
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)




Homosexuality is legal in Ukraine since 1991, but same-sex partnershipsare not recognisedby law, and adoption for same-sex couples is illegal. Sexual orientation and gender identity are included in the country’s anti-discriminatory laws, which aim at protecting from discrimination in the workplace. In addition, homosexual people are allowed to serve in the military. However, negative societal attitudes impede the effect of laws in practice. It is legal to change one's legal gender,but sex reassignment surgery is required.There is a number of organisations advocating for LGBTQ and gender equality rights in Ukraine that are listed below.

  • by ILGA Europe.
  • byILGA Europe.

LGBTQ map of Ukraine

Academic research

  • (Ukrainian Gender Research Network)
  • (Ukrainian Association for the Study of Women's History)
  • , National Technical University of Ukraine 'Igor SikovskyKyiv Politechnic Institute'​
  • , H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University


  • Buyantueva, R. & Shevtsova M. (2020). . Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fedor, J., Umland, A., & Khromeychuk, O. (2016). . (Journal of Soviet and post-Soviet politics and society; v. 2, no. 1).Stuttgart, Germany: ibidem-Verlag.
  • Geĭdar, L., &Dovbakh, A. (2007)..:͡Բ첹͡ʹ.
  • Hankivsky, O., &Salnykova, A. (2012).. (Canadian Electronic Library. Canadian publishers collection). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Науменко, C., Карасийчук, T., Касянчук, M. (2018)..Киев:​Гей-альянсУкраина. ЦентрНашсвіт. (2018).. Киев:Центр Наш світ.
  • Vērdiņš,Kārlis, &Ozolinš,Jānis. (2016).. Newcastle upon Tyne:Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Plakhotnik, Olga(2019).. PhD thesis The Open University.
  • -a magazinefor LGBTQ youth, including informationabout representatives of LGBTQ parties and movements,culture and places[in Ukrainian].
  • -firstUkrainian andone of the first in the ex-USSRmagazines about gay movement and the LGBTQ community,reflecting on homosexuality in culture and art [in Ukrainian].
  • -a newspaper about the LGBTQ movement and the community in Ukraine, about a healthy lifestyle and HIV-service [in Ukrainian].
  • A list of publications and reports onLGBTQ in Ukraineby LGBTQ Human Rights Nash Mir Center,Kyiv[inand].
  • (НҐМ) website contains a repository of books and articles on gender[in Ukrainian, English].
  • of the Ukrainian Association for the Study of Women's History [in Ukrainian].
  • КРОНAis an informationalcentreforgender related topics, that contains the electronic library, legal documents,magazine«Я»[inUkrainian]. Currently unavailable.
  • [inUkrainian, Russian, English].
  • [inUkrainian and English].
Data and statistics
  • by OSCE ODIHR [in English].
  • , includes , ILGA Europe -a world survey of sexual orientation laws +[in English].
  • (PDF). .(Online report). Human Rights Watch [in English].
  • . Reports,1997- 2020 [in English].
  • .ILGAEurope [in English].
  • . Amnesty International [in English].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2019 [in English].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2019 [in Ukrainian].
  • The second edition, corrected and enlarged.Kyiv:NashMir Center,Kyiv,2018[in English].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2018[in English].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2018[in English].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2018[inUkrainian].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center, 2017[inUkrainian].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2018[inUkrainian].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2017[inUkrainian].
  • . London:The Equal Rights Trust Country Report Series: 5, серпень 2015[inUkrainian].
  • .Geneva:The Heartland Alliance for Human Needs andHuman Rights,July 2013[in English].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2013[inEnglish].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2013[inUkrainian].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2013[inEnglish].
  • .Kyiv:NashMir Center,2013[inUkrainian].
  • . COWI and The Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2010[inEnglish].
  • . Kyiv:Nash Mir Center,2009[inEnglish].
News portals
  • Discussionabout, including videos [Nakipelo.ua].
  • A collection of. [The Village].
  • Media coverage ofLGBT: in, in. [24tv.ua].
  • Ukrainian Parents of LGBT Children Learn Acceptance.was created by the ThomsonReuters Foundation[in Russian with English subtitles].
  • A video featuring[Hromadskie International].
  • Discussion on [UKRLIFE.TV]. at УКМЦ 23.05.2018
Other resources
  • -an annual equality marchorganised by KyivPride NGO [in Ukrainian andEnglish].
  • [in Ukrainian].