
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Research Student Seminar Series

The Research Student Seminar Series gives SSEES PhD students the opportunity to present their work to fellow researchers and the general public in an informal setting.

Each 20-30 minute presentation is followed by a Q&A session, which allows presenters to gain feedback from people with a range of disciplinary backgrounds and areas of expertise.

In-person seminars are customarily followed by a more informal discussion over drinks and snacks. All seminars are open to everyone to attend. Registration is free but mandatory.

Day/Time: Mondays 4pm

Venue: Masaryk room, UCL SSEES

2023-24 Events
  • 29 Jan:David Rypel - Assembling a Secure Life: A Bottom-Up Approach to Understanding Everyday Security of Queer People in Georgia
  • 5 Feb: Carmela Morgillo - Nostalgic for the Future? Soviet Hauntology through Memorabilia, Virtual Memories, and Memes
  • 12 Feb: Agnieszka Puchalska - Fostering Active Readers: Narrative Instability and Change in Walter Benjamin and Olga Tokarczuk’s Novels
  • 26 Feb: Jack Daniel Dean - Anatomy of a Crisis: Medical Populism in Romania
  • 11Mar: Oliver Banatvala - Wartime Malleability
  • 18-Mar:Ksenia Sizonova - Discrimination and Resistance – How Do Kyrgyz Migrant Women Reflect on Their Everyday Experiences in Russia? (Overview of a research proposal)
  • 22 April (hybrid):Freya Proudman -Resort to the Court: A Research Agenda for Exploring Human Rights Litigation in LGBTQ+ Russians’ and Poles’ Quest for Justice
  • 29 April (hybrid):Olga Doletskaya -Creative Family Displays Under State Surveillance: Stories of Queer Parents in Putin’s Russia
  • 7 May (hybrid):Alesia Mankouskaya -Belarusian Dramaturgist Simeon of Polotsk, 1650 – 1680: His Journey from Bilingual Academic Drama to Court Theatre
  • 13 May (hybrid):Ellie McDonald-Dick -The Social, Religious and Cultural Aspects of Marriage in Early Kyivan Rus', Ninth to Thirteen Centuries

  • 15 May (online):Xianni Ding -Exploring the Interplay between Financial Markets and Public Trust in the European Central Bank (ECB

  • 20 May (hybrid):Miriam Pollock -The Impact of Regime Type on Environmental Policy: Large Lakes in Russia, Kazakhstan, and the United States

  • 28 May (hybrid):Laura Osadciw -Stories Half Shared: Memory, Postmemory, and Narrative Biography Construction in the Postwar Ukrainian-British Diaspora, an Overview

  • 3 June (hybrid):Natalija Stepanović -The Other Yugoslavs

Event Videos

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Previous Events

24 January 2022

Constitutional Amendment and Threats to Non-Democratic Leadership

7 February 2022

Capital structure in Russia: Strategic choice or credit constraints?

28 February 2022

The Drivers and Economic Impacts of Government Interventions Induced by the COVID-19 Pandemic

14 March 2022

Are “Pronatalist” Countries Pronatalist in the Same Way?

15 March 2022

Patronage, Networks and Connections: English Ambassadors to Muscovy in the 17th Century

9 May 2022

The Interaction of Ethnic, Regional, and National Identity

16 May 2022

Late Soviet girlhood: Female adolescence in the times of the Cold War (1946–1991)

23 May 2022

Falling back to Earth: Informal economies of space debris in Central Kazakhstan

23 May 2022(Il)legal parenthood: examining the complexities of queer parenting in Russia
6 June 2022

China's economy in the post-financial crisis era: A macroscopic research agenda

7 June 2022

Borscht Parties and Kitchen Debates

7 June 2022

Conflict Malleability: Shopping malls and urban conflict in the Russian-Ukrainian War




13 December 202114:00-15:00Malika Toqmadi:Do Study Abroad Programs Change Corruption Norms? The Case of the Bolashak International Scholarship
13 December 202113:00-14:00Piotr Majda:Deciphering the workings of sistema in Russian regions: Informal governance in Sverdlovsk Oblast
7 December 202113:00-14:00

Saffy Mirghani Mubarak:I Am A[n Extraordinary] Man: The Intimate Suffering of Russianness and Blackness

07 June 202113:00-14:00Serian Caryle: TheGor´kii Film Studio in the Stagnation period
24 May 202113:00-14:00David Rypel: Looking for Security
26 April 202113:00-14:00Jakob Hauter: Seven Years of War in Ukraine's Donbas
22 March 202113:00-14:00Jing Meng:The Understanding and Application of PLS-SEM
15 March 202113:00-14:00Ekaterina Hilger:Populist Mobilisation in Contemporary Social Movements
30 November 202013:00-14:00David Dalton:How does the Ukrainian oligarchy keep going as a political and economic institution?
25 May 202013:00-14:00Zora Kostadinova:"Becoming Good Again": Naqshbandi Sufi Practice and Ethics in Postwar/Postsocialist Sarajevo
04 May 202013:00-14:00Peter Flew:Physician to all Russia: Serafim of Sarov’s Journey to Sainthood
27 April 202013:00-14:00Sarah Moore:Contested Memories, Competing Narratives and Alternate Memorials in Bosnia-Herzegovina
27 January 202013:00-14:00Andreea Rujan:The historical construction of Russian identity in relation to China
20 January 202014:00-15:00Hexuan Zhang:Chinese and Polish Student Migration in London
20 January 202013:00-14:00Jingzhu Chen:Financial Development, Macroeconomic Policies and Economic Performance
21 October 201913:00-14:00Gary Lawson:The Bitterest Pill: The Biopolitics of Oral Contraception in Russia

6 June 2019

Engineering Building


Andreea Rujan: Russian identity and China

Anna Dmochowksa: ‘The Gift of Moscow’: place and identity in the works of Tsvetaeva and Goncharova

30 May 2019

Engineering Building


Anna Stanisz-Lubowiecka: Discourses about Polish. Conceptualisations, Language Ideologies and Language Myths in Poland

Ksenija Iljina: The Myth of the Great Patriotic War in Commemorative and Ritual Practices in Modern Latvia.

23 May 2019

Engineering Building


Carlos Gomez del Tronco: How the fear of Muslim refugees and Islamophobia stole the Czech political agenda

16 May 2019

Engineering Building


Paulina Lenik: Where is the red line? Determinants of Economic Populism in Central and Eastern Europe

Carolin Heilig: Linkages between civil and political society in Poland: Women’s mobilisation and liberal democracy

9 May 2019

Engineering Building


Lenka Kast: (Be)longing — exploring the negotiated identities of Slovak migrants in the U

28 February 2019



Ursula Woolley: The Practice & Policy of Public History in Ukraine

Kristina Batorshyna: Christian Perspectives on 'Paganism' in Kyivan Rus' and England

24 January 2019



Jakob Hauter: The Donbas Conflict – Popular Uprising or Covert Invasion?

10 January 2019



Stephen Hall: Tracing Authoritarian Learning in Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine

29 November 2018



Kadence Leung: Double exile: negotiating otherness in the translations and poetry of Valerii Pereleshin

Bence Toth: The role of favouritism in municipal government contracting

22 November 2018



Kristina Potapova: Popular geopolitics of propaganda: The Russian media and geopolitical imagination in Estonia

David Dalton: Ukraine’s oligarchs and oligarchy, their politics, and its economic impact, since the Maidan