
Sustainable Development Goals


Learning from nature to revolutionise water treatment

Multidisciplinary research is driving new nature-inspired engineering solutions to purify and desalinate water.

SDG Case study G6.3-Coppens

7 October 2020

Cleanwater is avitalresourcebut one that isbecoming rapidly scarce for much of the global population.The need forinnovativetechnologies that convertseawaterto drinking waterorremove impurities from wastewaterisbecoming increasingly important.

“Designing and implementing innovativeways topurifyanddesalinate waterisessentialif we are to conserve resources and provide drinking water forthe world’sgrowing population,” says Professor Marc-Olivier Coppens, Director oftheUCL Centre forNature-Inspired Engineering (CNIE).

Over time, theartificialmembranescurrentlyusedin water treatmentbecome damaged byunwanted materialthataccumulates on theirsurface.

ResearchersattheCNIEaretakinga different approach:learning frombiological membranes,such ascell membranes or kidney blood vessels, todevelopmoreefficient, durable membranes.

“Rather than imitating nature out of context,ourresearch is taking a scientific approach to uncover fundamental mechanisms underlying desirable traitsin the natural world.”

“We are taking inspiration from thecells and organsin our body,such as the kidneys,whichareconstantlypurifying and changing thecontent ofimpureliquids, withoutgettingblocked,”Professor Coppensexplains.

Biologicalcellmembranes contain small pores–calledaquaporins–whichrepel ions and let water flow through freely due to thecharacteristics of theirsurface.Understanding theseporesisnowinformingthedesign oftheartificialmembranesused in water treatment.

In addition,Professor Coppens’s teaminvestigatedhowthesecellmembranes preventproteins anddebris,such asbacteria,fromstickingtothem.They exploredtwodifferent mechanismsused bykidneyblood vesselsand cell membranestodevelopnature-inspired membranes that stay clean duringapplications in water treatment.

The researchinvolves collaborationsacross UCL Chemical Engineering, UCL Civil, Environmental &GeomaticEngineering, and the London Centre for Nanotechnology.

More generally, theCNIE’s researchdraws lessons from nature to engineer innovative solutions toreal-world challengesaroundenergy, water, materials, health, and living space. This is realised viacross-disciplinary collaborations across UCL, and with national and global partners.

“Rather than imitating nature out of context,ourresearch is taking a scientific approach to uncover fundamental mechanisms underlying desirable traitsin the natural world,” says Professor Coppens. “Wethen apply these mechanisms to designandproduce artificial systems thatuse thesetraits.”