
Statistical Science


Dr Arindam Saha

PositionSenior Research Fellowin Uncertainty Quantification
Email (@ucl.ac.uk)arindam.saha
Personal webpage
ThemesComputational Statistics; Multivariate and High Dimensional Data; Stochastic Modelling of Complex Systems

Biographical Details
Arindam Saha

In February 2024, I joined the Department of Statistical Science at University College London (UCL) as a Senior Research Fellow in Uncertainty Quantification in the SEAVEA project. I am focused mainly on multi-physics problems and the propagation of uncertainties when coupled models are emulated.

Before my appointment here, I worked at Brunel University London as a part of the same SEAVEA and STAMINA projects and co-developed the FACS model for infectious diseases and the FabSim3 automation toolkit for complex simulation tasks. I have also worked at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida on creating a digital twin for infectious disease modeling in cities, and at the University of Sheffield on analyzing swarm dynamics and collective behavior models.

During my PhD and undergraduate days, I have worked on various aspects of complex dynamical systems such as extreme events, synchronization, routes to chaos in discrete maps, and coupled networks.

Research Interests

Currently, I am interested in developing, analyzing, and validating large-scale coupled models and running them on HPCs in a computationally efficient way. As a part of this process, I have been using emulators and experimental design techniques to quantify the uncertainties associated with emulation.

Selected Publications

  1. Saha A., Ghorbani M, Suleimenova D., Anagnostou A., Groen D. “Impact of geography on the importance of parameters in infectious disease models”, Nature Scientific Reports (2023) [under review].

  2. Talamali M. S., Saha A., Marshall J. A. R., Reina A., “When less is more: robot swarms adapt better to changes with constrained communication”, Science Robotics, 6, eabf1416 (2021).

  3. Saha A., Feudel U., “Riddled basins of attraction in systems exhibiting extreme events”, Chaos: An In-terdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 28, 3, 033610 (2018).

  4. Saha A., Feudel U., “Extreme events in FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators coupled with two time delays”, Physical Review E 95: pp. 062219 (2017).