
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


IRDR PGTA Roles 2021-22

We’re Recruiting Senior Postgraduate Teaching Assistants and Online Postgraduate Teaching Assistants

The IRDR wishes to make several appointments forSenior Postgraduate Teaching Assistants and Online Postgraduate Teaching Assistantsfor the 2021- 22 academic year, to support teaching of modules on the linked MSc and MRes programmes “MSc Risk Disaster and Resilience”, “MSc Risk and Disaster Science” and “MRes Risk and Disaster Reduction”, and on first year modules for our newly launched BSc in Global Humanitarian Studies.

Update on 24 September 2021: Roles for SPGTAs filled and vacant have been updated below. We also have several OPGTA roles vacant across multiple modules and particularly to support the first few weeks. We are now accepting rolling applications for any role not yet filled.

Full details of the jobs and how to apply in the job description pdfs below

See below a full list of all modules and associated SPGTA roles that we are recruiting.

Semester 1 Modules

IRDR0018 - Global History of Humanitarianism (BSc year 1)- ROLES FILLED

Tutor: Jessica Field (jessica.field@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR0018 Role 1: Teaching Assistant for module. F2F and Online (approx. 100 hours across Term 1).
• Attend and support weekly F2F lectures.
• Prepare for, and deliver, weekly 1 hour seminar discussions (likely 3 groups per week – 2 x F2F, and 1 online). Note: Seminar guidance will be provided by module tutor.
• Sample mark 20% of formative and summative assessments for each student within a 1 week timeframe, and contribute to generalised feedback. (Formative: essay plan; Summative: essay).
• Support the organisation and attendance of a Museum visit in reading week (week beginning 8th November). Visit will entail a 2 hour preparation workshop and a 6 hour visit.
• Knowledge of history methods desirable.

IRDR0018 Role 2: Teaching Assistant for Imperial War Museum Visit. (8 hours).
• Support the organisation and attendance of a Museum visit in reading week (week beginning 8th November. Day TBC). Visit will entail a 2 hour preparation workshop and a 6 hour visit.
• This role is dependent on London-based student numbers.

IRDR0021 - Social and Geospatial Data Analysis (BSc year 1) - ALL ROLES FILLED

Tutor: Bayes Ahmed (bayes.ahmed@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR0021 Role 1: 2x Teaching assistants (approx. 40 hours each)
• To assist developing computer cluster lab materials using SPSS and QGIS/ArcGIS software
• Knowledge of statistics and GIS/RS is desirable

IRDR0021 Role 2: 5x Computer cluster lab assistants considering 60 BSc students (approx. 30 hours each)
• Assistance with lab-based classes and teaching basic statistical analysis using SPSS and basic GIS and RS tools and techniques using QGIS/ArcGIS (online and/or face to face if/when required) [2 hours per week during Term 1]
• Assistance in developing lab materials and designing assessments
• Providing guidelines on data analysis, project ideas, and submitting posters and technical reports
• Knowledge of statistics and GIS/RS is desirable
• It includes time for preparation

IRDR0021 Role 3: 2x Teaching assistants (approx. 10 hours each)
• Office hours and additional support with SPSS and QGIS/ArcGIS software or any questions related to the module (online and/or face to face if/when required) [2 hours per week during Term 1]
• Providing guidelines on data analysis, project ideas, and submitting posters and technical reports
• Knowledge of statistics, GIS/RS, poster producing and report writing is desirable

IRDR0021 Role 4: 2x Assistant examiners (approx. 15 hours each)
• Marking the posters and providing detailed feedback to the students
• Knowledge of statistics, GIS/RS, presentation skills and data visualisation is desirable

IRDR0021 Role 5: 2x Assistant examiners (approx. 15 hours each)
• Marking the technical reports and providing detailed feedback to the students
Knowledge of statistics, GIS/RS and report writing is desirable

IRDR0001 - Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards and Vulnerability (MSc) - ALL ROLES FILLED

Tutor: Joanna Faure Walker (j.faure-walker@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR0001 Role 1: Online: Assistant examiner for presentations (6 hours of attending presentations plus up to 7 hours of feedback)
• Attend and mark 6 hours of student
presentations in 3 x 2 hour blocks (online/ face-to-face).
• Provide written feedback (about half a page)
and a grade for each student's presentation to
the module tutor
• Written feedback should be provided to the module tutor as soon as possible following the presentations, within a week at the latest.

IRDR0001 Role 2: Online: Assistant Examiner for written coursework
(30-40 hours depending on number of students)
• Mark 2,000 word essays
• Complete within 2 working weeks of coursework
• Knowledge of hazards, vulnerable is desirable

IRDR0001 Role 3: Teaching assistant for Cambridge
flood tour (led by Ilan Kelman. 1 full day to be determined in May-June 2022, if the trip goes ahead)
-To accompany and escort students around
Cambridge for their flood field trip.

IRDR0001 Role 4: Teaching assistant for RNLI visit (led by Bayes Ahmed. Three hours on a day to be determined in May-June 2022, if the visit goes ahead)
• To accompany and escort students for the RNLI visit or for the central London walking tour contingency if RNLI cancels at the last-minute due to an emergency call-out.

IRDR0002 – Fundamentals of Emergency and Crisis Planning (MSc) - ALL ROLES FILLED

Tutor: David Alexander (david.alexander@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR0002 Role 1: Assistant examiner (4 hours).
In Dec, attend student presentations, provide marks and short paragraphs of feedback on each presentation (there will be about ten presentations)

IRDR0002 Role 2: Assistant examiner (Approx 8 hours)
• Second mark student assignments during Term 1

IRDR0002 Role 3: 2 Teaching assistants (Approx 3
hours each)
• Scenario to be held during a lesson in late Oct,
Nov or Dec
• 2 hours classroom plus 1 hour prep

IRDR0004 – Data Analysis and Interpretation (MSc) - ALL ROLES FILLED

Tutor: Patty Kostkova (p.kostkova@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR004 Role 1: 6 Teaching assistants (approx 60 hours each)
• Assistance with lab based classes teaching basic statistics using R and introduction to GIS
using QGIS/ArcGIS (online and/ or face to face if/ when possible)
Office hours and support with R and GIS (online and/ or face to face if/ when possible)
6 hours weekly for each semester 1 teaching week

IRDR0004 Role 2: 2 Assistant examiners (approx. 30 hours each)
• first mark two sets of coursework assessing GIS and R and provide detailed feedback
• You require a good knowledge of GIS/RS software packages, an ability to follow simple mathematical equations and judge quality of essays/technical reports

Introductory Maths(MSc) - ROLE FILLED

Tutor: Joanna Faure Walker (j.faure-walker@ucl.ac.uk)

Up to 30hrs of PGTA time for individual/small group tutorials for students struggling with maths in any IRDR module. To provide individual or small group tutorials for students requiring extra help with maths. Usually tutorials would be about 30mins each. Estimated total time about 30hrs, this role can be split among different PGTAs if preferred.

IRDR0015 – Integrating Science into Risk and Disaster Reduction (MSc) - ALL ROLES FILLED

Tutor: Joanna Faure Walker (j.faure-walker@ucl.ac.uk)
IRDR0015 Role 1: Online: Assistant examiner for presentations (4 hours of attending presentations plus up to 6 hours of feedback including reviewing evaluation criteria before assessment)
• Attend and mark 4 hours of student presentations in 2 x 2 hour blocks (face-to-face).
• Provide written feedback (about half a page) and a grade for each student's presentation to
the module tutor
•Written feedback should be provided to the module tutor as soon as possible following the presentations, within a week at the latest. Some knowledge of Early Warning Systems is helpful, but not required.
IRDR0015 Role 2: Assistant examiner for “Take home” examinations (approx. 230 hours, depending upon number of students)
• Second mark student examination scripts (online) in Term 1.
A mixture of quantitative and qualitative skills would be beneficial
IRDR0015 Role 3: Teaching support
• Provide assistance to students doing quantitative exercises (face-to-face and online). About 8hrs.

IRDR0009 – Digital Heath: Epidemics and Emergencies in the Era of Big Data (MSc) - ROLES FILLED

Tutor: Patty Kostkova (p.kostkova@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR009 Role 1: 1-2 Teaching assistants (apaprox 40-50 hours total)
• Assistance with teaching delivery, student coordination, IT/Computer Science support, online delivery support
4-5 hours weekly during term 1

IRDR0009 Role 2: 1-2 Assistant examiner (approx. 40 hours total)
• first mark two sets of coursework assessing IRDR0009 and provide detailed feedback

You require a good knowledge of digital tools, GIS/RS and CS DS methods, languages and Software packages for seminar and coursework support (ideal for job-share bringing different complementary set of technical skills)

Semester 1 &2 Modules

IRDR0023: Practice and Analysis of Humanitarian Action (BSc year 1) - ALL ROLES FILLED

Tutors: Peter Sammonds (p.sammonds@ucl.ac.uk) Rozana Himaz (r.himaz@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR023 Role 1: Scenario Workshop teaching assistant 1 x 7 hr workshop run twice in Reading Week Term1 and Term 2 (56 hours including preparation)

IRDR023 Role 2: Help run the discussion forum on Moodle and update Moodle page with weekly teaching materials (1.5 hours/week = 30 hrs)

IRDR0023 Role 3: 2x Assistant examiners (approx. 60 hours total)
• Second mark seminar appraisals and workshop reports

Introduction to Social Anthropology (BSc year 1) - ROLE FILLED

Role 1: Assistant examiner
Approximately 30 hours of marking student reports

Semester 2 Modules

IRDR0024 – Technology for Humanitarian Studies (BSc year 1) - 1 x ROLE2 VACANT

Tutor: Mohammad “Shams” Shamsudduha (m.shamsudduha@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR0024 Role 1: 2x Workshop teaching assistant 4 hrs per wk for 10 wks (50 hours including preparation each)

IRDR0024 Role 2: 2x Assistant examiners (approx. 30 hours each)
• Assisting group presentation marking and second marking of written assignment (Report)

IRDR0020: Climate and Natural Hazard Risks (BSc year 1) - ALL ROLES VACANT

Tutors: Peter Sammonds (p.sammonds@ucl.ac.uk) Lisa Guppy (lisa.guppy@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR020 Role 1: 2 x Workshop teaching assistants 4 hrs per wk for 10 wks (50 hours including preparation each )
• Assistance with running weekly GIS modelling practicals

IRDR0020 Role 2: 2x Assistant examiners (approx. 30 hours each)
• Second mark workshop reports.

IRDR0019: Humanitarian Crisis Response (BSc year 1) - ROLE VACANT

Tutor: David Alexander (David.alexander@ucl.ac.uk) and Lisa Guppy (lisa.guppy@ucl.ac.uk)

Assistant Examiner
Approx 50 hours marking report, presentations and online exam. Can be split between more than one PGTA.

IRDR0003 Advanced Emergency and Crisis Planning and Management (MSc) - ROLES FILLED

Tutor: Gianluca Pescaroli (g.pescaroli@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR0003 Role 1: Online/In person: Assistant examiner for presentations (4 hours of attending presentations plus up to 4 hours of feedback). Practioner's experience is desirable.
• Provide written feedback (about half a page) and a grade for each student's presentation to the module tutor. A pre-existing format will be provided and the student will be briefed on it (2-4hours).
• Presentations will be held in the last weeks of term 2.
Written feedback should be provided to the module tutor as soon as possible following the presentations, within a week at the latest.

IRDR0003 Role 2 - Assistant Examiner for written coursework (50-60 hours, could be split between 2 PGTAs)
• Mark 1,500 word horizon scan reports. Approx. 1 hour per report, with a well established marking scheme and feedback form.

IRDR0003 Role 3 - Teaching assistant to support a scenario exercise (approx 3 hours)
• Scenario to be held during a lesson in mid-March
• 2h classroom plus 1h prep

IRDR0006 Conflict, Humanitarianism and Disaster Risk Reduction (MSc) - ROLES FILLED

Tutor: Ilan Kelman. ( i.kelman@ucl.ac.uk)

Role 1: Two Assistant Examiners for first-marking written coursework (6-9 hours each depending on number of students):
• Mark 200-350 word blogs.
• Complete and compare marking within 2 working days of coursework deadline (currently Monday 21 March 2022 at 1700) as well as planning to mark and compare late submissions.
• Knowledge of how to blog, both in written format and visually on conflict, humanitarian, and disaster topics, desirable.

Role 2: two or three Assistant Examiners for marking oral presentations (7-10 hours each depending on number of students):
• Mark 6-minute presentations.
• Complete and compare marking within 2 working days of presentations (around 22-24 March 2022) as well as planning to mark and compare late presentations.
• Knowledge of how to communicate policy on conflict, humanitarian, and disaster topics, desirable.

IRDR0008 – Catastrophe Risk Modelling (MSc) - ROLE FILLED

Tutor: Joanna Faure Walker (j.faure-walker@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR0008 Role 1: Teaching assistant (10 hours)
• Selected dates in term 2

IRDR008 Role 2: Assistant examiner (about 25 hours)
• 2nd mark written coursework. Quantitative Skills required

IRDR0008 Role 3: Online: Assistant examiner for presentations (4 hours of attending presentations plus up to 6 hours of feedback including reviewing evaluation criteria before assessment)
• Attend and mark 4 hours of student presentations (scheduled to be face-to-face)
• Provide written feedback (about half a page) and a grade for each student's presentation to
the module tutor
• Written feedback should be provided to the module tutor as soon as possible following the presentation

IRDR0017 Business Continuity Management and Organisational Resilience (MSc) - ROLES FILLED

Tutor: Gianluca Pescaroli (g.pescaroli@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR0017 Role 1: Assistant examiner for presentations (4 hours of attending presentations plus up to 4 hours of feedback). Practitioner’s experience is preferential. Duties:
• Provide written feedback (about half a page) and a grade for each student's presentation to
the module tutor. A pre-existing format will be provided and the student will be briefed on it (2hours).
• Presentations will be held in the last weeks of term 2.
Written feedback should be provided to the module tutor as soon as possible following the presentations, within a week at the latest.

IRDR0017 Role 2: Assistant Examiner for written coursework (30-35 hours)
• Mark 1,500 word horizon scan reports. Approx 45-50 minutes per report, with a well established marking scheme and feedback form.

IRDR0017 Role 3. 1 Teaching assistant to support a scenario (Approx 3 hours)
• Scenario to be held during a lesson in mid March
• 2 hours classroom plus 1 hour prep

Semester 3 Modules

IRDR0022 – Key concepts and debates in humanitarianism (MSc) - ROLE VACANT

Tutor: Yulia Ioffe (y.ioffe@ucl.ac.uk)

Role 1: Assistant Examiner, approximately 40 hours
Marking student essays and blog assignments

IRDR005 Practice and Appraisal of Research. SW England Field Trip - ROLES FILLED

Tutor: Peter Sammonds (p.sammonds@ucl.ac.uk)

IRDR005 Role 1: Field assistant (64 hours)
• Assistance with physical and social surveys in field
• Face-to-face June 2021 (for 7 days)
• Field trip preparation (3 days)

IRDR005 Role 2: Online Field assistant (4 hours)
• Assistance with physical and social surveys in online
• Online June 2021 (over 4 days)

IRDR0005 Role 3: 2x Assistant examiners (approx. 40 hours total)
• Second mark field notebooks and online Wiki straight after field trip.

IRDR0012 Masters Project Proposals, Posters, and Final Projects - MULTIPLE VACANCIES (one in semester 2)

IRDR0012 Role 1: Working with the module lead to organise, assess and match each project to the appropriate supervisor based on project proposals (7-10 hours). Proposals to be submitted on 21st February 2022.

IRDR0012 Role 2 - 2 TAs for Poster Session on 1st June 2022: Working with the module lead to organise the poster presentation/ showcase session (2 x 7-10 hours). Organise feedback sessions and provide oral feedback on posters (2 x 7-10 hours)

Assistant Examiners required tosecond mark student theses (amount of work available tbc)

Project proposals in Term 2, Poster session in June/ July, theses in September 2022

Preparation for 2022-23 AY Modules

BSc Y2 module in Humanitarian Research Methods

Work to be undertaken in Spring/ summer 2022

  1. Mapping of the qualitative methods module at the UG level (10 hours)
  2. Literature review on the key methods and methodologies. (20 hours)
  3. Identifying key readings for each week (20 hours)