
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)



Please note that due to the volatile situation in Ukraine, not all of these resources may be accessible. We will try to update the list regularly. [04/03/2022]

TV Channels

Россия 1

TV news programmes:

  • в 20:00. Previous broadcasts are available on the website.
  • [Broadcast on Saturdays at 8PM]. Archive of the program since 27/03/2021.
  • [Broadcast on Sundays]. Previous broadcasts are available on the website.

Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:

  • . Previous broadcasts are available on the website.
  • Latest broadcast 27/12/2019.
  • . Archive from 04/04/2021.
  • Previous broadcasts are available on the website.

TV news programmes:

  • [Broadcast at: 11.00; 14.00, Monday – Sunday].
  • [Broadcast at 20.00, Monday - Friday].

of the programme [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since[Official YouTube channel].

of the programme [Official YouTube channel].

2016 of the programme [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since

Archive of the programme is on Official YouTube channel.

Political talk shows/current affairs/commentary:

of the programme[Official YouTube channel].

  • Воскресный вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым.

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

  • Действующие лица с Наилей Аскер-заде.

Selection of [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Первый канал

TV news programmes:

There are four main news broadcasts per day: at 9AM, 12AM, 3PM, 6PM and 9PM (Moscow time).

To see the please access the page and from the calendar select a desired date. Please note that Первый канал offers a very extensive news archive with some TV recordings going back as far as .

Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:

Selected programmes (since 12 October 2014 till 120/06/2019) are available

Latest broadcasts are available directly at . Archive of the programme since available on official YouTube channel.

English Language version of the programme is available at .

Archive of the programme since

Archive of the programme for broadcasts is available on official YouTube channel.

 Archive of the programme since

Archive of the programme since

Archival broadcasts for are available on official YouTube channel.

ТВ Центр

TV news programmes:

  • События [Broadcast at: 11.30, 2.30PM, 7.40PM, 10PM].


  • События. 25-й час [Broadcast Monday - Thursday at midnight].


Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:

  • В центре событий с Анной Прохоровой.


Archive since [Official YouTube channel].

  • Наш город. Диалог с мэром [irregular broadcasts].

Latest broadcast (25/03/2020) and .

  • Постскриптум [Broadcast on Saturdays at 9PM].

Latest .

Archive since [Official YouTube channel].

  • Право голоса.

Latest broadcast (13/07/2019) and .

Archive since [Official YouTube channel].

  • Право знать! [Broadcast on Saturdays at 22.10].


Archive since [Official YouTube channel].

Общественное Телевидение России

TV news programme

  • Новости [Broadcast at 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00, 17.00, 19.00, 21.00].

Latest .

  • Новости Совета Федерации.

Latest (includes archival broadcasts since 2 February 2015].


TV news programmes:

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since

  • Сегодня в Санкт-Петербурге [Broadcast at 16.15 and 19.20].

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since

  • [Broadcast on Sundays at 19.00].

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since

Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since


TV news programmes:

Новости недели.

Latest broadcast of the .

Главное с Ольгой Беловой.

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since

Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:

Открытый эфир. Ток-шоу.

Latest of the programme.

«Между тем» с Наталией Метлиной:

Latest of the programme.


Latest of the programme.

Сегодня утром.

Latest of the programme.

Служу России!

Latest of the programme.


[Please note that to see the content a subscription is required. Currently UCL Library Services do not have a subscription].

Государственная Дума TV

  • Пленарные заседания.

Latest broadcast and archive since . To see the archival broadcasts, please select tab: "Пленарные заседания".

  • Председатель: Latest since January 2011.
  • Парламентское ТВ programme.

Latest broadcast and archive since

Президент России

  • Latest and archive since [Russian version].
  • Latest and archive since [English version].
Совет Федерации

  • Latest
  • Official YouTube channel with extensive since
  • Latest recordings and archive of
  • Новости Совета Федерации [via Общественное Телевидение России]. Latest (includes archival broadcasts since 2 February 2015].