

Statistical Science


Economics, Finance and Business

Theme Overview

This theme is concerned with the application of statistical, econometric and machine learning methods to problems arising in economics, finance and business.

Theme Members

Current and Recent Externally Funded Projects

  • , PI: Baio
  • Bayesian non-parametric modelling to understand product competition, PI: Manolopoulou
  • Detecting Anomalies in Networks: The Case of VAT (Turing HSBC Economic Data Science Project), PI: Dellaportas
  • Forecasting with Large Macroeconomic and Financial datasets in the Presence of Structural change (Turing HSBC Economic Data Science Project, PI: Dellaportas
  • Hawkes processes to model slow-moving goods, PI: Manolopoulou
  • , PI: Baio
  • , PI: Baio
  • Topic models for market baskets, PI: Manolopoulou