ࡱ>    '` (bjbj"9"9 9@S@S x\\\\\\\000814J2h2lV4l4l4l4G5>55 IKKKKKK$2ho\6G5G566o\\l4l4d>d>d>6|\l4\l4Id>6Id>d>&Y\\l42 @Y–p07 d,0m(*7.**\t5"5d>55555oo>d5556666$$$ $p\\\\\\  INTERNAL QUALITY REVIEW (IQR) 2010-11 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS AS IDENTIFIED IN IQR REPORTS Ten IQRs were completed in 2010-11. The list below is a summary of the recommendations noted in the reports; it does not include every item listed in the reports, but those which may be of general interest. This is an unattributed list and departments are not identified (the term department may also denote, school, institute, programme or other academic unit). Management and Organisational FrameworkThe Department: is advised to explore ways in which informal systems of communication and planning in the Department, such as booking space/facilities, can be improved (such as an online booking system) so that both full-time and part-time staff have equal access to this information. is encouraged to consider the impact of the increase in tuition fees on students in combination with (i) the costs of the Departments field trips and (ii) costs of equipment and printing etc required to complete the BSc programme; and whether it would be feasible for the Department to bulk-buy specialist equipment, such as pens and rulers etc for purchase by its students to reduce their costs. The team also encourages the Department to provide students with a realistic projection of costs of equipment/printing etc required to complete to the programme, prior to the start of term. The Department: is advised to take action to develop further its Strategic Plan to include clear timeframes and to identify the resources that may be required for its implementation. is advised to take action to devise formal protocols to enhance the management of its growing links with industry. may wish to consider taking action to implement formal succession planning, for example via the appointment of a Deputy HoD. The Department should take action to review the Departmental Teaching Committee (DTC) to: (i) ensure that in accordance with UCL policy there is student representation (this was advised in the last IQR), (ii) revise its processes for consideration of student feedback from course questionnaires, including the named programme and (iii) consider ways to enhance feedback from the DTC to students and the SSCCs (see the Academic Manual Document D7  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-d/d7" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-d/d7). The Department: should take action to ensure that both staff and student members of the DTC are given access to DTC minutes. The Department should create (i) an open set of the minutes containing all non-confidential business for student members, and (ii) a confidential set of the minutes which can be accessed by DTC staff members only. the team noted that the Departments latest Teaching and Learning Strategy refers to innovations to be implemented from 2008, and although it commends the implementation of teaching initiatives from the Strategy, the Department is encouraged to draft an updated Teaching and Learning Strategy at the earliest opportunity while the Faculty Teaching and Learning Strategy is being completed. The Department is advised to take action to: review taught postgraduate provision to ensure a consistent approach to programme management and delivery across the Department and to enhance the overall strategy. This should consider: (i) overall student numbers strategy, with appropriate risk management and contingency planning built in to minimise problems (e.g. such as those associated with the rapid growth of some programmes), (ii) revising processes for the dissemination of good practice in curriculum management and delivery between all the Masters programme (e.g. the effective programme operation of the MSc named programme) and (iii) establishing and publishing within the Department the role and responsibilities of Module Leaders and their relationship to Programme Directors, to ensure the clarity of their function and consistency in the support and advice provided to them. It would be beneficial to seek advice from the Faculty Graduate Tutors to help enact these points (see the Academic Manual for further information at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-2" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-2). review its interaction with the Faculty to assure itself that there is optimal information flow between the two and that this is disseminated appropriately. This should also consider how to enhance its engagement with faculty officers and its representation on the faculty committees in order to ensure that the Department is able to: (i) participate fully in dialogue on wider UCL matters and (ii) access the wider expertise and resources available at faculty and institutional level. The Department is advised: that (i) it should enhance the existing strategy for education and encourage all staff to engage with the strategy; and (ii) that looking ahead to the Faculty reorganisation the new Faculty strategy should have an explicit strategy for education. in relation to the quality assurance processes for MSc programmes, the Department should clarify and formalise the arrangements for the recording and reporting of committee discussions and decisions. The Department is advised to take action to develop a strategic mechanism for divisional-level oversight of teaching, learning and assessment, quality management and enhancement and the student experience. The Department are advised to take action to consider: whether there is a role for the PhD Divisional Research Degrees Committee in the ongoing monitoring of themes emerging from Divisional data on (for example) completion and submission rates etc. that the PhD Divisional Research Degrees Committee might give further consideration to the possibility of a student member who, whilst not being representative of any particular student constituency, would offer useful input of the student view on strategic and practical issues.Curriculum Planning and DesignThe Department is advised to take action to develop a strategic view on the future development and management of its international programme, including the identification of potential future international partners in this programme. The Department: may wish to consider taking action to consider the introduction of demonstrations of laboratory work on exciting areas of the discipline, such as work on stem cells, in the first year of the undergraduate programme. Some students had expressed a frustration that they were not able to access innovative areas of the discipline until much later in the programme and earlier demonstrations of these would help to retain their enthusiasm. may wish to consider taking action to reconsider the proportion of time spent on practical and laboratory work in taught programmes. The Masters students the team met requested more opportunities for this, whilst undergraduates (particularly first and second years) stated that there had been too much. The Department might wish to consult with the Staff Student Consultative Committees on this matter. The Department is advised that consideration be given to reviewing the number of option choices available to students on the dual masters programme as a means of helping staff provide more guidance to students to help them form a coherent degree programme. The Department is advised that consideration be given to developing a strategy for distance learning for the Division's professional training programmes, possibly in tandem with the recommendation to give strategic consideration to diversifying the student entry cohort to the Division's professional training programmes.Learning, Teaching and AssessmentThe Department is advised to take action to: clarify with first-year students, the mechanisms in place for providing them with academic feedback, as it was noted by the team that some first-year students had differing interpretations of what constitutes feedback, i.e. some students did not categorise oral feedback from tutorials, and written notes from the tutor at tutorials as formal feedback. The team also advises that the Department consider providing first-year students with feedback on their general progression earlier in the year as some students noted that they were unsure whether their work constituted a pass or a fail when heading up to the interim portfolio review which increased levels of student stress. consider staggering the submission dates for student projects which require a large amount of specialist printed work, as students who met the team noted that students on a variety of programmes often had similar submission dates which put pressure on the Departments printing facilities. The Department is advised to take action to: (i) provide students with consistent information on assessment and marking across all modules as well as for programmes as a whole, as not all students who met the team appeared to know what was required to achieve certain grades; (ii) clarify and communicate clearly to both students and staff what constitutes feedback, as the team noted that there was a difference in understanding between staff and students, (for example, some students who met the team regarded feedback as a means to enable them to improve their grades, whereas some staff saw it as including discussions during and following lab demonstrations, as well as written feedback on coursework); (iii) explore the scope for more consistent feedback e.g. for modules assessed by essays students should receive feedback in a standard form including a similar amount of detail - which could also help to promote a shared understanding of what constitutes feedback. The Department is advised to take action to: review its processes for feedback on the assessment of students work, in particular: (i) the variability in quality and promptness of the return of assessed work, with some outside the UCL guidelines and (ii) the Masters students request for more feedback in the first term in order to gauge their progress before starting on subsequent work. review assessment arrangements and methodology for individual students working on group project assessments. The recent PSRB engagement identified the issue of quantifying individual students performance in the team exercises as an area to be addressed. The team further recommends that the Department consult the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, which has developed assessment methodology for similar group work and team exercises in its provision. The Department should take action to adopt 911s new guidelines on the provision of feedback to students on their academic work, ensuring that the guidelines are adopted in a wholly consistent way throughout the Department. The Department is advised to take action to enhance the effectiveness of the Board of Examiners (BoE) for postgraduate taught programmes by providing the new Chair with the opportunity for: (i) attending a BoE meeting elsewhere in UCL run by an experienced Chair and (ii) inviting an experienced Chair to observe the Departments BoE meeting (see the Academic Manual for further information at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-4/graduate-admissions" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-4/graduate-admissions). The Department is advised that the team noted that the timeliness of returning work to students was inconsistent across the programmes and advised the Department to take steps to ensure that work is marked and returned to students promptly across all its programmes. The Department is advised to continue to review elements of the way it carries out assessment. Issues identified by the SES in this area included: a perceived over-reliance on end-of-year examinations; a lack of consistency in the marking of laboratory reports by postgraduate teaching assistants; a reluctance to use the full range of the marking scheme; and the use and moderation of blind double-marking.Student Recruitment, Admission and ReceptionThe Department is advised to take action to review the admissions process for taught Masters programmes and consider setting earlier deadlines for student acceptances of offers of admissions. This will help to avoid problems often associated with late starters (e.g. finding accommodation, difficulties with obtaining Visas etc.) and of students missing the induction process, which can lead to later difficulties in their understanding of UCL rules on such matters as plagiarism and exam irregularities (see the Academic Manual for further information at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-4/graduate-admissions" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-4/graduate-admissions). The Department is advised to take action to review its induction for MPhil/PhD students to ensure that this complements the Graduate Department induction and avoids overlap. The Department should take action to give strategic consideration to opportunities for diversifying the student entry cohort to the Division's professional training programmes, with a view to taking account of other possible areas of recruitment outside the NHS, eg the private sector, overseas students.Student Support and Guidance The Department: should take action to ensure that first year students are aware of (i) who their assigned personal tutor is, and (ii) the role of the personal tutor, as many first year students who met the team were unclear about personal tutors and who they could speak to should any pastoral issues arise. is advised to explore ways in which improvements can be made to students (i) work/life balance, (ii) stress management, and (iii) exposure to opportunities within UCL that are not directly linked to the programme (including activities which are likely to be recorded in the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) from 2011/12), as many students who met the team noted that due to the rigors of the PSRB accredited programmes, they were discouraged from taking on extra curricular activities, despite such activities being beneficial for student health and development. is advised to review the ways in which careers advice can be embedded throughout the undergraduate programmes, as although general careers advice is provided in the first year, this could be enhanced to include ideas for extending current skills and looking at new skills in order to increase graduate student employment in a changing market. is encouraged to consider inviting research students to attend events for staff relating to academic staff research, as research students could also benefit from these events. The Department: should take action to review its current Personal Tutorial system in the light of the new UCL policy, which it does not fully conform to, and extend it to include taught masters students. should take action to ensure that all its postgraduate students who have teaching responsibilities receive timely formal training for this role, and that this is monitored. is advised to take action to encourage its staff and students to appreciate more fully the benefits of the Research Student Logbook. is advised to take action to improve the completion rates of its PhD students and ensure their progress is adequately monitored. The Department: should take action to review procedures for the undergraduate Year Abroad option to assure itself that should students undertake this option in their final year (not usual practice elsewhere in UCL), effective provision is in place to assure quality and standards, particularly for the assessment of work and projects. This should include appropriate risk assessment of the partner institutions and contingency planning to provide students with alternative routes for work and projects, in case problems arise. The Department should also discuss the Year Abroad option with Faculty officers to ensure that it is consistent with wider Faculty practice (see the Academic Manual at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-5/study-abroad" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-5/study-abroad). should take action to review the upgrade procedures from MPhil to PhD and information given to staff and students to assure itself that this is in line with UCL policy and expected timeframes (see the UCL academic regulations at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/registry/acd_regs/research_1/#2.6" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/registry/acd_regs/research_1/#2.6). should take action to review PhD supervision arrangements and the number of students allowed for each member of staff to ensure that: (i) this is in line with UCL academic regulations and that (ii) appropriate departmental processes are in place to monitor the number of students per supervisor, with clear reporting lines to the Faculty (see the UCL academic regulations at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/registry/acd_regs/research_1/#4.3" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/registry/acd_regs/research_1/#4.3). The Department: should take action to ensure that personal tutoring arrangements for students comply with UCL policy for both undergraduate students (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-5/personal-tutors" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-5/personal-tutors) and taught postgraduate students (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/personaltutors/documents/AC_PTStrategy" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/personaltutors/documents/AC_PTStrategy), as the team were unclear whether, for example, the required five one-to-one meetings each year were being held consistently with personal tutees. should take action to ensure that research students and primary and secondary supervisors are provided with clear guidelines for the upgrade procedure from MPhil to PhD (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/registry/acd_regs/research_1/#2.6" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/registry/acd_regs/research_1/#2.6) and progression generally, as discussions with research students suggested that they had found these processes to be somewhat inconsistent in terms of the materials expected for the upgrade; the team also advises the Department to clarify with the Graduate School whether the Departments use of a nine-month review to assess the viability of PhD projects of new research students is a reasonable process. should take action to ensure that (i) PGTAs in the Department receive appropriate training prior to undertaking such duties (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/docs/guidance_to_teaching.php" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/docs/guidance_to_teaching.php) and (ii) the process of recruiting research students as PGTAs is transparent, open and fair, as required by UCL's Recruitment Policy at  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/docs/recruitment.php" \t "_blank" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/docs/recruitment.php. from the teams discussions with taught postgraduate students, it was noted that some of these students appeared to be somewhat isolated in the Department. The team advises the Department to take action to (i) explore ways to encourage taught postgraduate students on the MSc named programme to attend SSCC meetings (there had been no student representative from this programme at recent meetings); (ii) include a taught postgraduate student as a student member of the DTC; (iii) make more clear to all taught postgraduate students which member(s) of staff, in addition to the Programme Director(s), they can go to with any pastoral or academic issues. The Department is advised to revisit Personal Tutoring arrangements to assure itself that: (i) appropriate support is provided for the whole of the student experience, including academic, pastoral and careers advice; (ii) students meet the required number of engagements with their personal tutors and (iii) that the Department is in line with the UCL Personal Tutoring system, which was approved by Academic Committee in 2010 (see the Academic Manual at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-5/personal-tutors" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-5/personal-tutors). The Department should take action to: ensure that Personal Tutorial arrangements for students on the Division's BSc and MSc programmes are consistently applied across all years of these programmes, and that guidelines on the expected frequency of meetings with students are made clear to all members of the Division's staff who are assigned to the role of personal tutor. ensure that any issues with clinical supervision, etc, that arise while students are undertaking their clinical placements are identified and addressed by the visiting clinical tutor through the appropriate divisional channels and not by the students themselves. ensure that participants across all of the Division's professional doctorate programmes are instructed to make use of the Graduate Department online Research Student Log in accordance with UCL regulations for research degree students. The Department is advised to take action to keep in mind the importance of managing student expectations, particularly among affiliate and intercalated cohorts, who will necessarily take some time to adjust to the Divisions culture. review the revised model of pastoral support on programmes at the end of its first year of operation to ensure that it operates consistently and effectively across the programme. consider introducing an enforced sign-off system to ensure that the new 1:1 meetings with seminar tutors take place according to the requirements. ensure that students are fully aware of the purpose and benefits to them of the seminar system, and seek to build student awareness of the alternative routes available to them for pastoral support. The Department should take action on the following: the Team notes the commendable support given to all postgraduates who teach in the Division but recommends that all postgraduates with teaching responsibilities, particularly those on Divisional Studentships/Demonstratorships should also be given formal training and support in pedagogical methods. that students on the Professional Doctorates must use the electronic Research Student Log.Staff Support and DevelopmentThe Department: should take action to ensure that (i) appraisals of staff within the Department are undertaken in line with UCL Policy (see http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-6/appraisal) as currently some staff appraisals were overdue, and (ii) members of staff with line management responsibilities take the required appraisal training in order to reduce the numbers of appraisals undertaken by current trained staff in the Department. should take action to ensure that all new part-time staff receive a formal induction as required by UCL Policy (see http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-6/staff-induction), as members of part-time staff who met the team did not appear to have all received the formal induction. is encouraged to discuss and clarify procedure(s) for staffing if key members of staff are unable to work, for example, the team noted that if members of staff involved in workshops or AV were unavailable, it was unclear who would be able to take on these roles in their absence. The Department is advised to take action to continue to refine further, and monitor, its almost fully embedded systems for the peer-observation of teaching. The Department is advised to take action to ensure that all probationary lecturers and research fellows engage with the UCL teacher training scheme in the appropriate time-frame (see the UCL Standards- Professional Development for Teaching at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/calt/probationary-scheme-guidelines/professional-development/index.html" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/calt/probationary-scheme-guidelines/professional-development/index.html). The Department - the team was pleased to note the strong sense of camaraderie within the Department, but was also aware that had meant that some processes required by 911ere being undertaken somewhat informally, for example, personal tutoring, and mentoring of new staff. In order to ensure that staff and students in the Department are clear about 911s required processes/procedures, the Department is encouraged to formalise these processes/procedures. Also where more than one member of academic staff is present during teaching on fieldtrips, this can recorded as PoT. The Department is advised to revisit the processes for establishing the roles of new academic staff and Teaching Fellows to ensure that: (i) appropriate risk management has been conducted to ensure that work-loads are appropriate and that academic staff have enough research time and (ii) contingency plans are in place in case of problems and difficulties, such as those arising from the growth in taught postgraduate student numbers (see the Academic Manual at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-6" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-6). The Department: the IQR team notes the difficulty of implementing the peer observation of teaching scheme for all lecturers, particularly as some staff lecture very infrequently; it is therefore recommended that a strategy be implemented for managing this complex situation which takes account of different teaching patterns and contributions and ensures that peer observation and review involves all forms of teaching activity. is advised to take action to ensure that the staff induction process is implemented consistently across the Department. The Department: should take action to ensure that the role and responsibilities of the programme coordinators and teaching administrators be clarified so that both administrative staff and their academic colleagues were clear about the level and extent of administrative support that is available. is advised to take action to ensure that the need for greater transparency about the workload allocation for academic staff across the Division and the responsibility for determining an individuals allocation be addressed. that further consideration be given to the Divisional management of sabbatical leave by academic staff and, in the interests of transparency and equity, to the introduction of a Divisional position or policy on the issue of sabbatical leave. is advised to take action so that the nomenclature for describing those staff with responsibility for a particular programme(s) of study be agreed to avoid confusion. The terms Programme Director, Convenor and Director of Studies are all currently used to define the same role. The Department should take action to ensure that a subsidiary supervisor should at the very least be made aware that they might be required to take over as principal supervisor should the need arise.Academic Quality Review, Monitoring and Feedback The Department: should take action to ensure that (i) student membership on the Programme Directors Group (the Departments DTC equivalent) meets UCL Policy requirements (see http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-8/dtcs); and (ii) students are also involved in decision making processes which are overseen by other committees/groups in the Department, as the level of such student involvement was unclear. should take action to ensure that (i) feedback to students from the Departments committees/groups is formalised, for example, feedback from SSCC meetings appeared to be the responsibility of student representatives, and information did not seem to be efficiently disseminated; (ii) students are made aware of the role of the SSCC, as many of the students who met the team were unclear about this. The team suggests that information on the Departments committees/groups, such as Minutes, dates of meetings, constitution and membership, and names of student representatives could be made available to students via Moodle (see also  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-7/sscc" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-7/sscc). is encouraged to consider exploring additional routes for eliciting student feedback, for example optimising Moodle for student feedback, not just for some student evaluation questionnaires, but also for student feedback on issues not related to modules etc. is encouraged to consider tailoring the standard SEQs more towards named students, following comments made from some students who met the team, in order that questions can be responded to more appropriately. The Department: should take action to ensure that actions taken in response to student feedback (e.g. from SEQs) are clearly documented and reported back to students. is advised to take action to take more account of MSc student issues in its Staff-Student Consultative Committee meeting. The Department: should take action to ensure that 911 policy is followed for the Augmented Annual Monitoring process and that this takes place the year before the IQR, with the omitted AAM report completed this session (see the Academic Manual at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-7/augmented-annual-monitoring" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-7/augmented-annual-monitoring and see also Matters for Attention outside the Department for the named Faculty). should take action to ensure that the staff student consultative committees (SSCCs) consider: (i) summaries of course evaluation questionnaires, (ii) the Head of Departments overview of the Annual Monitoring reports, (iii) the IQR self-evaluative statement and report (if possible) and (iv) the Departments National Student Survey results (see the Academic Manual at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-7" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-7). The Department should take action to ensure that the staff student consultative committees consider: (i) summaries of course evaluation questionnaires, (ii) an overview of the Annual Monitoring reports and (iii) and, where possible, the IQR self-evaluative statement and report (see the Academic Manual at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-7" http://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/part-7). The Department should take action to although the IQR team commends the exit interviews for MSc students, and notes the use of Opinio surveys for individual teaching events, there should be an additional opportunity for students to provide anonymous feedback relating to their programmes of study as whole.  For further information concerning the above recommendations please contact Sandra Hinton, Registry and Academic Services, e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:s.hinton@ucl.ac.uk" s.hinton@ucl.ac.uk, telephone number: 020 7679 8590, internal extension: 28590.      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