

Safety Services


Chapter 13 - Review of performance

This page forms part of UCL’s Safety Management System. This is Chapter 13 - Review of performance.

On this pageÌý

Management reviewÌý

Learning lessons and continuous improvementÌý

The management review processes, outcomes and actions should feed into the continuous improvement cycle for the management system as a whole and should take into account the following:

  • Health and safety objectives of UCL
  • Results of hazard and risk identifications and assessments
  • Results of performance monitoring and measurements
  • Investigation of work-related injuries, diseases, ill health and incidents, and the results and recommendations of audits
  • Recommendations for improvement from all members of the organisation, including the relevant committees
  • Changes in national laws and regulations, voluntary programmes and collective agreements
  • New relevant information
  • Results of health protection and promotion programmes

Departmental safety improvement

As part of the departmental planning and review processes specific improvement actions relating to safety are developed. These are based on Departmental needs but also take into account the actions deriving from the UCL Safety Objectives. The objectives and actions should be reviewed at the relevant management body or safety committee.

> Chapter 2.1 - UCL Health and Safety Objectives

Review of adequacy of resource and supporting provision

The adequacy of health and safety performance and the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of arrangements for the management of health and safety need to be assessed and actions necessary to remedy deficiencies and effect improvements need to be taken.

Review is carried out at all levels of management of UCL. Reviewing includes responses to:

  • Actions taken by first-line supervisors or other managers to remedy failures to implement workplace precautions which they observe in the course of routine activities
  • Remedy sub-standard performance identified by active and reactive monitoring
  • The assessment of plans at individual, departmental, site, group or organisational level
  • The results of audits

Departments should decide on the frequency of the reviews and include and document in their Departmental Organisation and Arrangements suitable reviewing activities. Where improvement is required specific remedial actions which establish who is responsible for implementation and the deadlines for completion should be determined.

The Health and Safety CommitteeÌýreceives a termly safety review report of UCL’s performance and the Council will receive an annual report summarising key activities and performance for safety from the HSC. This is designed to help answer two questions:

  1. Is UCL getting the basics right?
  2. Is it making and sustaining progress and continual improvement?

These results and other internal and external influences including reorganisation, new legislation or changes in current good practice, can result in redesign or amendment of any parts of the safety management system or a change in overall direction or objectives.


Chapter 12 - Reporting of performance


Safety committee members

Last updated: Tuesday, September 14, 2021