSc programme were selected as finalists for the . Good luck to the finalists!

We look forward to seeing all this great work presented at CHI 2023 in Hamburg!


  • Understanding Visual Arts Experiences of Blind People.
    Franklin Mingzhe Li, Lotus Zhang. Maryam Bandukda, Abigale Stangl, Kristen Shinohara, Leah Findlater, Patrick Carrington.

  • FabTouch: A Tool to Enable Communication and Design of Tactile and Affective Fabric Experiences.
    Jing Xue, Bruna Petreca,Christopher Dawes, Marianna Obrist.

  • Multi-Point STM: Exploring the Effect of Drawing Speed and the Number of Focal Points on Perceived Intensity, Valence and Arousal in Ultrasonic Mid-Air Haptics.
    Zhouyang Shen, Madhan Kumar Vasudevan, Jan Kučera,Marianna Obrist, Diego Martinez Plasencia.

  • MindTouch: Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Mid-Air Tactile Perception.
    Madhan Kumar Vasudevan, Shu Zhong, Jan Kučera, Desiree Cho,Marianna Obrist.

  • The Shifting Sands of Labour: Changes in Shared Care Work with a Smart Home Health System.
    Ewan Soubutts, Elaine Czech,Amid Ayobi, Rachel Eardley, Ki Cater, Aisling O'Kane.

  • Social Virtual Reality as a Mental Health Tool: How People Use VRChat to Support Social Connectedness and Wellbeing.
    Mairi Therese Deighan,Amid Ayobi, Aisling O'Kane.

  • Computational Notebooks as Co-Design Tools: Engaging Young Adults Living with Diabetes, Family Carers, and Clinicians with Machine Learning Models.
    Amid Ayobi, Jacob Hughes, Christopher J Duckworth, Jakub J Dylag, Sam James, Paul Marshall, Matthew Guy, Anitha Kumaran, Adriane Chapman, Michael Boniface, Aisling O'Kane.

  • Gaming for Post-Work Recovery: The Role of Immersion.
    Jon Mella, Ioanna Iacovides,Anna Cox.

  • DataLev: Mid-Air Data Physicalisation Using Acoustic Levitation.
    Lei Gao, Pourang Irani,Sriram Subramanian, Gowdham Prabhakar,Diego Martinez Plasencia, Ryuji Hirayama.

  • Jamming-as-Exploration: Creating and Playing Games to Explore Gender Identity.
    Leya George, Aneesha Singh, Nadia Berthouze, Lorna Hobbs, Jo Gibbs.

  • SelVReflect: A Guided VR Experience Fostering Reflection on Personal Challenges.
    Nadine Wagener,Leon Reicherts, Nima Zargham, Natalia Bartłomiejczyk,Ava Scott, Katherine Wang, Marit Bentvelzen, Evropi Stefanidi, Thomas Mildner,Yvonne Rogers, Jasmin Niess.

  • Do You Mind? User Perceptions of Machine Consciousness.
    Ava Scott, Daniel Neumann, Jasmin Niess, Paweł W. Woźniak.

  • Speech-Augmented Cone-of-Vision for Exploratory Data Analysis.
    Riccardo Bovo, Daniele Giunchi, Ludwig Sidenmark, Joshua Newn, Hans Gellersen,Enrico Costanza, Thomas Heinis.

  • Responsible Innovation of Touchless Haptics: A Prospective Design Exploration in Social Interaction.
    Patricia Cornelio, Stephen Hughes, Orestis Georgiou, William Frier, Martin Maunsbach,Madhan Kumar Vasudevan, Marianna Obrist.

  • Children with ADHD and their Care Ecosystem: Designing Beyond Symptoms.
    Evropi Stefanidi, Johannes Schöning,Yvonne Rogers, Jasmin Niess.


  • Nose Gym: An Interactive Smell Training Solution.
    Ceylan Beşevli, Christopher Dawes,Giada Brianza,Ava Fatah gen. Schieck, Duncan Boak, Carl Philpott,Emanuela Maggioni,Marianna Obrist.


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    Giada Brianza, Jesse Benjamin,Patricia Cornelio, Emanuela Maggioni, Marianna Obrist.


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    Callum Parker,Soojeong Yoo, Youngho Lee, Joel Fredericks, Arindam Dey,Youngjun Cho, Mark Billinghurst.

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    Bruna Petreca, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Laia Turmo Vidal, Ricardo O. Nascimento, Hasti Seifi, Judith Ley-Flores,Aneesha Singh, Marianna Obrist, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Sharon Baurley.

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    Luce Drouet, Wo Meijer, Aisling O'Kane,Aneesha Singh, Thiemo Wambsganss, Andrea Mauri, Himanshu Verma


  • Third Wave or Winter? The Past and Future of Smell in HCI.
    Jas Brooks, Pedro Lopes,Marianna Obrist, Jofish Kaye.

  • Hardware is Hard—is it Worth it?.
    Steve Hodges, Per Ola Kristensson, Josiah Hester, Antonio Krüger, Jennifer Mankoff, Patrick Olivier,Yvonne Rogers.

Special Interest Groups

  • Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learning from a Year of Hybrid Experiences.
    Alberta A Ansah, Adriana S Vivacqua, Sailin Zhong, Susanne Boll, Marios Constantinides, Himanshu Verma, Abdallah El Ali, Alina Lushnikova, Hamed Alavi, Sean Rintel, Andrew L Kun, Orit Shaer,Anna Cox, Kathrin Gerling, Michael Muller, Vit Rusnak, Leticia Santos Machado, Thomas Kosch, CHIWORK Collective, SIGCHI Executive Committee.

Doctoral Consortium

  • To Do or Not To Do? Managing Intentions with Technology.
    Ava Scott.

Student Design Competition

  • Blooming: Changing Laundry Habits and Opening Windows to Brighter Cities.
    Yun Ma, Ya-Chi Chang, Zhuoyi Cui, Dylan Rothwell, Anna Bykoriz.

  • Green Home: A Reflection on the Relationship between Human and Furniture.
    Tianhui Huang, Tianming Ke, Yuyang Lin, Fangya Shi, Xinyu Zhang.

  • Financial Decision Buddy: A Decision-support Tool to Bridge the Gaps in Financial Education.
    Chujin Hu, Clarissa Chong, Yihan Kang, Yiran Li, Yujie Chen.

  • CO2LLAB: Creating an Eco-Conscious Community through Habit Tracking and Augmented Reality Visualisation.
    Hoi Yau Rosalyn Chun, Yunhan Gao, Rahma Khairunisa Nursalamah, Conor Michael O'Keeffe, Haeji Shin.