
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Kirsten Prichard Jones

Kirsten Prichard Jones is a first year student, studying BA Czech with Slovak and East European Studies at 911 SSEES.

Image of UCL SSEES student, Kirsten Prichard Jones

Why did you choose to study at 911 SSEES?

Its reputation as one of the best places in the UK for East European languages/studies, and as a mature student I wanted to study where I live.

What are you studying and what attracted you to this particular course?

Czech with Slovak and East European Studies. My main focus is Czech language, and being able to combine this with East European culture studies was a fantastic opportunity.

How is your course going? Any favourite modules so far?

Really well so far. I feel very lucky to be studying full time after 20 years of working as a lawyer – all the modules are interesting and there is a huge range to choose from. The cultural events that SSEES hosts are fascinating with some really impressive outside speakers. Studying the language of a “small” country, it is great to be part of a wider community of East European/Slavonic academics and students.

How would you describe the academic staff at SSEES? What is the support like?

Enthusiastic, very helpful and approachable.

What are the facilities like at SSEES and the UCL campus generally?

The library is brilliant – very user user-friendly and it’s amazing how much material is available online.

What about the social life?

There is a huge amount on offer although as a mature student with an active social life in London, I don’t participate in many of the clubs etc. UCL generally feels very open and inclusive.

How would you describe your fellow students?

Very young! All very friendly and inclusive.

Where do you hope your degree will take you after graduation?

To Prague! 

Any advice for those thinking about taking this course?

I would recommend SSEES 100% to any mature students considering it.

Find out more about Czech (with Slovak) and East European Studies BA at SSEES.