

Short courses


Evaluation: an Introduction (Healthcare and Public Health) - online

  • 12 hours total
  • 2 months


This online course aims to equip healthcare and public health staff to undertake a pragmatic evaluation of a local service or intervention.

It covers evaluation design, collecting and analysing qualitative and quantitative evaluation data, and approaches to disseminating evaluation findings.

No previous knowledge of evaluation, or experience of study design and statistics, is required.

This course is organised by . ARCs are partnerships between universities, health and other organisations which have come together to conduct ground-breaking research that will have a direct impact on the health of patients and the public.

Course content

During the course you'll look at the following topics:

  • Different types of evaluation, including their pros and cons
  • How to select suitable methods and approaches for evaluating a local programme or service
  • Practical skills and tips in using evaluation methods and approaches
  • Ways of sharing your evaluation findings to make an impact

Who this course is for

The workshop is aimed at those who work in:

  • NHS trusts
  • clinical commissioning groups (CCGs)
  • local authorities
  • social care organisations
  • health and social care related charities

It's suitable for those with limited experience of conducting service evaluations.

It's not aimed at academics or researchers.

You should have an evaluation that you may need to carry out in mind when you attend this course.

Teaching and structure

The course runs over 2 months.

Teaching will be delivered entirely online by expert tutors. You'll learn as part of a cohort by watching videocasts, interacting through activities and questions and learning from others by taking part in the discussions that accompany each step.

Learning outcomes will be met by using examples of real evaluations from CCGs, NHS and local authority settings.

Throughout the course you'll work to develop a plan for an evaluation you need to conduct.


You'll receive a certificate of completion if you undertake at least 80% of the course activities.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course you'll be able to:

  • explain the different types of evaluation that are appropriate for different projects
  • identify evaluation methods and approaches that are suitable for the evaluation of a local programme
  • undertake an evaluation of a local programme
Learner reviews

"Fantastic day overall! Best summary of evaluation I've ever encountered. Very well done." (Former participant)

Course information last modified: 30 Nov 2022, 16:00