
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)




 The status of same-sex relationships was officially recognised in 2003 under the Law on Unregistered Cohabitations. In 2014 Croatian Parliament voted the Life Partnership Act which grants LGBT persons same rights as heterosexual couples, without the right to adopt children. Croatia has an academic community which is dedicated to the research to LGBT and Gender studies. 

  •  by ILGA Europe [in English].
  •  by ILGA Europe [in English].

LGBTQ map of Croatia

Academic Institutions

  • is the first non-institutional educational centre in Croatia. It was founded by a group of feminists, theorists and scholars, peace activists and artists in 1995. The Centre provides an interdisciplinary program and expert knowledge on women’s issues and is a meeting point for academic discourse, artistic practice, activist engagement.
  •  is part of the .


  • Bilić, B. (2020). . Springer Nature.
  • Bilić, B., & Radoman, M. (2019). . Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bilić, B., & Kajinic, S. (2016). . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bilić, B. (2016). . (Palgrave studies in European political sociology). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fejes, N., & Balogh, A. (2012). . Bristol: Intellect books.
  • Hassenstab, Ramet, Hassenstab, Christine, & Ramet, Sabrina P. (2015). . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Mlinaric, M. (2017). . (Forschungen zu Südosteuropa ; Band 15). Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag.
  • Mole, R. (2021). . London: UCL Press.
  • Kahlina, K. (2013). . (Unpublished doctoral theses). Central European University.

Selected articles

  • Antulov, S.,  Bertoša M. (2011). , sic Vol.1(2).
  • Butterfield, N. (2017). . Journal of Homosexuality, 65(13), 1-25.
  • Bonfiglioli, Kahlina, & Zaharijević. (2015). . Women's Studies International Forum, 49, 43-47.
  • Kahlina, K. (2015). . Women's Studies International Forum, 49, 73-83.
  • Kuhar, R. . Women's Studies International Forum, March-April 2015, Vol.49, pp.84-92.
  • Sagasta, S. (2001). European Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.8(3), pp.357-372.
  • Vuletic, Dean. (2013). . Southeastern Europe,  Vol.37(1), pp.36-5.
  • [in Croatian and English].
  • [in Croatian and English].
  • [in Croatian and English].
Data and statistics
  •  by OSCE ODIHR [in English].
  • . FRA Europe [in English].
  • , includes , ILGA Europe - a world survey of sexual orientation laws +  [in English].
  • . ILGA Europe [in English].
  • . Reports, 1998 - 2021 [in English].
  •  [in English].
  • . World Bank Group, September 2018 [in English].
  •  by Aleksandra Pikić, Ivana Jugović / Lesbian group Kontra, 2006 [in English].
News portals
  •  [in Croatian].
  •  [in Croatian].
  •  [in Croatian].
  •  [in Croatian].
Digital libraries and archives
  • - the portal that provides access to digitised Croatian newspapers from the collections of National and University Library in Zagreb and other heritage institutions in Croatia [in Croatian].
  • [in Croatian].
  • - contains digitised manuscripts, documents, photograps, maps and more from the collections of National and University Library in Zagreb and other heritage institutions in Croatia [in Croatian].
  • NGO for LGBT persons who would like to become parents [in Croatian].
  • is a Regional Association of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer organizations from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey. [in English].
  • offering psychological support and free legal aid to LGBT persons [in Croatian].
  •   is a feminist non-governmental organization working on lesbian human rights. It was founded by women who were feminist activist groups and founders of first lesbian group in Croatia – Lila Initiative (1989). Their Library owns over 800 books and 100 films, see their  and [in Croatian, English].
  • ​ [in Croatian, English].
  • [in Croatian].
  • is a queer-feminist and anti-fascist organization committed to activism for solidarity and equality. [in Croatian, English].
Other resources
  • [in Croatian].
  • [in English].