
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Economics and Business Staff Public Engagement and Activity

Details of recent public engagement, outreach, media appearances and activities of SSEES Economics & Business colleagues

May 2024

  • Prof Miriam Manchin delivered her inaugural lecture, titled 'Non-trade issues and trade agreements' at 911 on 28 May.
  • On 16 May, Prof Radosevic took part as panelist at the London School of Economics Online Public Event:
  • As a Member of the Advisory Board of the EC Joint Research Centre project on System Dynamics for System Innovation, Prof Radosevic took part in a hybrid meeting which was held on 6 May 2024, 9:00-17:30, Hybrid (Seville and online)
  • Dr Yating Li met in person with offer holders in Shanghai, China to discuss their chosen degrees and address any queries. Dr Li also attended the Provost offer holder events in Beijing and Shangai.
  • Prof Slavo Radosevic was (2 May)

April 2024

  • On April 30, Dr Elodie Douarin presented her paper "Explaining gendered political participation after victimisation in post-war Kosovo" at the LSE European Institute
  • On April 23, Prof Radosevic was a panelist at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) seminar on Evaluation of Cohesion Policy support to RTDI in the 2014-2020 period which took part in Brussels.

March 2024

  • Dr Elodie Douarin published an article, co-written withHinks, Tim;(2024)Journal of Institutional Economics (online, Cambridge University Press).
  • Dr Pawel Bukowskipublished an article in the Economics Observatory on
  • On 4 March, Dr Marco Ranaldi chaired the CNETevent, a book launch of 'Visions of Inequality' by Branko Milanovic.

February 2024

  • Prof Yuemei Ji published a VoXEU column: on 12 February. On 1 February, Yuemei also published the CEPR Working Paper:
  • Dr Elodie Douarin presented a working paper on "Terrorism and tax morale" co-authored with Luca Andriani and Gaygysyz Ashyrov on the 7th of February in the research seminar series of the departmenr of Economics and Finance, Brunel University. On13th February in the work in progress seminar series of the Dipartimento di Economia "Marco Biagi" Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia.Dr Douarinalso presented preliminary results on post conflict political participation in Kosovo (with Julie Litchfield and using data collected thanks to a BA grant) on the 23rd of January in the 1st seminar series on Governance, Insitutions and Sustainability at Birbeck University and on the 8th of February at the Annual Congress of the Swiss Political Science Association 2024 in St Gallen.

January 2024

  • Dr Pawel Bukowski published a reporton Polish inequality (in Polish):
  • Dr Serena Merrino presented a working paper 'The distributional effects of macroprudential policy' at the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne Conference on 'Central Banks for the Common Good' (19 January)
  • Prof Slavo Radosevic has been appointed member of the EC Joint Research Centre group 'Experts on a Fair and Sustainable Economy' for 2024-2025. First meeting of the group took place on line on January 112024 to be followed by an in person meeting in Seville
  • Prof Radosevic has been asked by the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) to assess actors, capacities and policies in S&T & Innovation parks in Uzbekistan and Mongolia. He already has conducted field visit to Uzbekistan organised by the Uzbek Ministry of Innovative Development. This work builds on his previous work on Uzbekistan for the UN ECE and will feed into his forthcomin g academic publications on the challenges of innovative development in the former Soviet Union economies.
  • Dr Pawel Bukowskiwas interviewed on Inequality:ڱʳ,Radio TOK FM,January2024 and ڱʳ,OKO Press,January 2024..
  • Dr Pawel Bukowski wrote an article, '' for Notes from Poland, 24 January2024
  • Dr Pawel Bukowski published the Working Paper,with Pawel Chrostek (Ministry of Finance PL), Filip Novokmet (University of Bonn), Marek Skawinski (Ministry of Finance PL).CEP Discussion Paper No. 1966.Available also asԻ.

December 2023

  • On 8 December 2023, Dr Yuemei Ji gave an online research seminar at the National Bank of Ukraine.
  • Dr Serena Merrino presented a working paper 'The distributional effects of macroprudential policy' at the South Africa Rserve Bank Policy Dialogue in Pretoria (4 December 2023)
  • Dr Svetlana Makarovaorganised a session “Macroeconomic uncertainty and textual analysis” and presented a paper entitled “Economic uncertainty measures, experts and ChatGPT” at the 17th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2023), Berlin, (16-18 December)
  • Prof Julia Korosteleva has been awarded GBP 10,000 for the UCL-ZJU strategic partnership grant on “Dual transition of manufacturing firms in Europe and China: towards inclusive and sustainable innovation and production” (jointly with Prof Slavo Radosevic, Dr Randolph Bruno and Prof Jun Jin from Zhejiang University), December 2023-August 2024;
  • Prof Slavo Radosevicgave Presentation of the paper: Institutionalising experimentation in innovation policy: Challenges and solutions in upscaling, Webinar: Unlocking Innovation: Regions as Pioneering Laboratories of Policy Experimentation on12 December 2023
  • On 6 December, Prof Slavo Radosevic gave Presentation of the paper 'EU Single Market as a Tool of 'Green Socieconomic Transformation (Green Growth): Oxymoron or Strategic Advantage? atEuropean Commission DG GROW Fellowship 2023, BRussles, Closing event, 6 December 2023,
  • On 12 December 2023, Dr Yuemei Ji presented in the SUERF (The European Money and Finance Forum) webinar .

November 2023

  • Dr Yuemei Ji contributed to Vox EU column, 28 November 2023: “”
  • Prof Slavo Radosevic participated at Expert Workshop 'Challenges for cohesion: looking ahead to 2035' Brussels, 23 November 2023, project coordinated by The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW)European Commission.
  • Prof Svetlana MakarovaOrganisesa session “, Berlin, 16-18 December 2023.
  • Prof Slavo Radosevic was as part of the Chris Freeman Centenary Lecture Series on 30 November 2023.
  • On 20-21 November,Prof Slavo Radosevicattended aMeeting of International Advisory Board of Belgrade Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade 20-21 November 2023. He also gave apresentation, 'Transformative EU innovation policy and implications for Serbia' at the European Convent workshop in Belgrade on November 20, 2023
  • Prof Nauro Campospublished a book chapter titled 'Euro Crises, the Productivity Slowdown and the EMU' in(Cambridge University Press, 2023)
  • Dr Pawel Bukowski gave an interview on Inequality:ڱʳ,Parkiet TV, November2023.
  • Dr Elodie Douarinpresented herwork at ARC 2023 - the Annual Research Conference organised by the European Commission on the theme of "European integration, Institutions and Development".. Elodie's presentation is titled:Political participation in post-conflict settings: Gendered effects of victimisation and (Informal) institutional barriers".
  • Dr Sangaralingam Rameshpublished a new book:
  • Prof Yuemei Jipublished the paper , CESifo Working Paper No. 10741. On 7 November, she wrote a column for Vox EU
  • Dr Alberto Pratipresented some of hispublished and ongoing studies at the"Memory and Subjective Well-being"Webinarfor the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies.Heshowed how memory dynamics can help improve the collection, interpretationand analysis of satisfaction data.

October 2023

  • Prof Slavo Radosevicand co-authors published a paper, 'inResearch Policy(Volume 52, Issue 8)
  • Dr Pawel Bukowski was a panelist at the SSEESing Now event ''SSEES-ing Poland’s new post-election landscape', hosted at 911 SSEES on 18 October 2023.
  • On 18 October, Yuemei Ji gave a keynote on "To Tame Inflation Without Subsidizing Banks" at the Liquidity Workshop of the Central Bank of Austria and the Financial Market Authority. She also participated in a panel discussion on "Monetary Policy, Market Environment and Liquidity Risk".
  • Prof Julia Korostelevagave an expert evaluation of the state of the Belarusian economy for the construction of the index of Belarus resilience forBelarus Centreof New Ideas.(15thOctober 2023)
  • Prof Slavo Radosevic gave a seminar presentation on institutionalising experimentation in innovation policy: challenges and solutions in upscaling at the Austrian Productivity Board, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, October 11, 2023
  • On 10 October, VoxEU published a column on Dr Pawel Bukowski's project on
  • Morgan K. and S. Radosevic (2023) published a journal paper, ‘Institutional capacity building: Learning from S3 to catalyse innovation partnerships’, In Schwaag Serger S., Soete L. and Stierna J. (eds), The Square: Putting place-based innovation policy for sustainability at the centre of policymaking, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/135706, JRC131244.

September 2023

  • On 29 September 2023 ,Prof Julia Korostelevadelivered an invited online talk on ‘The impact of technology on bank lending decisions’ at Accounting, Finance and Economics Research Seminar organised by the Business School of University of Huddersfield.
  • On 28thSeptember,Prof Julia Korostelevatook part in theUK FCDO roundtablediscussion on the impact of the UK sanctions on Belarusian economy.
  • Prof Slavo Radosevic has been appointed a Member of the International Advisory Council of the Prof Slavo Radosevic (together with Prof Zoran Milutinovic) was one of three keynote speakers at The Third Balkan Studies Conference -Cultural Inheritance and Diversified Development, organised by Balkan Studies Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University, September 19-23, 2023. He also gave two lectures at Beijing University of Foreign Studies, 25-26th September
  • Prof Yuemei Ji published the article in the International Journal of Finance & Economics (25 September 2023). On 5 September, she wrote an OMFIF column:
  • DrPawel Bukowskigave a presentation at theat European Association of Labour Economists()Annual Conference, in Prague. He also gave a presentationat theEuropean Commission in Brussels, DG Urban and Regional Policies.
  • Dr Randolph Brunoand co-authors published a paper titled 'in theEconomic and business review (Sept 2023). Dr Bruno also co authored the paper 'in theItalian Economic Journal
  • Radosevic S. and Luc Soete (2023) published a chapter, 'Challenges of Governance and the integration of sustainability in the prioritisation and evaluation of strategies', In Schwaag Serger S., Soete L. and Stierna J. (eds), The Square: Putting place-based innovation policy for sustainability at the centre of policymaking, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/135706, JRC131244.
  • On 18 Sep, Yuemei Ji joined a roundtable organized by OMFIF. She shared her view on the political economy implications of profits and losses for the major central banks in the Eurosystem.. On 4 September,she visited the Bundesbank and took part in a panel discussion. The focus of the discussion was how a central bank should address the impact of remunerating central bank reserves on the profits of both commercial banks and central banks.
  • Morgan K. and S. Radosevic (2023) published a chapter, ‘Institutional capacity building: Learning from S3 to catalyse innovation partnerships’, In Schwaag Serger S., Soete L. and Stierna J. (eds), The Square: Putting place-based innovation policy for sustainability at the centre of policymaking, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/135706, JRC131244.
  • Dr Pawel Bukowski was quoted in the article ' inDeutsche Welle (21 Sept 2023)

August 2023

  • Prof Slavo Radosevic, G. Tsekouras and P. Wostner (2023)published a working paper,'Institutionalising experimentation in innovation policy: challenges and solutions in upscaling', JRC134408 Seville: European Commission,
  • Dr Pawel Bukowski co wrote the working paper ' fofrInternational Inequalities Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science. Co-authors included Bauluz, Luis,Fransham, Mark , Lee, Annie, López Forero, Margarita, Novokmet, Filip, Breau, Sébastien, Lee, Neil , Malgouyres, Clement, Schularick, Moritz and Verdugo, Gregory (2023)

July 2023

  • Dr Alberto Prati wrote an article for The Conversation; ' (July 19, 2023)
  • Prof Yuemei Jico-authored a new paper titled , published by theCentre for European Policy Studies (July13, 2023)
  • On July 4, Dr Elodie Douarin was a panelist at the Workshop on experimental research in post conflict settings, hosted at SSEES. Her presentation was titled 'Gendered Political Participationin Kosovo: the long shadow of sexual violence'

June 2023

  • DrRandolph Bruno,ProfJulia Korosteleva, K. Osaulenko and Prof SlavoRadosevic, published a journal paper,Sectoral digital capabilities and complementarities in shaping young firms’ growth: evidence from Europe, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Journal,