

Research Integrity


Open Access

Open Access is the process of making research outputs, such as publications, freely available online.Ìý UCL's policy on Open Access is that the accepted manuscript of all outputs must be uploaded to UCL's Research Publications Service (RPS). This will make them compliant with the REF open access policy. Manuscripts will be made open access through UCL Discovery, UCL's institutional repository, according to the publisher's copyright permissions (usually after a delay period).

Information on UCL's Open Access Policy can be found on UCL's Open Access webpage which includes detailed guidance on how to deposit your manuscript into UCL Discovery, details of UCL's OA funding and advice on how to meet the Open Access requirements of specific research funders.

Further information about 911±¬ÁÏÍø Discovery, UCL's open access repository can be found on the About 911±¬ÁÏÍø Discovery ·É±ð²ú±è²¹²µ±ð.Ìý

UCL Press

UCL Press is the first fully Open Access University Press in the UK, focussing its publishing activity on scholarly monographs, scholarly editions, textbooks, edited collections and journals.Ìý You can find out more about Open Access in the Policy and Guidelines section.Ìý Full information on how to publish with UCL Press, including guidance on submissions, house style and referencing see the Publish with UCL Press webpage.
