

UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Science


Dr Tom Carlson promoted to Senior Lecturer

30 June 2017

Please join the Division in congratulating Dr Tom Carlson on being promoted to Senior Lecturer in the Senior Academic, Research and Teaching Fellow Promotion 2016-17. Tom's promotion is effective 1st October 2017. 

Dr Tom Carlson

Dr Tom Carlson joined UCL as a Lecturer in 2013. He completed both his MEng in

Electronics (2006) and his PhD in Intelligent Robotics (2010) at Imperial College London. He then spent 3.5 years working as a postdoctoral research associate in the CNBI lab, Centre for Neuroprosthetics, EPFL, Switzerland. At 911±¬ÁĎÍř, Tom is based in Aspire Create – the Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology on the RNOH/Stanmore campus, where he is Educational Lead and also Director of the Centre’s new MSc programme.

Tom’s research focus is on the user-centred design of assistive robotic technologies for people with spinal cord injuries. He is particularly interested human-robot interaction and is developing shared control techniques for wheelchairs, robotic exoskeletons and brain-machine interfaces. He has been involved in several large projects, including the Swiss NCCR Robotics and the EU FP7 project TOBI : Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction, which was rated at the highest level, "excellent progress", in the final project review. He currently has a number of funded projects, including: “ADAPT: Assistive Devices for empowering disAbled People through robotic Technologies” (EU INTERREG); “Shared Control for Wheelchair Interfaces” (SLMS GC); “WESkid: Wheelchair Early Skills Development” (CONACYT/IBME); and “RESPONSS: Rehabilitation Technologies Supporting Clinical and Self-management of Spasticity” (Leslie Trust).

He is an active member of the IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics society and co-founded the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Shared Control in 2012, which he co-chaired until 2015, when it won the most active TC award. Together with Dr Marie Babel (Irisa, Rennes, France), Tom co-directs the INRIA associated team “ISI4NAVE”, which investigates “Innovative sensors and adapted interfaces for assistive navigation and pathology evaluation”. Since 2016, he is also a visiting professor at LAMIH, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut–Cambrésis, France.