

UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27


Delivering and performance

Our strategic delivery framework, monitoring and reporting progress


Clear governance structures will be put in place to ensure effective oversight and delivery of the priorities in this Strategic Plan, and so that we operate in line with our principles of transparency and accountability.

A Strategic Plan Review Group will be established to oversee and coordinate delivery of the initiatives set out in this plan. The Review Group will meet regularly to receive progress reports on the major areas of activity and will set direction in terms of delivery. It will report into UMC and Council. Regular reports on progress against delivery of the Strategic Plan priorities will also be provided to the whole university community.

Effective links will be established between the Strategic Plan Review Group and other components of our strategic delivery framework. These include the Vice-Provost/Vice-President portfolio annual plans, the annual faculty plans, UCL’s Major Strategic Projects Portfolio, our Change and Improvement function, and the Estates Portfolio. Collectively, these comprise our overall delivery architecture, allowing us to keep track of our most significant activities and priorities, monitor and report on our progress, and take corrective action where necessary. The framework will be managed efficiently, with maximum co-ordination of resources and systems, and underpinned by consistent and comparable data.Ìý

Colleagues are currently experiencing high levels of workload. The pace of change will be managed to ensure it is not placing undue burden on staff, with continuous review of the sequencing, prioritisation, and interdependency of the Strategic Plan initiatives as they are rolled out. This will help improve our delivery confidence as well as ensuring that change is manageable.Ìý

Key Performance Indicators

This draft Strategic Plan sets out 59 initiatives to be taken forward over the next five years. The full set of initiatives is set out in the table in Annex 1. The KPIs that will be used to monitor progress against delivery of the plan overall will be developed as the plan progresses, and reported to the relevant groups and bodies as appropriate.

Future engagement

We want to keep this conversation going. We will seek to mobilise this energy in the development of future plans as well as in engagement with delivery of the current plan.Ìý

We will also seek to build on the extensive participation and engagement that has underpinned the current strategy development process. If we continue to harness the full range of ideas, energy and innovation that characterises our community, our partners and our stakeholders, we will be in the strongest possible position to succeed, now and in the future.