

Safety Services


Chapter 6 - Communication, consultation and co-operation

This page forms part of UCL’s Safety Management System. This is Chapter 6 - Communication, consultation and co-operation.

On this pageÌý

Internal communication

Health and safety communications are distributed using a number of routes:

  • The Safety Services websiteÌý
  • Workplace Health
  • Occupational health advice given by occupational health advisors on an individual or group basis
  • Health and safety briefings given by Safety Advisors to the appropriate targeted audience
  • Management and safety forum meetings
  • Departmental nominated safety persons
  • Noticeboards
  • Emails

External communication

UCL plays an active role in a number of Higher Education (HE) and professional forums such as:

  • ÌýHealth and Safety Panel
  • (HEOPS)
  • working groups etc

Enforcing authority contact and liaison

Contact, including correspondence from any enforcing authority relevant to health and safety, e.g. from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Environment Agency (for radiation), Fire Authorities and Police (Counter Terrorism Security Advisor in respect of chemicals, radiation and biological agents), must be notified to Safety Services by the quickest possible means. Safety Services will provide the appropriate support and advice to the managers.

> Read more about contact with enforcing authorities

Any person needing to contact any of the enforcement authorities listed above, on other than ongoing business, must liaise with Safety Services to facilitate the approach and monitor the outcomes from any contact.


The arrangements for consultation on health and safety issues are set out in Chapter 3.2 - Management TeamÌýSafety Responsibilities.

The recognised unions represent all UCL employees for the purposes of formal consultation on matters of health and safety. Local arrangements to ensure compliance are identified in a Department’s organisation and arrangements.

> Union appointed health and safety representatives


911±¬ÁÏÍøill ensure as far as is reasonably practicable that:

  • Third parties appointed by UCL to carry out work on its behalf are competent for the activity they are to carry out
  • There are arrangements for the co-ordination by those in control of the activities
  • Arrangements are in place for the exchange of information on risks, responsibilities and controls
  • There are suitable arrangements for supervision, reporting and monitoring
  • The UCL manager in charge of an activity for which any contractor is engaged is responsible for co-ordinating the contractor's work with the activities of UCLÌýand the exchange of information on risks and controls
  • There are suitable arrangements for shared workplaces

> Shared workspaces
> Contractors and consultants


Chapter 5 -ÌýTraining, awareness and competence


Chapter 7Ìý-ÌýOperational safety

Last updated: Tuesday, September 14, 2021