
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Politics and Sociology Staff Recent Publications, Public Engagement and Activity

Details of recent public engagement, publications, media appearances and activities of SSEES Politics & Sociology colleagues

May 2024

  • On 31 May, Dr Christian Emery chaired the SSEESing event: Kabul: Final Call – in conversation with Sir Laurie Bristow
  • Prof Alena Ledeneva launched the third volume in the Global Encyclopaedia of Informality:on 28 May.
  • Prof Anne Whiteܲ'Social remittances: the influence of fellow migrants', in N. Shah (ed.) Social Remittances and Social Change: Focus on Asia and Middle East (Lahore: Lahore School of Economics, May 2024), pp.
  • On May 16, Dr Grazina Bielousovapresented at Vilnius University Instutite of International Relations and Political Science Feminist Study Group Seminar "Social Reproduction and Women's NGOs in Lithuania"
  • On 16 May, DrJessie Barton Hronesovagave a paper presentation on victimhood politics at "What Matters? The Politics of Narrating War", University of Massachusetts Lowell (online).
  • On 14 May, comments byDr Ben Noblewere included in anThe Timeson Vladimir Putin’s elite reshuffle.
  • On 13 May, anco-authored byDr Ben Nobleand Professor Nikolai Petrov on Vladimir Putin’s elite reshuffle was published by Chatham House.
  • On 13 May, comments byDr Ben Noblewere included in an AFPon Vladimir Putin’s elite reshuffle.
  • On 1 May, Prof Anne White chaired two sessions of symposium 'From EU Enlargement to Brexit: 20 years of migration and research', London Metropolitan University.
  • DrJessie Barton Hronesovaܲ in "The ‘Forum: Theoretical Concepts of Shaping the Memory, Edited by Sabina Ferhadbegović and Katerina Králová’. Journal of Modern European History 22, no. 2 (1 May 2024): 130–50.

April 2024

  • On April 29,DrJessie Barton Hronesovapresented at the Oxford University Russian and East European Studies Seminar Series:. OnApril 25 she participated in the Impact Exchange Workshop: Changing the Narratives in former Yugoslavia, held in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), co-organized with Jasna Dragovic-Soso (Goldsmiths).
  • Dr Christian Emerypublished the article'Iran has fallen for Israel's trap' for theInstitute for Arts and Ideason (April 17)
  • Dr Allan Sikk and former SSEES PhD Philipp Koeker wrote a blog piece for the European Institute: (22 April)
  • Dr Agnieszka Kubal chaired the panel event 'LGBTQ+ Rights in Poland: Quo Vadis?' at SSEES on 24 April. Freya Proudman, current SSEES PhD candidate was a speaker.
  • On 22 April, PhD candidate Freya Proudman presented her research at the Research Student Seminar Series. Her talk was titled 'Resort to the Court:A Research Agenda for Exploring Human Rights Litigation in LGBTQ+ Russians’ and Poles’ Quest for Justice'
  • On 11 April,Dr Ben Noblepresented a paper co-authored with Dr Paul Schuler and Dr Jun Sudduth, ‘Co-opting the Cowed: Closing and Re-Opening Legislatures in Authoritarian Regimes’, at a workshop at All Souls College, University of Oxford.
  • On 10 April,Dr Ben Nobletook part in an expertat the Centre for European Reform on the Russian presidential election and prospects for Vladimir Putin’s fifth presidential term.
  • Prof Mark Galeotti wrote a piece for The Spectator;, published 6 April.
  • On 6 April,Dr Ben Noblepresented a paper co-authored with Dr Jody LaPorte, ‘Power to the People? Referendums and the Construction of Nominal Support in Authoritarian Regimes’, at the BASEES annual conference at the University of Cambridge.
  • Dr Irina Petrova took part in a webinar, 'Re-imagining EU Foreign and Security Policy in a Complex and Contested World'atIstituto Affari Internazionali(5 April)
  • Dr Ben Noble's book, was reviewed in The New York Review article (4 April)
  • Dr Jessie Barton Hronesova, Lecturer in Political Sociology, wasawarded a UCL Critical Area Studies research grant, which will be used to curate a workshop onPortrayals of “the West” in Eastern Europe.The workshop will take place 7 June at 911 SSEES.

March 2024

  • Dr Ben Nobletook part in the final workshop of the GULAGECHOES project, led by Professor Judith Pallot, in Oxford, 26–27 March.
  • On 27 March, Dr Allan Sikk spoke on the about his new book:"Party People: Candidates and Party Evolution".
  • Dr Jessie BartonHronesovapublished an articlewith Daniel Kreiss, . Published online 2024 by Cambridge University Press.
  • On 25 March, Prof Mark Galeotti spoke on Radio Free Europe's Week Ahead in Russiaon the Moscow shootings.
  • Dr Ben Noble spoke on Oh God, What Now- The Politics Podcast aboutPutin's latest presidential victory.
  • On 20 March, Dr Allan Sikk was a discussant at the book presentation of Tamara Popic Health Reforms in Post-Communist Eastern Europe: The Politics of Policy Learning, Palgrave Macmillan. (Queen Mary University of London). On 21 March, Dr Sikkattended a roundtable “In Conversation with the Ambassador of Estonia”, British Foreign Policy Group.
  • On 20 March, Dr Jessie Barton-Hroneseva was a speaker at theBook launch: Utopia of the Uniform, chaired by Dr Jelena Calic.
  • Dr Allan Sikkis the regional coordinator for East-Central and Southeast Europe for Bertelsmann Transformation Index, a leading global report on political and economic transformation. He also wrote the regional report. .
  • Prof Mark Galeotti wrote a piece for iNews titled '' (18 March)
  • Dr Ben Noble was featured in the UCL European Institute's Spotlight for March.
  • PhD candidate Ksenia Sizonova presented their research: 'How do Kyrgyz migrant women reflect on their everyday experiences in Russia?' as part of the SSEES Research Student Seminar Series on 18 March.
  • On 17 March, Dr Ben Noble wrote an analysis for The Independent, titled
  • Dr Ben Noble gave an (15 March) on Russia's rigged presidential elections. Dr Noble also was quoted in The Telegraph article . On 18 March, Ben gave comment in The Guardian article . Ben was also interviewed on BBC News about the elections; watch here.
  • On 14 March, comments byDr Ben Noblewere included in an Associated Pressabout the Russian presidential election.

  • On 12 March Dr Ben Noble gave comment in The Wall Street Journal article
  • On 12 March PhD candidate Oliver Banatvala gave a presentation of his research: 'The Shopping Mall as Public Sphere(?) Since Russia’s Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine' as part of the SSEES Research Student Seminar Series
  • On 7 March, Dr Sean Hanley and Visiting Bracewell ScholarJan Hruska presented Jan's research considering 'Are second chambers seen as a safeguard for democracy? Evidence from the Czech Republic' as part of the SSEES Politics and Sociology Seminar Series.
  • Dr Ben Noble spoke at The Harriman Institute on 7 March, at the event titled;.
  • On 1 March, anwithDr Ben Nobleabout Alexei Navalny was published on The Hundred.

February 2024

Dr Ben Noble gave extensive commentary following the death of Alexei Navalny, including:

  • Comments included in an article published by the Evening Standard on 19 February:
  • Comments for coverage by the Independent published on 19 February:
  • Comments included in an article published by the Telegraph on 18 February:
  • A co-authored expert comment for Chatham House published on 17 February:
  • Comments for an article published by Sky News on 17 February:
  • Comments included in an article published by The Times of India on 17 February:
  • Comments for an article published by BBC News Russianon 16 February:
  • Content from his co-authored book on Navalny was published by Foreign Policy in an article on 16 February:
  • Comments for an article published by the Guardian on 16 February:
  • Comments for coverage by the New York Times published on 16 February:
  • Comments included in an article published by El Mundo on 16 February:
  • Prof Alena Ledeneva’s co-authored article withDana Minbaeva, Alena Ledeneva, Maral Muratbekova-Touron and Sven Horak,was announced asthe top ten most cited Academy of Management Review paper.Scroll to the end for the AMR Most cited:
  • The HuRiEE project, led by Dr Agnieszka Kubal produced its first vlog, explaining
  • On 12 February Dr Allan Sikk discussed his new book at CEDAR seminar at the University of Birmingham (with Philipp Köker)
  • Dr Jessie Barton Hroneslovaparticipated in a workshop in Belgrade at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory that brought Kosovar and Serbian academics together, titled 'Academia without Borders and Walls'.
  • Dr Ben Noble was quoted in a Telegraph article published on 8 February on the barring of Boris Nadezhdin from the Russian presidential election ballot:
  • Dr Grazina Bielousovaparticipated in a program on the national radio in Lithuania discussing the fate of the political left in Lithuania. Listen at:
  • Andrea Tortella, currentBA Politics, Sociology and East European Studies,appeared at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024 in Davos. He presented his innovative start-up live on CNBC. Read the article in full:

January 2024

  • David Rypel, PhD candidate presented his research: A Bottom-Up Approach to Understanding Everyday Security of Queer People in Georgia as part of the SSEES Research Student Seminar Series, 29 January 2024.
  • Dr Ben Noble gave comments in The Guardian article '. His comments included in an Express article published on 6 February on Ramzan Kadyrov:. Comments were also included in a HuffPost article published on 25 January on Russia's war on Ukraine:and he gave comments for a Telegraph article published on 20 January on heating emergencies in Russia:
  • Dr Gražina Bielousovawas interviewed for an international project sponsored by the Lithuanian Council for Culture:
  • Dr Agnieszka Kubalhas been awarded aVisegrad Fellowship at Open Society Archivesand this work in Budapest will complement HuRiEE's research into the history of home-grown human rights activism in Eastern Europe and Russia (in 1970s and 1980s).
  • On 13 January, DrBen Noblewas quoted in a HuffPost article on elections taking place in 2024, with commentary on the March presidential election in Russia:
  • Dr Jessie Barton Hronoseva's research has been citednumerously in a letter to David Cameron about the situation in the Western Balkans, from the House of Lords: parliament.uk/publications/43075/documents/214261/default/.

December 2023

  • Dr Jessie BartonHronesovapublished in theJournal of Genocide Research: ‘The International Administration of Territory as an Interim Peace’. 0, no. 0 (2023): 1–13, with Moses, A. Dirk doi:10.1080/14623528.2023.2291923.
  • On 31 December, Dr Ben Noble was quoted in an on Ramzan Kadyrov's son, Adam.
  • Dr Anna Shadrinapublished an article about the political participation of older citizens in Belarus for Sociology
  • Dr Zora Kostadinova publishedEdep: ethical imagination and the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammed.Cont Islam(2023).
  • Dr Christian Emery gave an article review, Emery on Cummins, "American Cold War Strategy and the Absence of 'Swift and Effective Retribution' for the 1983 Marine Barracks Bombing", H-Diplo Article Review 1197, 14 December 2023.
  • On 9 December, Dr Ben Noble was quoted in a on the Russian presidential election campaign.
  • On 8 December, Dr Ben Noble was quoted in a on Putin's participation in the Russian presidential election.
  • On 8 December, Dr Ben Noblewas quoted in a onPutin's participation in the Russian presidential election.
  • On 8 December, an expert comment co-authored by Dr Ben Noble was published by on opposition to mobilisation in Russia
  • On 7-8 December, Dr Jessie Barton Hronesova moderated a discussion organised by University of Pristina in Kosovo on "Academia without Walls and Towers: Towards Engaged University Locally and Globally". On13 December 2023 she delivered a lecture at the The Hugo Valentin Centre, University of Uppsala on "Victimhood Narratives among Young Czech and Serbs".
  • On 7 December, Dr Ben Noble hosted a , including a discussion about whether and when we should use the term "post-Soviet".
  • On 6 December, Dr Ben Noble was quoted in a on Ramzan Kadyrov's son, Adam.
  • On 1 December, an co-authored by Dr Ben Noble was published by The World Today on the Russian presidential election.

November 2023

  • On 30 November, an op-ed by Dr Ben Noble on Ramzan Kadyrov and rumours about his ill-health and possible succession planning was published by .
  • Dr Sean Hanley chaired the roundtable discussion 'The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes' as part of the SSEESing event series. Prof Alena Ledeneva was a panel member.
  • Prof Anne White co-authored a chapter:Grabowska, I., M. Garapich, E. Jaźwińska and A. White (2023) ‘Koniec fenomenu migracji poakcesyjnych?’, in M. Lesińska and M. Okólski (eds), 30 wykładów o migracjach (Warsaw: Scholar), pp. 277–92. On 2 November, Prof White was a guest lecturer at City, University of London: answeringMA Journalism students' questions on the October 2023 Polish general elections.
  • Prof Andrew Wilson chaired'SSEESingRussia’s Overlooked Invasion: Lessons from the 2014 War in Ukraine' with former PhD student Jakob Hauter on 15 November 2023.
  • On 14 November, Prof Mark Galeotti gave a presentation;'Russian use of organised crime as an instrumet of statecraft,' Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime Security and Development Dialogue: State Threats and Illicit Economies, London.
  • Dr Michal Murawski gave the Keynote lecture at Bauhaus University, Weimar, international conference on ,Title of lecture: "Re-Colonial Russia: Eco Scaping Putin's Paradise, from Authoritarian Freedom to Culture Z" (9 November 2023). Between 10-12 November, he was a Co-curator of "Ukrainian Hardcore: Learning from the Grassroots", 8th Construction Festival, Dnipro Center for Contemporary Culture, Ukraine; convening of the discussion programme, "Radical Reconstruction", and moderation of 3 discussion panels.. On 17 November, hegave a talk in symposium "Towards a Multifaceted History of Architecture and Internationalism", Exeter University.
  • Prof Richard Moledeliveredthe Keynoteat 'Queer(y)ing Asylum' symposium, University of Nottingham, titled''Worthy' refugees and 'acceptable' forms of harm' (8 November 2023)
  • Dr Jessie BartonHronesova briefed the European Policy Development of the Polish MFA on the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia-Kosovo talks (7 November)
  • Mark Galeotti wrote an article for The Spectator on 6 November 2023. Also on 6th, he spoke on Radio Free Europe's podcast 'The Week Ahead in Russia'about Russia's Daghestan region- Listen at: .On 10 November, he had a piece published on BNE Intelleinews:'.
  • On 4 November, Dr Pete Duncanwas a speaker at ‘Europe, the Ukraine War and the World’, at Chartist AGM.

October 2023

  • Dr Agnieszka Kubal deliverd the 26 October 2023. She spokeabout ‘Choices about Researching Law in Eastern Europe and Russia’. On 20 October she attendeda conference in Brussels on the launch of ‘Judicial Activism as a modality of resistance and a form of communication’ project (20 October 2023).
  • Dr Ben Noble and Dr Michal Murawskico-authored a chapter in (Edited by Sophia Psarra, Uta Staiger, and Claudia Sternberg, UCL Press, October 2023)
  • Prof Mark Galeottigave theKeynote at Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association annual conference, titled 'Lessons in War: what have we learned from and about Russian intelligence since February 2022,' Amsterdam, on 25 October 2023. He was also a panellist at the Czech Security Forum in Prague, 26 October 2023.
  • Dr Jessie Barton Hronesovagave evidence to the House of Lords International Relations and Defence Committee ("The UK and the Western Balkans"): on the situation in the Western Balkans, foucssing on domestic instability in Bosnia and Herzegovina and latest escalation of Serbia-Kosovo relations with a focus on the role of the UK, EU and prospects of a conflict: (25 October 2023) A recording of the event can be watched at:- (starts at around 11:46)
  • Prof Mark Galeotti wrotean article ',' for The Independent (21 October 2023) On 29 October, forThe Spectator he wrote an article:. His article was published in The Spectator on 30 October 2023.
  • On 20 October, Dr Agniezka Kubaltook part in the half day conferenceatAcadémie royale de Belgiqu, which discussed "Dissensus on Liberal Democracy and the insights from european judges and civil society"
  • Dr Allan Sikkand Philipp Köker (UCL SSEES PhD, 2015) published their new book, (Oxford University Press) on 19 October 2023.
  • Dr Agnieszka Kubalgave comment in the BNE Intellenews article '(19 October 2023).
  • Prof Anne White chaired the SSEESing Now event 'SSEES-ing Poland’s new post-election landscape' which included Dr Agnieszka Kubal and Dr Pawel Bukowski as panellists. Held at 911 SSEES on 18 October 2023.
  • Dr Agnieszka Kubal was quoted in the BBC News articlon October 8, 2023.
  • On 1 October, Dr Sean Hanley was interviewed by Dr Sean Hanleythen charired the event 'A change of direction? Slovakia’s parliamentary elections and their implications' hosted at 911 SSEES on 4 October 2023. The recording can be seen on theAlso on 4 October, Dr Hanley gave comments in an Aljazeera article

September 2023

  • Dr Pete Duncan published ‘Putin and the Wagner Group’,Chartist, no. 324, September-October 2023, p. 22,
  • Dr Michal Murawski was a co-editor of:Anosova, D., Axel. N., Murawski, M., Roche D.J. (eds.), 2023.
  • Dr Agniezka Kubal moderated the event 'The Rule of Law Crisis in Poland' held at 911 on 16 September 2023.
  • On 2 September, Dr Allan Sikk organised a panel "Legislative Party Instability" at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association in Los Angeles. He also presented a paper(based on switching data in the Polish Sejm) and co-authored.
  • Dr Sean Hanley was interviewed for theby FES Globaldiscussing how (1 September 2023) On 29 September, he was quoted in the Sky News article '

July 2023

  • Dr Ben Noble was quoted in The Telegraph article , 22 July 2023
  • Dr Ben Noble was quoted in the Bloomberg article 'on17 July 2023
  • Dr Pete Duncan published a Review of Domitilla Sagramoso,Russian Imperialism Revisited: From Disengagement to Hegemony, inSlavonic and East European Review,101,590-2.

June 2023

  • Dr Rasmus Nilsson was quoted in the Newsweek article 26 June 2023
  • From 26 May to 4 June, DrAllan Sikk visited the Institute of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen to work with his colleagues from theand to give a lecture on his forthcoming book(OUP, 2023).