

Reading Recovery Europe


From early struggle to exceeding national expectations

Tegan began Reading Recovery in the Spring term of Year 1. Although an extremely shy child, she worked hard and was always keen to do well. Tegan enjoyed numeracy, however her mum was aware that in reading her progress was much, much slower than her older siblings.

Tegan found her home readers difficult and was becoming quietly frustrated and more and more unwilling to practise at home. As a left-handed writer, she also demonstrated many confusions with directionality of print, not only reversing some letters but writing words and phrases from right to left.

Tegan began Reading Recovery able to read simple repetitive texts at an instructional level. Within two weeks mum wrote in her reading diary:

"Read all six books tonight, Tegan was very enthusiastic, did the cut-up sentence no problem, no help needed, she is actually enjoying reading now!".

By week 10 mum commented:

"Read book, excellent reading, Tegan is doing really well and is very enthusiastic and keen now, which is very different to how she was months ago, well done."

Tegan completed Reading Recovery within 15 weeks and in reading exceeded national expectations for her age. Both her parents and teachers have noticed that she has become more confident and self-assured in all aspects of school life.