

Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit


UPBEAT: Reward Memories in Young People who Binge Eat

We are currently studying reward mechanisms in young people who Binge Eat, and are looking for healthy men and women, aged 18-24, who regularly binge on food and experience a sense of loss-of-control when bingeing, but are otherwise generally well.

This research will be conducted at University College London's Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit, where volunteers will need to attend 3 laboratory sessions within a 2-week time period. Volunteers are asked to remotely complete 4 online follow-up sessions at 2 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and 9 months after their first lab session, and will be reimbursed £85 for their time.

This on-going study has full ethical approval, your participation will be completely confidential and you are free to withdraw at any time. To complete our online screening survey and check your eligibility for this research go to:

For more information, please contact us:

020 7679 1826 / binge.eating.cpu@gmail.com