
UCL Research


Shape UCL’s research culture by joining our Community Steering Group

4 December 2023

Expressions of interest are invited from the research community to join UCL’s new Research Culture Community Steering Group.


The Research Culture Community Steering Group (CSG) will be made up of a cross-section of the UCL research community and will play a vital part in overseeing the development and operationalisation of activity to support a fair, collaborative and inclusive research culture at 911.

The CSG will provide insights and advice and will respond to recommendations from the Research Culture Programme Board to enable successful delivery of the Research Culture Roadmap.The Roadmap has been created in partnership with the research community and outlines our vision for enhancing UCL's research culture.

The CSG will be chaired by , Associate Professor in the Faculty of Brain Sciences, who has been appointed to the role following a competitive process.Natalie has demonstrated commitment and experience in promoting a positive research culture at 911. She received a Researcher Lead Initiative award in 2019 to develop training to support early career researchers, and the UCL Student’s Choice for Outstanding Research Supervision Award in 2021. She has chaired the Division of Psychiatry EDI committee for which she received the Dean’s Excellence in EDI Award in 2023.

Natalie says, “Research culture provides the scaffolding that supports the success of UCL’s research and people. I am eager to work with our research community in the CSG to support the Research Culture Programme Board in effecting positive change.”

Who can apply?

We want to hear from members of UCL’s research community who are interested and committed to developing a positive research culture, including:

  • Researchers and research-active academics
  • Research students (MRes/Doctoral)
  • Professional services staff working in research support roles
  • Research professionals (professional services staff who are also research-active)
  • Technical and lab staff.

We want to hear from members of the research community from all grades and from all faculties and functions.

We particularly encourage applications from candidates who are likely to be underrepresented in UCL’s workforce.These include those from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds; disabled people; LGBTQI+ people.

Roles available 

You will have the opportunity to join the CSG as either a core or pool member: 

  • Core members: Will be expected to attend all termly meetings and to actively contribute and be engaged in the forum.
  • Pool members: Will not be expected to attend all meetings but would be invited when areas of interest and expertise align with live projects or discussions around these.
  • Express an interest for either role: You would be considered for either core or pool membership.

To apply, complete an expression of interest before the end of Friday 22 December 2023. Membership will be decided and communicated by the end of January 2024.

Further detail about the CSG can be found in the last two pages of the draft  (UCL community only - last updated 12 December 2023).

For any futher questions, please contact us at researchculture@ucl.ac.uk.