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Invertebrate, Holly Hendry, 2021

©the artist, photo by Rob Harris

Holly Hendry: Indifferent Deep is showing at De La Warr Pavilion from 19 May - 30 August 2021. Her sculpture, Invertebrate, is showing on the lawn by the terrace of De La Warr Pavilion from 29 May - 12 November 2021.

For details see the .

Lumen, a solo show by Sutapa Biswas is showing at Baltic, Gateshead, from 26 June 2021 - 20 March 2022. See the for further information.

A road is blocked by a large fallen tree. The tree is held in place by electrical cables that cradle its weight just above ground
A road is blocked by a large fallen tree. The tree is held in place by electrical cables that cradle its weight just above ground, Isabel Mallet, 2021

Isabel Mallet has a solo show, Compression & The Song, at Taco! 30 Poplar Place, Thamesmead, London SE28, from 29 May - 11 July 2021. See the for further information.

Michael Armitage's solo show, Paradise Edict, at the Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1, runs from 22 May - 19 September 2021. See the for further information.

Exchange - Paintings by Lisa Milroy - White Conduit Projects
Exchange - Paintings by Lisa Milroy - White Conduit Projects, Lisa Milroy

Lisa Milroy has solo show, Exchange - Paintings by Lisa Milroy, at White Conduit Projects, 1 White Conduit Street, London N1, from 20 May - 16 July 2021. For details, see the .

SAVAGE Journal Issue 13, image Sing to Me by Joy C Martindale
SAVAGE Journal Issue 13, image Sing to Me by Joy C Martindale, 2021

Sing To Me by Joy C Martindale is on the cover of SAVAGE Journal (Issue 13) and features in the new SAVAGE postcard exhibition, 'Posted'.

'Posted' is a set of 15 postcards featuring the work of UCL artists, spanning photography, painting, collage, sculpture, drawing and performance.The postcards explore ways of finding a place in the world in a context of enforced isolation and are available to buy from the UCL SU shop.

Cards include work by Slade current students and alumni: Alice Ding, Fiza Ghauri, Chantal Goulder, Yage Guo, Hampus Hoh, Niki Kohandel, Joy C Martindale, Lily Petch and Poor Mother.

50% of proceeds will be donated to Mind.

See the for further information.

Request for Reference
Request for Reference, Rosa-Johan Uddoh, 2019, digital film

© the artist. Image courtesy of the artist

Congratulations to Slade alumni Olivia Bax, Prem Sahib and Rosa-Johan Uddoh whose works are amongst those acquired for the Arts Council Collection 2020-21.

For further information see the .

Installation of The Grand Tour at Dulwich Picture Gallery
Installation of The Grand Tour at Dulwich Picture Gallery, Sinta Tantra, 2021

Luca Piffaretti

Sinta Tantra's mural The Grand Tour, is on display in the entrance hall of Dulwich Picture Gallery, Gallery Road, London SE21 7AD, from 19 May 2021.
See the for details.
Read the .

Huia (x-ray)
Huia (x-ray), Helena Hunter, 2019

Falling Birds by alumna Helena Hunter is showing at the Horniman Museum, 100 London Road, Forest Hill,London SE23 3PQ, from 19 September 2020 - 21 October 2021. For further details and bookings see the .

Contemporary Sculpture Fulmer
Contemporary Sculpture Fulmer, 2021

Poster for event May - October 2021

911±¬ÁÏÍø Matthew Darbyshire, Nika Neelova, Robert Phillips and Anna Reading are showing in from 15 May - 24 October. Visits by appointment, see the booking page for details.

Eileen Agar: Angel of Anarchy is showing at the Whitechapel Gallery, London E1, from 19 May - 29 August 2021. See the website for details.

For more about Eileen Agar (1899-1991), read by Laura Cumming in The Observer, 9 May 2021.

Nicolas Feldmeyer is showing in What Remains at Encounter, Copeland Gallery, 133 Copeland Road, London, SE15 3SN, from 20 May - 7 June 2021. Viewing by appointment, see for details.

UCL Donor Wall
UCL Donor Wall, Sarah Fortais, 2019


Learn more about alumna Dr Sarah Fortais' design for the UCL Donor Wall on Vimeo. Read about the project on UCL Culture.

Lost Things
Lost Things, Amy Steel, 2020, oil on canvas

Amy Steel is showing in Avril Corroon and Amy Steel at PEER, 97-99 Hoxton Street, London N1 6QL, from 17 - 30 May 2021. See the for opening hours and further information.

Wednesday 26 May, 18:00 – 19:00
Online talk with Amy Steel & Claire Louise Bennett – Book via .

Installation view of work by Andrew Stahl for The ArtTop10.com Exhibition
Installation view of work by Andrew Stahl for The ArtTop10.com Exhibition, 2021

Andrew Stahl is showing in The ArtTop10.com "Lockdown Interviews" Exhibition at The Cello Factory, 33-34 Cornwall Road, London SE1 8TJ, from 16 - 25 April 2021. See website for further information.

The interviews can be seen on .

Installation view of work by Andrew Stahl for The ArtTop10.com Exhibition
Installation view of work by Andrew Stahl for The ArtTop10.com Exhibition, 2021

Andrew Stahl is showing in The ArtTop10.com "Lockdown Interviews" Exhibition at The Cello Factory, 33-34 Cornwall Road, London SE1 8TJ, from 16 - 25 April 2021. See website for further information.

The interviews can be seen on .