
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)




Although homosexual activity has been legal in Poland since 1932, same-sex marriage and civil unions arenot recognised in Poland, conversion therapy is not banned, adoption for same-sex couples is illegal and in order to legally change gender status, surgery is requirued ().

LGBTQ map of Poland

The Equal treatment law of 2010 bans discrimination in matters of employment and occupationbased on sexual orientation ().However, this is currently the only context in which LGBTQ discrimination is explicitly illegal in Poland. Polish law does not adequatelyaddress anti-LGBTQ hate speech or bias () and Information paper on LGBTIdiscrimination in Poland for the European Commission against racism and intolerance, 2014).

In the last few years, in particular sincethe initiation of the hate campaign against the LGBTQ community in Poland in 2018 (), the LGBTQ situation has significantly deteriorated, to the point that according to the latest , Poland is now considered the worst state in the European Union for LGBTQ rights, down to just 13 percent in 2021 from 28 percent in 2014. (). Interestingly, despite this rapid and worrying deterioration, according to , the percentage of people that declare their acceptance for homosexuality grew by 5 points between 2013 and 2019 - from 42 percent top 47 percent.

  • byILGAEurope [in English].
  • byILGAEurope[in English].


  • Adamiecka-Sitek, Buchwald, Adamiecka-Sitek, Agata, & Buchwald, Dorota. (2011). . Warszawa: Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego.
  • Adamiecka-Sitek, A., & Buchwald, D. (2009). . Warszawa: Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego.
  • Baer, M., & Lizurej, M. (2007). . Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza Arboretum.
  • Bielska, B. (2018). .Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
  • Buyantueva, R. & Shevtsova M. (2020). . Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Downing, Gillett, Downing, Lisa, & Gillett, Robert. (2011). . (Queer interventions). Farnham: Ashgate.
  • Fejes, N., & Balogh, A. (2012).. Edited by Narcisz Fejes and Andrea P. Balogh.Bristol: Intellect books.
  • Hall, D. (2015). . Chapter in:Gods, Gays, and Governments: Religious and Sexual Nationalisms in Central and Eastern Europe. Brill.
  • Hall, D. (2016). .Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
  • Krzemiński, I. (ed.) (2006).. Warszawa: WydawnictwaAkademickie i Profesjonalne.
  • Leszkowicz, P. (2010). .English translation: Marcin Łakomski. Warsaw: Abiekt.pl.
  • Majka, Rostek, D. (2002).. Wrocław : Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
  • Mizielińska, J. (2017)..Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
  • Mizielińska, J. & Abramowicz, M. (2014).Warszawa: Instytut Psychologii Polskiej AkademiiNauk.
  • Mizielińska J., Struzik J. (2017).. Warszawa:Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
  • Mole, R. (2021). . London: UCL Press.
  • Nabrdalik, M. (2018)..New York: The New Press.
  • Niżyńska, J. (2012).. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
  • O'Dwyer, C. (2018)..New York: New York University.
  • Pstrąg, D. (2014). .Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
  • Sobolczyk, P. (2015). .Warszawa: Instytut Badań Literackich PAN Wydawnictwo.
  • Szulc, L. (2018).. Lukasz Szulc.(Global queer politics).Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Śmieja, W. (2015). .Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
  • Zawadzka, K. (2019).Szczecin: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.
  • Dębińska, M. S. (2015). .UniwersytetWarszawski.
  • Gruszczynska, A. (2009).Aston University.
  • Iniewicz, G. (2015).. Post-doctoral dissertation.UniwersytetJagielloński.
  • Janion, L. H. (2019)..UniwersytetWarszawski.
  • Kulpa, R. (2013).. Birbeck, University of London.
  • Mikulak, M. (2017)..London School of Economics and Political Science.
  • Rodzoch-Malek, J. (2012)..UniwersytetWarszawski.
  • Welenc,M. (2012).UniwersytetGdański.
  • - artisticmagazinefrom Central and Eastern Europe with a focus on homosexuality and masculinity [in English].
  • -LGBTQ magazine [in Polish].
Data and statistics
  • by OSCE ODIHR [in English].
  • , includes , ILGA Europe -a world survey of sexual orientation laws +[in English].
  • . FRA Europe [in English].
  • . Lukasz Szulc, London, 2019 [in English] / [in Polish].
  • . Edited byPiotr Godzisz and Paweł Knut, Warsaw, 2018 [in English].
  • ILGA Europe, available from 2011 onwards [in English].
  • - ILGA-Europe’s annual benchmarking tool, which ranks 49 countries in Europe on their LGBTI equality laws and policies. Available from 2009 onwards [inEnglish].
  • . FIDH and PolskieTowarzystwoPrawa Antydyskryminacyjnego, 2018 [in English].
  • Piotr Godzisz,Marta Rawłuszko.Godzisz, Piotr and Giacomo Viggiani, eds. 2018. Running Through Hurdles: Obstacles in the Access to Justice for Victims of Anti-LGBTI Hate Crimes in Europe. Warsaw : Lambda Warsaw[inEnglish].
  • . Edited by Magdalena Świderi MikołajWiniewski. KampaniaPrzeciwHomofobii. Warszawa, 2017 [in Polish].
  • . Komisja Europejska Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce. Warszawa, 2020.
  • .ILGAEurope Policy Paper, April 2004 [in English].
News portals
  • , Polish feature film about a young man discovering his homosexuality; directed by Tomasz Wasilewski, Poland : Alter Ego Pictures, Polish Film Institute, 2013.
  • , Polish webseries that follows a romantic relationship between two women ; directed by Natasza Parzymies , 2018-2020.
  • , BBC News, July 9, 2020.
  • , the Guardian, July 8, 2020.
  • , Deutsche Welle, September 9, 2020.
  • with a rich archive [in Polish].
  • - LGBT+choir in Warsaw.
Other resources
  • is an annual event which takes place in: Warszawa,Gdańsk, Lódź,Wrocław,Lublin,Bydgoszcz,Kraków,Poznań [in Polish and English].