
Sustainable Development Goals


Tackling school-related gender-based violence in Africa

A collaboration between the UCL Institution of Education, UNICEF and governments in Africa is implementing policies and action plans to tackle gender-based violence in schools in Africa.

SDG Case study G5.2 Parkes

7 October 2020

Photo credit: Simone Datzberger

Young peoplein many parts of the world facephysical, sexual and psychological violenceinand around what should beasafe space:school.

“Studiesshowthat socialinequalities,culturalnorms, exclusions and stigmacontribute totheprevalenceof school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) in Africa, but evidencethat points toways to tackle the problemhasbeen lacking,”says Professor Jenny Parkes(UCL Institute of Education, IOE).

As part of an initiative led by UNICEF,Professor Parkes established a collaborativeteam tocollate theevidenceneeded to addressthe issue.Colleaguesin theIOEworked witheducational organisationsand governments inCôte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Togoand Zambia.

“By collating this much-needed evidence, we are convincing governments to take action totacklegender-based violence in schools.”

“Weset out to buildeffectivepartnershipstocombine research, capacity building and knowledge exchange,to bring about changes in policy and practice at a national,district and local level,”explains ProfessorParkes.

The teamscoped outwhat policies and practices were already in place to protect young people from violence at schooland identify gaps,and then went on to develop a framework to strengthen national action on SRGBV.

The framework can be applied in any country setting andis helpingin-country teamscollate evidence on prevalenceand patterns of SRGBV and developpolicies and plans,structures,partnershipsandteaching methods for prevention.

“By collating thismuch-neededevidence, we areconvincinggovernmentsto take action totacklegender-based violence in schools,”she adds.