
UCL Public Policy


Funded projects

Learn more about our funded projects.

2023 - 2024

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
OHID Policy Fellowships: Prevention of bacterial STIs in London.

Dr Rebecca Irons, Institute for Global Health

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
OHID Policy Fellowships: Project: Families and weight management.

Dr Emily Emmott, UCL Anthropology

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
OHID Policy Fellowships: Review and prioritisation of interventions to tackle climate impacts on health inequalities in London.

Dr Valentina Amuso, School of Public Policy

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
OHID Policy Fellowships: Tackling Ethnic health inequalities through anti-racism approach: Lessons learnt and review of approaches in the UK.

Dr Aradhna Kausal, Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care

UCL Public Policy | AHRC IAA Rapid Response
Critical digital literacy in Education: policy for tackling online misogyny and developing a ‘digital diet’.

Dr Kaitlyn Regehr, UCL Department of Information Studies

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC & AHRC IAA Rapid Response
Climate and Health Benefits of Green Adaptation in Islington (CRAFT Islington).

Professor Catalina Turcu, UCL Bartlett School of Planning

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: Assisting Argentina in Achieving Rule of Law Reforms.

Professor Cheryl Thomas, Faculty of Laws

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement:Developing the UK-Albania Protocol.

Dr Andi Hoxhaj, OBE, Faculty of Laws

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: Modelling Negotiations.

Dr Thomas Penfold, UCL Department of History

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement:Knowledge Exchange in UK Parliament.

Professor Sandy Oliver, UCL Social Research Institute

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Health impact projects and "Futures Forums".

Prof. Rear Admiral Neil Morisetti, faculty of Engineering Science

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: UCL Integrated Legal Advice Clinic Policy Engagement.

Riahi Shiva, UCL Faculty of laws

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Just Transitions and Participatory Policy in Sierra Leone.

Dr Kate Dawson, UCL Department of Geography

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Analysis of Impact for UoA3 across UCL.

Professor Stephen Porter, UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Analysis of Impact in UoA3 across UCL.

Dr Zoe Waller, Faculty of Life Sciences

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Meeting the biodiversity challenge.

Professor Alex Pigot, UCL Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Engaging Policymakers in Spatial Income Inequality.

Dr Pawel Bukowski, School of Slavonic and East European Studies

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: The People’s Map of Global China Impact study.

Dr Igor Rogelja, UCL Department of European Social and Political Studies

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: ‘Breathe’: air-pollution policy issues in the UK and beyond.

Mr Dryden Goodwin, UCL Slade School of Art

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator:Supporting policymakers effective comm around Pregnancy Loss.

Dr Beth Malory, UCL Department of English

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Bartlett Policy Impacts Support Scheme.

Dr Gemma Moore, UCL Bartlett Faculty

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Heritage sector policy and practice interventions.

Professor Rodney Harrison, UCL Institute of Archealogy

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Promoting Accountability for Past Atrocities in South America.

Dr Francesca Lessa, UCL Institute for Advanced Studies

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Evidence on Asylum and Refugee Policy.

Dr Alex Hartman, UCL Department of Political Science

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Making Local Voices Heard in Refugee Policy Making.

Dr Anna Maguire, UCL Department of History

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: FPHS policy research.

Professor Rosalind Smyth, UCL Faculty of Population Health

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Impact of FMS Publications On Health Policy.

Professor Kurinchi Gurusamy, UCL Department of Surgical Biotechnology

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Influencing Water Policy in Bangladesh.

Dr Mohammad Shamsudduha, UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Building NHS hospitals’ predictions of demand for inpatient beds.

Professor Soyna Crowe, UCL Clinical Operational Research Unit

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Improving services for children/ young people with complex health needs.

Professor Christina Pagel, UCL Clinical Operational Research Unit

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Developing neuroscience-led Bangladesh police policy.

Professor Tara Keck, UCL Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator:Enhancing IOE policy engagement and impact.

Professor Lyn Ang, UCL IOE

UCL Public Policy | Research England - Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Brain sciences policy support.

Professor Courtenay Norbury, UCL Faculty of Brain Science

2022 - 2023

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA
Net Zero What Works Centre - Policy Fellows.

Professor Jeremy Watson and Professor Mark Miodownik, UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy & Institute for Making

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response
Policy Fellowship with Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

Professor Hannah Knox, UCL Anthropology

UCL Public Policy | AHRC IAA Rapid Response
Albanian migrants in the UK.

Dr Andi Hoxhaj (OBE), Faculty of Laws

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
UCL Policy Commission: UCL and Redhills – Developing a Community Research Network.

Professor John Tomaney, Bartlett School of Planning

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
UCL Policy Commission: UCL and Tortoise Media - Understanding the cost of living.

Professor Ann Phoneix, Social Research Institute, Siobhan Morris UCL Grand Challenges, Dr Olivia Stevenson, UCL Public Policy

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
UCL Policy Commission: Scoping Growth Opportunities for Policy Engagement by Area Experts @ UCL.

Lucy Shackleton, European Institute and Dr Ben Nobel, School of Slavonic and East European Studies

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: UCL and Newham - Policy fellowship in the Centre for Health Equity.

Professor Graham Hart, UCL Health of the Public

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: UCL-Sound Voice.

Prof. Monica Lakhanpaul, Institute of Child Health

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: Policy Dialogues and Collaboration: UK–Albania Relations.

Dr Andi Hoxhaj, OBE, Faculty of Laws

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: Assisting Argentina in Achieving Rule of Law Reforms.

Professor Cheryl Thomas, Faculty of Laws

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: Climate Policies for Investment Treaties: Aligning International Investment Protection with the Paris Agreement.

Professor Lauge Poulsen, Department of Political Science

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: Taking the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTaLE)'s blended training for professionals to a wider global market.

Professor Parama Chaudhury, Department of Economics

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: A review of Local Authority recovery plans in response to covid.

Mr Ayden Wilson, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: Camden Citizen Science S106 Pilot.

Dr Saffron Woodcraft, Institute for Global Prosperity

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Expert Engagement: Developing Academi Wales's Winter School.

Dr Kris Deymer, UCL Climate Action Unit

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Polish Inequalities.

Dr Pawel Bukowski, School of Slavonic and East European Studies

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Assessing the role of multilingual communication policies in ensuring constitutional rights to universal healthcare.

Professor Federico Federici, SELCS/CMII

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Making policy to transform inequality: a pathway to introducing Black innovation history on national curricula.

Professor Matthew J. Smith, Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slavery

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Legal Insanity and the UN CRPD - Exploring Disability-Neutral Approaches.

Dr Claire Hogg, Department of Philosophy

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: The Language of Sentencing.

Dr Rory Kelly, Faculty of Laws

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Spotlight on Waste: Reclaiming Now.

Dr Allison Linder, Faculty of Laws

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Interactive Database: IDF Inflicted Harms and Civilian Compensation Claim.

Dr Haim Abraham, Faculty of Laws

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: New methods of measuring public opinion.

Professor Ben Lauderdale, Dr Jack Blumenau and Dr Lucy Barnes, Department of Political Science

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Migration: rethinking labour.

Professor Christian Dustmann, Department of Economics

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Thinking about the future of the UK economy.

Professor Wendy Carlin, Department of Economics

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Working with Brazilian civil society organisations to identify catalysts for underrepresented groups to run for political office.

Dr Malu Gatto, Institute of the Americas

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Strengthening evidence use and co-creating agendas in domestic abuse.

Dr Karen Schucan Bird, IoE-Social Research Institute

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Strengthening policy impact from the COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities study (COSMO).

Dr Jake Anders, UCL Centre for Education Policy & Equalising Opportunities

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Developing neuroscience-led police policy for evidence-based interviewing and mental health support for survivors of gender-based violence.

Professor Tara Keck, Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Patient & public perceptions of statistical methods to improve fairness in genomics.

Dr Brieuc Lehmann, Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research (CBER).

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Ethical artificial intelligence within education technologies.

Professor Alison Clark-Wilson, IoE- Culture, Communication and Media

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Meeting the biodiversity challenge: exploring how to develop ‘climate-smart’ policy decisions.

Professor Alex Pigot, Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research (CBER)

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Improving water-supply resilience in Bangladesh through research and policy engagement (RESIPY).

Dr Mohammad Shamsudduha, Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: FPHS policy research: potential impact assessment.

Professor Rosalind Smyth, Faculty of Population Health

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Enabling policy impacts across the build environment.

Dr Gemma Moore, Environment, Energy and Resources

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: FBS Policy Impact Network Development.

Professor Courtenay Norbury, Faculty of Brain Sciences

UCL Public Policy | Research England Policy Support Fund
Policy Accelerator: Kick-starting a FES policy champions network to support future policy impacts.

Dr Jenny Bird, Department of Science, Technology. Engineering and Public Policy

UCL Public Policy | Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund/Research England - Policy Support Fund
OHID Policy Fellowship: Development of a monitoring and evaluation framework for London’s structural racism strategy and actions.

Dr Asta Medisauskaite and Dr Shoba Poduval, UCL Department of Medical Education and Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care.
£9,118.52 and £13,351.61

UCL Public Policy | Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund
OHID Policy Fellowship: Ethnic disparities in access to preventative services in London using integrated routine datasets.

Dr Louise Choo, MRC Clinical Trials Unit at 911

UCL Public Policy | Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund
OHID Policy Fellowship: Understanding the implementation of Family Hubs in London.

Dr Claire Powell and Dr Mathew Jay, UCL Biosciences

UCL Public Policy | Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund
OHID Policy Fellowship: Project: Rapid evaluation of London’s weight management programmes using mixed methods.

Dr Florence Sheen, UCL Behavioural Science and Health

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund (HEIF match)
CAPE Policy Challenge Fund with the Ministry of Justice: Identifying how to overcome systems level barriers for co-located advice clinics.

Shiva Riahi, UCL Faculty Of Laws

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund
CAPE Collaboration Fund with London Borough of Camden: Delivering Net Zero Retrofit of Housing in Camden.

Dr Nick Hughes, UCL School Env, Energy & Resources

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund
CAPE Collaboration Fund with Government Office for Science: Co-creating Systems Thinking in Policy on Sustainability (CoSTiPoS).


UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund
CAPE Collaboration Fund with the Department of Health and Social Care: Academic-policy engagement around the Women’s Health Strategy for England.

Dr Lucy Irvine, Institute for Global Health

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund (EPSRC IAA match)
CAPE Collaboration Fund with the Local Government Association: Coordinating climate action initiatives between local government organisations and universities.

Dr Kris De Meyer and Dr Lucy Hubble-Rose, UCL Climate Action Unit

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund (EPSRC IAA match)
CAPE Collaboration Fund with Historic Environment Scotland/Construction Leadership Forum Net Zero group: Long-term sustainability network for construction.

Dr Adrienn Tomor, UCL School of Sustainable Construction

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund (EPSRC IAA match)
CAPE Collaboration Fund with SAGE and Southern Housing: Establishing a data sharing procedure for Shared Ownership.

Professor Stani Milcheva, UCL School of Sustainable Construction

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund (EPSRC IAA match)
CAPE Collaboration Fund with GLA: Open Innovation Learning Lab (OILL): Piloting a Learning Partner approach to capture value creation in Open Innovation to address climate and health policy goals.

Julie McLaren

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund
CAPE Collaboration Fund with Cabinet Office: One Health.

Dr Alex Tasker, UCL Department of Anthropology

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund
CAPE Collaboration Fund with UK Parliament: Rapid Evidence Synthesis.

Professor Cecilia Vindrola, UCL RREAL

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund (HEIF match)
CAPE Policy Fellow: Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities.

Dr Boyana Buyuklieva, UCL CASA

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund
CAPE Policy Fellow: Government Office for Science.

Dr Adam Cooper, UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund
CAPE Policy Fellow: Building Areas of Research Interest for Parliamentary select committees.

Mr Rob Davies, UCL Social Research Institute

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund
CAPE Policy Fellow: Government Office for Science.

Dr Florence Greatrix, UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund (HEIF Match)
CAPE Policy Fellow: Greater London Authority.

Dr Ilias Krystallis and Dr Sarah Jasmin, UCL School of Construction and Project Management & Institute of Epidemiology and Healthcare

UCL Public Policy | Research England - RED Fund (EPSRC IAA Match)
CAPE Policy Fellow: London Borough Of Newham (Extension).

Dr Darren Sharpe, UCL Institute of Finance and Technology

2021 - 2022

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy
Co-creating a Healthy Parks Framework.

Dr Liza Griffin and Dr Gemma Moore, UCL Development Planning Unit and Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy
Adapting school designs for health and wellbeing during and post pandemic.

Dr Anna Mavrogianni and Dr Jos Boys, UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering.

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy
Designing London’s Recovery Programme.

Dr Giuseppe Salvia and Dr Gemma Moore, Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy
Policy options for displacing domestic gas cooking.

Professor Tadj Oreszcyn and Dr Peter Mallaburn, UCL Energy Institute

UCL Public Policy | Research England Strategic Priorities Fund
Net Zero Innovation Programme.

Dr Kris De Meyer and Dr Lucy Hubble-Rose, UCL Climate Action Unit

UCL Public Policy | Research England Strategic Priorities Fund
Co-Production in Academic-Policy Engagement: Developing Principles.

Niccola Hutchinson-Pascal, UCL Co-Production Collective

UCL Public Policy | Research England Strategic Priorities Fund
Community perspectives on local development policy across the North-South divide.

Dr Myfanwy Taylor and Professor John Tomaney, UCL Bartlett School of Planning

UCL Public Policy | Research England Strategic Priorities Fund
The Invisable Dilemma. Children in Temporary Accomodation During COVID-19.

Professor Monica Lakhanpaul, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health

UCL Public Policy | Research England Strategic Priorities Fund
ACUNS-United Nations workshops: The Role of International Cooperation in Tackling Inequalities.

Dr Inken Von Borzyskowski, UCL Department of Political Science

UCL Public Policy | Research England Strategic Priorities Fund
LITChI - Learning Integration for Transformational Change and Innovation: Co-producing a research-informed framework for mission-orientated innovation policy.

Dr Giuseppe Salvia, Dr Gemma Moore and Julie McLaren, UCL's Faculty of the Built Environment

UCL Public Policy | Research England Strategic Priorities Fund
Academic-Policy Collaborations on Human-Centric Algorithmic Governance.

Professor Stephen Hailes and Dr Zeyneb Engin, UCL Computer Science

UCL Public Policy | Research England Strategic Priorities Fund
Citizen science as a mode of participation in the Boroughs.

Dr Saffron Woodcraft, Institute for Global Prosperity

UCL Public Policy | Research England Strategic Priorities Fund
Policy Fellowship: POST.

Dr Susan Walker, UCL Division of Psychiatry

UCL Public Policy | Research England RED Fund
CAPE Policy Fellowship: ARI for Parliament.

Rob Davies, UCL IOE

UCL Public Policy | Research England RED Fund
CAPE Policy Fellowship: West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

Professor Richard Whittle, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose

UCL Public Policy | Strategic Initiatives Fund
Policy Fellowship: AI Skills in the UK Workforce.

Professor Sandra Leaton Grey, UCL Institute of Education

UCL Public Policy | Strategic Initiatives Fund
Policy Fellowship: Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment.

Dr Alison Fairbrass, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources

UCL Public Policy | Strategic Initiatives Fund
Policy Fellowship: AI and Future of work.

Cornelia Evers, UCL Department of European & International Social & Political Studies

UCL Public Policy | The Welcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund
Policy Engagement and Impact Fellowship.

Ms Aine Mcallister, UCL Institute of Education

UCL Public Policy | The Welcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund
Policy Engagement and Impact Fellowship.

Jingyi Zhu, UCL Bartlett School of Planning

UCL Public Policy | Seed Funding Awards
Policy Engagement and Impact Fellowship.

Dr Amber John, UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences

UCL Public Policy | Seed Funding Award
Policy Engagement and Impact Fellowship.

Melissa Jhurry, UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences

UCL Public Policy | Seed Funding Award
Policy Engagement and Impact Fellowship.

Dr Rebecca Irons, UCL Faculty of Population Health Sciences

UCL Public Policy | Seed Funding Award
Policy Engagement and Impact Fellowship.

Dr Selcuk Cidik, UCL Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction

UCL Public Policy | Seed Funding Award
Policy Engagement and Impact Fellowship.

Mr Thomas Brooker, UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences

UCL Public Policy | Seed Funding Award
Policy Engagement and Impact Fellowship.

DrCharlotte Nussey, UCL Institute of Education

2020 - 2021

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Policy Dialogues
Net Zero Innovation Programme.

Professor Tadj Oreszczyn, UCL Energy Institute

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy Advisory Scheme
Supporting the delivery of Industrial Decarbonisation.

Dr Evangelia Manola, UCL Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering

UCL Public Policy |Strategic Initiatives Fund
Policy Fellowship: Cell and Gene Therapies Awareness programme.

Dr Emma Lawrence, UCLSurgery and interventional science

UCL Public Policy |Strategic Initiatives Fund
Policy Fellowship: Structural Inequalities Alliance.

Dr Prisha Bhandari, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies

UCL Public Policy | Strategic Initiatives Fund
Policy Fellowship: AI and Future of work.

Dr Helena Hollis, Department for Information Studies

UCL Public Policy | Strategic Initiatives Fund
Policy Fellowship: AI and Future of work.

Felipe Barajas, GDI Hub

UCL Public Policy | Policy Engagement and Impact Fellows
UK care home sector.
Dr Amy Horton, UCL Department of Geography

UCL Public Policy | Policy Engagement and Impact Fellows
Hydration in later life.

Dr Cini Bhanu, UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health

UCL Public Policy | Policy Engagement and Impact Fellows
Relationships between foster carers and children in care.

Eva Sprecher, Anna Freud Centre

UCL Public Policy | Policy Engagement and Impact Fellows
Making administrative health data ‘research-ready’.

Dr Louise Mc Grath-Lone, UCL Institute of Health Informatics

UCL Public Policy | Policy Engagement and Impact Fellows
11 Robotics for sustainable agriculture.

Dr Sara Adela Abad Guaman, UCL Mechanical Engineering

UCL Public Policy | Policy Engagement and Impact Fellows
Care of South Asian infants in East London (childhood obesity).

Shereen Al Laham, UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health

2019 - 2020

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Policy Dialogues
Pathways to Net Zero for Local Government.

Professor Tadj Oreszczyn, UCL Energy Institute

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Policy Dialogues
Mapping Local Skills Networks.

Professor Alan Penn, UCL Bartlett School of Architecture

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy Advisory Scheme
Proposing a set of policy decisions which are oriented towards the promotion of energy efficiency programs in Myanmar.
Dr Gabrial Anandarajah, UCL Energy Institute

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy Advisory Scheme
Prevention Green Paper.
Professor Anna Cox, UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy Advisory Scheme
Operational performance of buildings.
Professor Michael Davies, UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy Advisory Scheme
Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards Enforcement Study.

Dr Peter Mallaburn, UCL Energy Institute

UCL Public Policy | Expert Engagement Awards
The Social Ecology of Radicalisation.

Dr Noémie Bouhana and Dr Sandy Schumann, UCL Department of Crime Science

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA
Feasibility Project: Adaptation of GADSA for UK settings - a mobile gamified antimicrobial stewardship.

Dr Patty Kostkova, Institute for Risk & Disaster Reduction

UCL Public Policy |EPSRC IAA
Policy Fellowship: Air Pollution and Climate.
Dr Julia Tomei, UCL Bartlett School of Energy, Environment and Resources

UCL Public Policy | BBSRC
Policy Fellowship: Industrial Strategy.

Simon Guillaume, UCL Chemistry

UCL Public Policy |Strategic Initiatives Fund
Policy Fellowship: Zero Carbon.

Dr Jo Hale, UCL Centre for Behaviour Change

UCL Public Policy | Expert Engagement Awards
A global university for a global ocean.
Dr Chris Brierley and Dr Helen Czerski, UCL Department of Geography and Mechanical Engineering

UCL Public Policy | Expert Engagement Awards
Heritage and State-Building in Post-conflict Iraq.

Dr Mehiyar Kathem and Professor Eleanor Robson, UCL Department of History

UCL Public Policy | Expert Engagement Awards
Defending Women’s Rights in hostile times.

Professor Maxine Molyneux, Shahra Razavi and Constanza Tabbush, UCL Institute of the Americas and UNRISD

UCL Public Policy | Expert Engagement Awards
Re-thinking prosperity for the UK in the 21st century: Supporting multistakeholder dialogues in the North West of England.

Professor Henrietta Moore, UCL Institute for Global Prosperity and Liverpool City Council

UCL Public Policy | Expert Engagement Awards
Facilitating discussions: Barriers in the management of public smart city projects.

Angeliki Maria Toli and Dr Niamh Murtagh, The UCL Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management

UCL Public Policy | Office for Students - Catalyst Award
Student Internship: Camden Council.

Inés Beutow, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

UCL Public Policy | Office for Students - Catalyst Award
Student Internship: Camden Council.

Farida Ahmed, IOE

UCL Public Policy | Office for Students - Catalyst Award
Student Internship: Defra.

Gracie Enticknap, Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

UCL Public Policy | Office for Students - Catalyst Award
Student Internship: Camden Council.

Anna Altenau Smith, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

UCL Public Policy | Office for Students - Catalyst Award
Student Internship: Camden Council.

Louis ​Velati,

UCL Public Policy | Office for Students - Catalyst Award
Student Internship: Defra.

Dale Connellan, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

UCL Public Policy | Office for Students - Catalyst Award
Student Internship: Camden Council.

Georgia Box, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

UCL Public Policy | Office for Students - Catalyst Award
Student Internship: Defra.

Fabbiha Ahmed, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

UCL Public Policy | Office for Students - Catalyst Award
Student Internship: Defra.

Elle Zacharia, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

UCL Public Policy | Office for Students - Catalyst Award
Student Internship: Defra.

Ella Ticktin-Smith, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

2018 - 2019

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Policy Dialogues
Policy Exchange.

Prof May Cassar, UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Policy Dialogues
London Water Network.

Dr Luiza Campos, UCL Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Policy Dialogues
Neuromorphic computing.

Professor Tony Kenyon, UCL Electronic and Electrical Engineering

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Policy Dialogues
Future Targeted Healthcare Manufacturing.

Professor Nigel Titchener-Hooker, UCL Biochemical Engineering

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy Advisory Scheme
The Enduring Aspects of Place: Shaping DCMS’s Strategic Research Needs (ARIs).
Professor May Cassar, UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Rapid Response Policy Advisory Scheme
Policy support for net zero modelling at BEIS using the UK TIMES model.

Professor Paul Dodds, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources

UCL Public Policy | HEIF UCL Policy Commission
Mission-Oriented Innovation and Industrial Strategy.

Professor Marianna Mazzucato, UCL Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose

UCL Public Policy | HEIF UCL Policy Commission
Green Innovation Policy Commission.

Professor Paul Ekins, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources

UCL Public Policy | Expert Engagement Awards
Engaging with marginalised groups on access to and affordability of treatment for Hepatitis C.

Ms Fatima Wurie, UCL Institute of Health Informatics and Centre for Behavioural Medicine

UCL Public Policy | Expert Engagement Awards
Gender and IoT” Policy Dissemination Strategy: Raising Awareness on Internet of Things-Facilitated Tech Abuse within Policy Communities.
Dr Leonie Tanzer, UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy

UCL Public Policy | Expert Engagement Awards
Informing policy on secondary findings form genome sequencing in clinical practice: learning from the 100,000 Genomes project.

Dr Saskia Sanderson, Institute for Health Informatics

UCL Public Policy | Policy Challenge Awards
LGBTQ+ Spaces and Communities in Camden.

Professor Ben Campkin and Lo Marshall, UCL Urban Lab

UCL Public Policy | Policy Challenge Awards
The Evaluation Exchange: Exploring the potential of a university community partnership approach to evaluation in Camden.

Dr Gemma Moore and Dr Georgina Pitts, UCL Public Engagement

2017 – 2018

UCL Public Policy | UCL Policy Commission
Communicating Climate Science Policy Commission.

Professor Chris Rapley, Department for Earth Science

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Policy Dialogues
GetAMoveOn Network+.
Professor Anna Cox, UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences

UCL Public Policy | EPSRC IAA Policy Dialogues
Urban design to address inequality in Lebanese refugee camps.
James Shraiky, Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

UCL Public Policy | Expert Engagement Awards
Development of a toolkit to respond to cybercrime against older people in India.
Dr Kartikeya Tripathi, Security and Crime Science, Engineering

UCL Public Policy | Policy Challenge Awards
Future Supply and Demand Mechanism within the Service Sector.
Adam Golden, The UCL Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management

UCL Public Policy | Policy Challenge Awards
Visions for future UK and EU citizen science collaborations.

Professor Muki Haklay, UCL Department of Geography

UCL Public Policy | UCL HEIF
Policy Fellowship: Human augmentation.

Emma Laycock, UCL Cancer Institute

UCL Public Policy | UCL ESPRC IAA
Policy Fellowship: Industrial Strategy.

Dr Illias Krystallis, UCL Bartlett Contruction and Project Management

UCL Public Policy | UCL ESPRC IAA
Policy Fellowship: Technology Econmic Policy.

Enersto Lo, UCL Medical Physics

UCL Public Policy | UCL HEIF
Policy Fellowship: Systems Thinking.
Daniella Lamb, UCL Division of Psychiatry

UCL Public Policy | UCL EPSRC IAA
Policy Fellowship: Department for Transport.
Mojtaba Malekzadeh, UCL Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

UCL Public Policy | UCL EPSRC IAA
Policy Fellowship: Rail Research and Innovation Programme.
Ross Wellham, UCL Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

UCL Public Policy |Strategic Initiatives Fund
Policy Fellowship: DHSC Behaviour Change Programme.
Emily McBride, UCL Centre for Behaviour Change