

Towers Lab


In the Media

Social media, TV and radio are important tools in public engagement. The Towers lab has participated in several programs and campaigns

Times Radio interviewed Greg as we move with Omicron into the New Year, Dec 2021

Times Radio, Dec 2021

NTV Returned to interview Greg for the latest research update on SARS-CoV-2, Dec 2021

Prof Greg Towers interviewed by NTV, Dec 2021

Omicron and Christmas - Greg was interviewed with Professor Chris Smith from Cambridge University by LBC's Eddie Mair, Dec 2021

Eddie Mair interviewed Greg, Dec 2021
Omicron and Christmas - Greg was interviewed with Professor Chris Smith from Cambridge University by LBC's Eddie Mair, Dec 2021

NTV Interviewed Greg for their Saturday Night Show, Aug, 2021

Prof Greg Towers being interviewed by NTV, Aug 2021

Dr Steve Gschmeissner has been awarded , June 2021

Lennart Nilsson Award, Karolinska Institutet
in recognition of his skillful use of the SEM to reveal the minute world of the cell and his many years of work across various fields including virology and cancer research.

Variants of concern and the Route out of lockdown, Greg is interviewed by Andrew Caslte on LBC, April 2021

Greg is interviewed on LBC about variants and travel quarantine, April 2021
Greg discusses how concerned we should be about variants and how feasible it is for all travelers from abroard to quarantine with Andrew Castle at LBC

Emerging Variants, The Red Queen Theory and Nextstrain. Greg is interviewed by Metro, March 2021

Greg spoke to . He discusses the Red Queen theory of an arms race between virus and host immune response to explain the drive behind mutations

ABC News joined Lucy and AK as they met with Lorena and the rest of our American collaborators on Teams, March 2021

Lorena, Lucy and AK at Krogan/Towers lab meeting recorded by ABC News, March 2021


Chris van Tulleken interviewed Greg for 'The Jump' on Radio 4, March 2021

Chris van Tulleken presents 'The Jump' on Radio 4, March 2021
Human behavoirs are causing pandemics. Chris van Tulleken interviews experts from across the virology field to investigate why viruses jump host species and the behavoirs humans have that increase the risk of this. In episode 3 he interviews Greg about HIV, its history of jumping and if we know why it sometimes becomes pandemic.

'The genie is out of the bottle'. , Feb 2021


Russian TV station NTV interviewed Greg about the latest Research into SARS-CoV-2, Feb 2021

NTV logo

Does UV tech clear SARS-CoV-2? 'WIRED' spoke to Greg, Feb 2021

WIRED logo
WIRED magazine discussed with Greg.

Will the Kent Vairent Sweep the world? Greg discusses this and more on LBC, Feb 2021

Prof Greg Towers  is interviewed by Tom Swarbrick about the Kent varient of SARS-CoV-2 on LBC, Feb 2021
Greg was interviewed by Tom Swarbrick on LBC about the SARS-CoV-2 Kent varient, why varients emerge and how likely they are to sweep the world. and to

, Feb 2021

The Express reports on Greg's interview on LBC about the Kent Variant, Feb 2021


Russian TV station interviewed Greg about COVID Research, Feb 2021

NTV logo
Russian TV statoin NTV is keen to hear about the latest SARS-CoV-2 research


Summer with COVID. Greg spoke to 'WIRED', Jan 2021

WIRED logo
, the possibility of travel, sporting and music events and the role vaccine will play.

Our Aplidin research is in the news. Greg has given an interview to iNews, Jan 2021

inews article about our work on Aplidin, Jan 2021
Some promising results from our work with the Krogen lab at UCSF testing Aplidin's antiviral properties.

Lucy has produced a Guide to Coronavirus for friends and family, July 2020

Coronavirus Guide
Lucy has written a guide with Greg to addres the questions we have from friends and family. Download our Coronavirus guide to read about new treatments, safe distances, causes of disease severity and more.

The , April 2019

The Arts Council Collection Logo
The works are from his project CAPSID, run in collaboration with the Towers lab and exhibited at 'HOME' in Manchester.

The Towers Lab is feratured on the Wellcome facebook page 'The Power of Art and Science Collaboration'

The Towers Lab features on the Wellcome Trust's cover picture on Facebook
The Wellcome Trust has written an article on Facebook focusing on the work of Dr John Walter with the Towers lab.

John Walter is Interviewed on Radio 4's 'Front Row', November 2018

John Walter is interviewed on BBC Radio 4's 'Front Row' about his 'CAPSID' Exhibition at 'Home' in Manchester
To listen to John discuss CAPSID with Radio 4 'Front Row' presenter John Wilson, follow this link the

Layal's article is published in the Guardian, July 2018

Layal Liverpool
Layal Liverpool, who completed her BSc project in the Towers lab, has had her first article published in The Guardian as part of her British Science Association media fellowship. .Ìý

Doug was interviewed by the Wellcome Trust to discuss electron microscopy in HIV drug development, October 2017

Dr Doug Fink and Professor Peijun Zhang discuss the role of the cutting-edge technique cryo-electron microscopy in advances in HIV treatments. Video by the Wellcome Trust.

Dr Doug Fink discusses the emergence of drug resistant HIV and the work being done by Professor Peijun Zhang using a cutting-edge technique cryo-electron microscopy to develope new and better drugs. .

Greg was interviewed for a series of videos on HIV for 'Serious Science', January - August 2017


Prof Greg Towers is interviewed for a series of short videos about HIV for 'Serious Science'

'' and ' are among the videos presented by Greg for 'Serious Science', an organisation whose mission is 'to spread knowledge and share the greatest advances in various realms of academia with our readers'.

Chris Presents 'The Truth about .... HIV' on BBC1, June 2017


Dr Chris van Tulleken presented 'The Truth about... HIV' on BBC 1. Image courtsey of the BBC website.

PrEP, the new preventative treatment for HIV shows promise in the fight against its spread. As part of the BBC's series 'The Truth about...', Chris studies the history of HIV, its spread, treatments and the potential breakthrough of PrEP. In interviews with HIV sufferers, both in the UK and Africa, we see the devastating effect HIV can have on people's lives alongside the positive effect of new approaches to awareness, detection, prevention and treatment. .

Greg took part in the Wellcome Trust debate to explore the role of expertise, May 2017


Prof Greg Towers was interviewed for the Wellcome Trust's 'What is an Expert?' project

'Is mistrust of expertise damaging research?' is the question asked by the Wellcome Trust. To answer this and investigate what can be done to address the issue, Wellcome interviewed Greg along with other leading scientists and held a 4-week debate on and .

Dr Chris and Operation Ouch! come to work


Dr Chris van Tulleken films Operation Ouch! in the lab

Dr Chris Van Tulleken, also known as Dr Chris from the BAFTA winning children's programme 'Operation Ouch', was filmed in the lab for a episode following him working for his PhD. Children will be able to watch as he works in tissue culture, at his bench and with his boss, Greg.

Could I get Ebola? Jan 2015


Dr Chris van Tulleken presented 'Can I get Ebola?' for the BBC

Greg was interviewed by Dr Chris Van Tulleken in his documentary investigating the risk of an Ebola outbreak in the UK. How easy is it to catch? Could the virus improve it's methods of transmission? .