

Adaptive & Responsive Nanomaterials Group


Temperature responsive binary liquid mixtures

We have recently identified a binary liquid-liquid mixture with highly unusual properties, composed of methanol and the thermotropic liquid crystal 4-Cyano-4’-pentylbiphenyl (5CB). Depending on the temperature and volumetric composition, four arrangements may be observed near room temperature, namely monophasic isotropic, monophasic nematic, biphasic isotropic-isotropic and biphasic isotropic-nematic. Dilution of 5CB mesogens with MeOH allows to linearly tune the isotropic-to-nematic phase transition over a range of 35 K. 

The tunability of the phase mixing and phase composition around ambient conditions represents an attractive platform for temperature-driven liquid-liquid extraction of target compounds, allows to develop novel concepts in microfluidics and enables to form liquid crystal microdroplets for applications in optics and materials templating.

Overview figure of temperature responsive binary liquid mixtures

Key publications:

Temperature-induced liquid crystal microdroplet formation in a partially miscible liquid mixture ()Ěý
M Patel, APN Radhakrishnan, L Bescher, E Hunter-Sellars, B Schmidt- Hansberg, E Amstad, S Ibsen, S Guldin
Soft Matter, vol. 17, pp. 947 – 954 (2021).

Microfluidics of binary liquid mixtures with temperature-dependent miscibility ()Ěý
MJ Fornerod, E Amstad, S Guldin
Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, vol. 5, pp. 358 – 365 (2020).

Phase behaviour and applications of a binary liquid-liquid mixture of methanol and a thermotropic liquid crystal ()Ěý
LA Serrano, MJ Fornerod, Y Yang, S Gaisford, F Stellacci, S Guldin
Soft Matter vol 14, pp 4615–4620 (2018)