
Sustainable Development Goals


Shifting investment behaviour to save the planet

Experts in sustainable finance are monitoring investor behaviours to help increase investment in low-carbon technologies that will help address the global climate crisis.

SDG Case study G7.4-sust-finance

8 October 2020

TheWorld EconomicForum estimatesthat trillions of dollarsare neededto address climate change and its effects.Investments in low-carbon infrastructure,energy efficiency andotheradaptationsarevitalat a global scale butfinancingthemis a complex issue.

“Economists talk about‘shifting the trillions’toclose the climate investment gap,”says Dr Nadia Ameli(UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources). “Butto make it happen,weneed to understand investors’ interactions andthedynamics oftheir investmentbehaviours.

"My research on sustainable finance focuses on the role of the financial system in boosting thetransition tolow-carbontechnologiesto help usreach the climate goals.”she explains.

“We hope to identify points where climate-centred policy can intervene and spur on green finance.”

Dr AmeliworkswithUCLComputer Science,as well asbanks and financial institutions such as HSBCandtheOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,toexplorehow investors’ behaviour and interactionsat an individual levelcangive rise to large-scale investment trends.

Sheusesadvanced computational techniques and extensive financial and investment data tolook at thewaycapitalflows towards renewables and energy efficiency interventions.

“It is the collective dynamics of investors’ decisions, operating in different marketsacross the globe,that shape actual flows in low-carbon technologies,” Dr Ameli explains.

“By focusing on the financing dimensions of low-carbon investment and the architecture of the financial system, we hope to identify pointswhere climate-centred policy can intervene and spur on green finance,” she adds.

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> Sustainable finance