
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)




Slovenia decriminalised same-sex relationships in 1977, and since its independence from the Yugoslav Federation in 1991, it has introduced a number of provisions to safeguard LGBTQ rights. Though in some places it is still fighting discrimination, its membership in the EU has had a very positive impact on LGBTQ rights. Ljubljana, the capital city held its first Gay Pride parade in 2001. In February 2016 Parliament voted for recognition of same-sex marriage. Gay and Lesbian couples are also allowed to adopt children. Ljubljana is a member of the Rainbow City Networks. In our guide, youwill find several publications completed in collaboration with thisnetwork.

  • inSlovenian Queer Resources Directory[in English].
  • by ILGA Europe [in English].
  • byILGA Europe[in English].

LGBTQ map of Slovenia

Academic research

The Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences does not have a dedicated department to Queer Studies butthe LGBTQtopics are researched at different faculties:

  • , University of Ljubljana.
  • ,University of Ljubljana.
  • , University of Ljubljana.
  • is a private, independent, non-profit research institution founded in 1991. It develops interdisciplinary research, educational and awareness-raising activities in the areas of social science, humanities, anthropology and law, in five thematic fields: human rights and minorities, politics, media, gender and cultural policies.


  • Ayoub, P. (2016).. (Cambridge studies in contentious politics).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bilić, B. (2016)..(Palgravestudies in European political sociology).Basingstoke:PalgraveMacmillan.
  • Kuhar, R.,Kogovšek Šalamon, N., Humer, Ž., Maljevac, S. (2011).. Ljubljana: Mirovni inštitut.
  • Kuhar, R., Takács, J., Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Szociológiai Kutató Intézet, Mirovni inštitut, & Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Szociológiai Kutatócsoport. (2007)..Ljubljana: Peace Institute.
  • Šori, I.,Kuhar, R. (2017).. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University Press. Full textis available on .
  • Švab, A., Kuhar, R. (2005)..Ljubljana: Peace Institute.
  • - political, social and cultural review, successor of the fanzineLesbozine[in Slovene].
  • Dz- queer magazine. [in Slovene].
  • Revolver -Roza klub'smagazine for cultural and political issues.[in Slovene].
  • [in English].
  • - one-stop access to Slovene libraries. Databasescontainbibliographic records for different types of library resources: monographs, serials,articles and other materials, including[in Slovene, English].
  • - provides access to a wide range of digital contents including scholarly publications and journal articles in fields of science, art and culture [in Slovene, English].
  • - online bibliography of gay and lesbian literature[in Slovene].
  • -contains a number of resources such as web pages of LGBTorganisations,projects,film festivals,blogs and web pages [in Slovene].
Data and statistics
  • . FRA Europe [in English].
  • by OSCE ODIHR [in English].
  • , includes , ILGA Europe -a world survey of sexual orientation laws +[in English].
  • ILGA Europe, available from 2011 onwards [in English].
  • . Reports,1997- 2019[in English].
  • .February 2008 – March 2010, Commissioned by FRA Europe [in English].
  • .World Bank Group, September 2018[in English].
  • .The Peace Institute – Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies [in English].
  • . ILGA Europe Policy Paper, April 2004 [in English].
  • - ILGA-Europe’s annual benchmarking tool, which ranks 49 countries in Europe on their LGBTI equality laws and policies. Available from 2009 onwards [inEnglish].
  • . The Danish Institute for Human Rights, COWI, March 2009.Commissioned by FRA Europe [in English].
  • - an NGOworking towards a better understanding, visibility, awareness and representation of LGBTQIA+ people and topics in order to fight discrimination and achieve equality and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ persons[in Slovene,English].
  • - The Pride Parade Association was founded in 2009 by the members of Slovenian LGBTIQ+ NGOs, as a result of the increasing scope of the Pride Parade in Ljubljana. Since its founding, the Association has organized 10 annual Pride Parades and accompanying cultural and political festivals[in Slovene,English].
  • is a Regional Association of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer organizations from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey. [in English].
  • -Transfeminist Initiative TransAkcija Insituteenables support, informing, empowerment and alliance of transgender and gender non-conforming persons in Slovenia, and is the first and only non-governmental organization devoted to human rights of transgender persons the country[in Slovene,English].
  • -an NGOworking in areas of social welfare, health, youth and awareness-raising [in Slovene, English].
Other resources
  • [in English].
  • ھԲ.