
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)




Serbia decriminalised homosexuality in 1994 but same-sex marriage and adoption are not recognized () Anti-discrimination measures are addressed through several laws, most notably the Law on Broadcasting, forbidding transmission of offensive and discriminatory material against LGBT, Law on Labour which sets the legal framework for protection against discrimination at work and a more comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Law which was introduced in 2009 which is also devoted to LGBT. The Penal Code was amended in 2012 to introduce hate as a crime. Serbia remains socially conservative towards LGBTQ community. Pride Parade in Serbia has been cancelled on numerous occassions due to threat of violence and 2010 saw particularly bad anti-gay riots in Belgrade in response to the first Pride Parade since 2001 (, BBC News, 10 October 2010).

  • by ILGA Europe [in English].
  • byILGA Europe [in English].

LGBTQ map of Serbia

Academic research

at the - the center is involved in cultural and political research studies devoted to reflecting on and questioning of rather complex issues of identity formation, difference, otherness and diversity, cultural, political and activist doing, as well as with shared researches deployed locally, regionally and globally.


  • Bilić, B. (2020). . Springer Nature.
  • Bilić, B. (2016)..(Palgravestudies in European political sociology).Բٴǰ:ʲѲ.
  • Bilić, B., &Kajinic, S. (2016)..Բٴǰ:ʲѲ.
  • Bilić, B., &Radoman, M. (2019)..Cham, Switzerland:PalgraveMacmillan.
  • Fejes, N., &Balogh, A. (2012)..Bristol: Intellect books.
  • Hassenstab, Christine M., Ramet, P., S. (2015). . Basingstoke:PalgraveMcmillan.
  • Jaric,I. (2015). Belgrade: Kontakt.
  • Jovanović, M. (2016).. Novi Sad:MediterranPublishing.
  • Mlinaric, M. (2017). . (Forschungenzu Südosteuropa; Band 15). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
  • Rhodes-Kubiak, R. (2015).. New York, NY:PalgraveMacmillan.
  • Gabbard, S., Suchland, Jennifer, Keating, Christine, & Winnubst, Shannon. (2017)..ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
  • active between 2010-2012​[in Serbian].
  • [in Serbian].
Data and statistics
  • by OSCE ODIHR [in English].
  • , includes , ILGA Europe -a world survey of sexual orientation laws +[in English].
  • , latest report [in English].
  • ILGA Europe, available from 2011 onwards [in English].
  • .Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group, 2017.[in English].
  • . Reports,1998- 2019[in English].
  • .​MarijanaStojcic;AleksandarStojaković;DraganaPetrovic; Jelena Zulevic; Dušan Maljković, VladimirMiletic. 2016 ​[in Serbian].
  • [in English].
  • SofijaPetkovic. 2015 ​[in Serbian].
  • .World Bank Group, September 2018[in English].
  • .A.Stojaković. 2016 ​[in Serbian].
News portals
  • - a website of the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, that focuses on news, analysis, commentary and investigative reporting from southeast Europe [in English].
  • [in Serbian].
  • [in Serbian].
  • [in Serbian].
  • / They have a voice -a personal testimony​[in Serbian].
  • ​[in English].
  • theatre play ​[in Serbian].
  • ​[in Serbian].
  • .DrKoenSlootmaeckers​[in English].
  • .SofijaStević​[in Serbian].
  • / Life without a mask​[in Serbian].
  • / Center for Promotion of LGBT Human Rights [in Serbian and English].
  • is a Regional Association of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer organizations from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey. [in English].
  • [in Serbian and English].
  • with an [in Serbian].
  • [in Serbian].
  • has a rich including reports on cataloguing hate crimes, policy reports, textbooks, instructions on working with LGBT communities [in Serbian and English].
Other resources
  • [in Serbian].
  • [in English].
  • [in Serbian and English].
  • - list of books on LGBT topics published in Serbia [in Serbian].