

Statistical Science


Rodrigo Targino awarded Australian Endeavour Research Fellowship with Dr Gareth Peters

2 December 2013

The successful joint proposal, developed by Rodrigo Targino (PhD student, UCL Statistical Science), Dr Gareth Peters (UCL Statistical Science) and Dr Pavel Shevchenko (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia), will fund a 6 month collaborative research visit between CSIRO and UCL. 

This highly competitive Australian Government Research Fellowship (worth $25,000 AUD for travel) will allow Rodrigo and Gareth to continue to develop collaborations on insurance mathematics with the team in CSIRO Australia. 

Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships aim to:

  • develop ongoing educational, research and professional links between individuals, organisations and countries;
  • increase the skills and global awareness of high achieving individuals from Australia and overseas;
  • contribute to Australia’s reputation as a high quality provider of education and training and a leader in research and innovation;
  • increase the productivity of Australians through international study, research or professional development experience.