
Sustainable Development Goals


Helping Greater Manchester to go carbon-neutral

A team from UCL is working with Greater Manchester on a new approach to help the area become carbon-neutral by 2038 – 12 years ahead of the UK – which could be implemented by other cities worldwide.

SDG case study G9.x pelican

7 October 2020

Cities arecentres ofinfrastructure, industrialisation and innovation, but much of that activityis responsible forhigh levels of carbon emissions. Globally,36% of carbon emissions globally come from buildings, and 2.5 billion people will have moved into urban areas by 2050.

“Whilecities around the world are increasingly aware of their pivotal role in the climate emergency,they have not been able to implement effectivesystems-level clean growth strategiesto increase economic growth whilereducing emissions,”says Martha McPherson, (UCL Institute for Innovation&Public Purpose, IIPP).

TheIIPP’sPractice-based Learning in Cities for Climate Action (PELICAN) projectisworking closely withGreater Manchesteron the development of a‘mission-orientedinnovation’approach tothe area’stargetofachieving carbon neutrality by 2038.In 2018,Greater Manchester held its first Green Summit, which gathered opinions from residents and businesses on thearea’s environmental priorities.

“While cities around the world are increasingly aware of their pivotal role in the climate emergency, they have not been able to implement strategies to increase economic growth while reducing emissions.”

PELICAN worked with Greater Manchester to develop a roadmap and technical reportto achieve the mission, and brought together sectors as diverse as manufacturing, digital and education, to work on carefully designed ‘mission projects’. Themission-makingprocessmoved towards the citizen-centredwording ofachieving‘carbon neutral living’ in the region by 2038.Thismissionwas subsequently embedded in the region’s Local Industrial Strategy.

“Our new approach moves away from ‘vertical’ sector-led investment, or ‘horizontal’ skills-led approaches,” explains Martha McPherson (UCLIIPP). “Instead,it aimsfor bold, measurable, bottom-up missionsthat set long-term policy direction, but which are achieved throughcross-sectoral partnerships and experimentation.”

ThroughtheGreater Manchesterinitiative,theIIPP teamhopesto better understandhowmission-oriented innovationapproachescan move citiestowards carbon neutralityand city-levelgreen economic growth.

Itslearnings will be shared with other cities, innovation systems and organisations interested in mission-oriented innovation around the world.

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