

UCL Research Domains


Digital Touch Emoticons: Development, Effectiveness and Usability

A 2017-18 Social Science Plus Pilot Project (£11,500)

Digital Touch Emoticons brought together experts on touch from social science, neuroscience and computer science with the aim to understand how affective touch can be digitally-mediated to enhance social communication and positive social feedback. The project used methods from these three disciplines to generate a prototype design and explored how a device for digital touch communication could be best commercialized in the near future.

Project Team
Social Science Principal Investigator

Professor Professor Technology and Learning, Culture Communication and Media Department/ UCL Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, UCL

Non-Social Science Co-Investigator
Dr. Reader in Affective Neuroscience, Research Department of Clinical, Health and Educational Psychology, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, Brain Sciences, SLMS, UCL

Additional Co-Investigators
Professor Professor in Affective Computing and Interaction, UCL Interaction Centre, connected to both the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences and Computer Science, Brain Sciences, SLMS, UCL

Professor , Professor of Digital Learning, UCL Knowledge Lab, Department of Culture, Communication and Media, Institute of Education, UCL