
Safety Services


Induction & Training

Everybody who works at 911 is required to complete all parts of their safety induction including the mandatory UCL Safety Induction and Fire Safety Induction and a local safety induction.

Mandatory induction for new staff

Fire Safety Induction

The UCL Fire Safety Induction eLearning provides an understanding of the fire safety arrangements and evacuation procedures at 911 thatkeep everybody safe in the event of a fire.

&;Fire Safety Induction
Fire Safety Induction Training

Safety Induction

The UCL Safety Induction eLearning will explain how health and safety is managed at 911 and the part that everybodyplays. It outlines UCL's approach to keeping employees, students and visitors safe,as well as the arrangements UCL has put in place to ensure risksare managed. It also explains how to report accidents, near misses and dangerous occurrences using riskNET.

> Safety Induction at 911
Safety induction guidance for managers
Information on mandatory induction for new staff

Local Induction

The Local Safety Induction summarises thespecific hazards associated with a jobrole and work environment. The line manager will share relevant risk assessments with newstaff showing them the control measuresin placeto protect themagainst any hazardousenvironmentsor work activities. New staffare expected to read relevant risk assessments to ensuretheyunderstand how to do any work activity safely.

If there are specific risks associated withthe job role, such as the need to work at height or operate machinery, the line manager will ensure that the risks areunderstood, that any required training has been undertakenand that theappropriate safety equipment has been provided.

An Induction Checklist can be usedto record the local induction but it mayneed to be tailored to your department.

&;Safety Induction Checklist

Visitor and ContractorInduction

It is UCL's responsibility to ensure that everybodyisaware ofhealth and safety proceduresand thisalso includes visitors and contractors that are on UCL sites for limited time periods.Visitors and contractors also require a safety induction toyour department. This could be a quick talkon vital information such as emergency contacts and procedures such as fire evacuation or the names of first aiders.

> Additional information on Contractor Management

DSE Assessment

Completing a DSE assessment is a legal requirement, more importantly, it reduces the risk of ill health resulting from poor posture or incorrectly positioned equipment.It is important to follow the principles for a good DSE workstation both when on campus or working remotely.

New staff should complete a DSE assessment on riskNET for their contracted place of work.Managers are responsible for ensuring that DSE assessments are carried out, monitored and reviewed, for their team members.

> Information on working safely with DSE
&;DSE guidance for managers

riskNET How-To Video –DSE assessment review and sign off

MediaCentral Widget Placeholder

Health and Safety Training

If staff are required to carry out a safety specific role, they must be competent and skilled to do so. Safety Services provides a range of training options to support you inensuring this competence.

Managers, supervisors and Principal Investigators (PIs) hold a key role in mitigating health and safety risk. UCL encourages all managers to undertake the Safety Risk Management Programme.This eLearning programme provides managers withtools tomanage thesafety risksof the people whose work activities fall within their areas of responsibility.

> Read more about Safety Training

Training records

Records of all safety training, including both internal and external training, must be kept and beeasily accessible.Reporting queries on UCL-delivered training courses e.g.mandatory trainingcan be directed to the HR Reports team athr_reports@ucl.ac.ukor you can visit theirwebsite.

Externally completed trainingcan be recorded by the individual by selecting the“Manage my external classes” link found at the bottom of the page on theMyLearning homepage.