



Sources of bereavement support

General practitioner: You may consider approaching your general practitioner to request further help. They will be able to discuss with you whether medication or psychological therapy will be of benefit. Many general practitioners are able to refer you to local counselling services for one-to-one counselling over a series of weeks.

University counselling service: You may prefer to consult the counselling or support services within your university or college. Some services are open to students and staff or to students only. Staff also have the option of contacting the Occupational Health Department. Details of these services should be found on the university or college website.

Crisis: In the event of feeling in crisis and at risk please attend your local hospital's Accident & Emergency department, where they can arrange for you to be assessed by medical and nursing staff. Another resource is

Support from voluntary organisations

You may prefer to contact one of the voluntary organisations listed below which specialise in providing help for those who have been bereaved. They offer advice or a means of contacting others who have experienced bereavement, and the website for each provides information and links that may be useful.

The Support after Suicide Partnership is an umbrella organisation representing a growing alliance of organisations delivering postvention support across England. Different models of support include local suicide bereavement support groups, one-to-one and family support, online resources and telephone helplines, and opportunities for individual and group counselling or psychotherapy. Evidence-based training has also been developed to guide GPs and mental health professionals to support parents bereaved by suicide.

The Loss Foundation is the only organisation that provides bereavement support specifically for those who have lost someone to cancer, and they run a number of different groups in London.  They have also run specific groups for students in the Oxford area, and are involved in research into bereavement; having previously completed projects alongside UCL.

Suicide Bereaved Network is a network of face-to-face and online peer support groups. They develop local volunteer-led support groups, and work collaboratively with other mental health and bereavement support organisations. Meetings are currently held in the London area (Enfield and Greenwich) but the network is expanding.

Cruse Bereavement Care exists to promote the well-being of bereaved people and to enable anyone bereaved by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss. Services are free to bereaved people. The charity provides support and offers information, advice, education and training services. Helpline 0844 477 9400.

Samaritans provides confidential non-judgmental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide. Their services are offered by telephone, email, letter and facetoface in most of their 202 branches.

Winston's Wish is a childhood bereavement charity which offers services to bereaved children, young people and their families, as well as to anyone concerned about a grieving child. They offer a helpline, group work, and residential weekends for children and young people. Helpline 08452 03 04 05.

The Compassionate Friends (TCF) is an organisation of bereaved parents and their families offering understanding, support and encouragement to others after the death of a child or children, as well as to other relatives, friends and professionals who are helping the family. They provide a helpline, local befrienders, and on-line support. Helpline 0845 123 2304.

Child Bereavement UK (formerly the Child Bereavement Charity) provides specialised support, information and training to all those affected when a baby or child dies, or when a child is bereaved. They offer an on-line forum for bereaved parents and a database of organisations that offer support to bereaved families and the professionals who care for them.

  • National Association of Bereavement Services

The National Association of Bereavement Services is a co-ordinating body for bereavement services. It promotes the provision of information about services and training, and acts as a referral agency for the most appropriate local services. Helpline: 020 7709 9090 (10am - 4pm weekdays).

The Bereavement Advice Centre is a free helpline and web-based information service supported by ITC Legal Services. They give practical information and advice on the many issues and procedures that are faced after the death of someone close. They take calls from the bereaved as well as from the professionals and volunteers who support them. Practical advice is found on their website and they can be telephoned on 0800 634 9494

  • London Bereavement Network

Provides information and support to members of the public who are bereaved and the professionals who support them.
Tel: 020 7700 8134

Grief Encounter is a London-based organisation which helps families address difficult issues such as the death of a child's parent or significant loved one. They offer a helpline (020 8446 7452 ) and support such as one-to-one counselling and residential camps.

RoadPeace is a UK charity providing support for victims of road crashes and campaigning for justice, road safety and road danger reduction. They provide direct support and specialist advice for people bereaved and injured in road crashes. RoadPeace helpline: 0845 4500 355 (local rate).

Epilepsy Bereaved is the leading voluntary organisation in the UK on Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) and other epilepsy-related deaths. It was founded as a self-help group by people bereaved through epilepsy, and offers regular meetings in the UK for people, a regular magazine, and contact with a family support volunteer. Contact: 01235 772852

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide is a self-help organisation which offers emotional and practical support to those bereaved by the suicide of a close relative or friend. Many of their volunteers have themselves been bereaved by suicide. The organisation provides a confidential telephone helpline, support information, help by e-mail, and monthly group meetings in 37 locations. Helpline 0844 561 6855.

PAPYRUS is a voluntary UK organisation committed to the prevention of young suicide and the promotion of mental health and emotional wellbeing. They offer a helpline for practical advice on suicide prevention and support young people who may be at risk of suicide as well as those who live or work with them. HOPELineUK is their confidential helpline service for people under the age of 35. It is staffed by trained professionals who can give support, practical advice and information to anyone concerned about themselves or a young person they know who may be at risk. HOPELineUK: 0800 068 4141

SADS UK offers support to those who have been bereaved through a Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS). It offers a newsletter; a web forum; retreats, seminars and conferences; and information about support groups.

SAMM offers support via a national helpline, or via home visit by trained volunteers or staff. All SAMM volunteers are themselves bereaved as a result of homicide. Support can also be provided where there are difficulties dealing with the police or other authorities. Helpline: 0845 872 3440.

SANDS is a voluntary organisation which offers support to parents if their baby dies during pregnancy or after birth. Many of their volunteers have been through this experience themselves, and help is offered not only to parents but to other members of your family, especially other children and grandparents. The organisation offers telephone advice, a web forum, and 90 local groups. Helpline 020 7436 5881.

An organisation for people who have become widows or widowers at a young age. The Foundation has a support group, and its site has links to other relevant sites. Tel: 0870 011 3450. Email: info@wayfoundation.org.uk

INQUEST is a charity that provides a free advice service to bereaved people on contentious deaths and their investigation, with a particular focus on deaths in custody. They offer an Information Pack containing advice to bereaved families or friends facing an inquest in England and Wales, and a casework service for those bereaved after a death in custody.

Other guidance

Public Health England has updated the Department of Health publication ; a co-produced resource for people bereaved by suicide and other sudden, traumatic death. This updated 2015 version provides advice and the contact details of other organisations offering support, including advice for friends, family and colleagues of the bereaved. 

The Scottish Association of Mental Health (SAMH), in conjunction with NHS Health Scotland and Choose Life (a ten year national strategy and action plan to prevent suicide in Scotland) has produced a .

Interviews conducted by Healthtalkonline are available on its website, which allows users to share in other people's experiences of health and illness. You can watch or listen to videos of interviews conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford, read about people's experiences of suicide bereavement, and find information about sources of support.

is a co-produced guide that provides advice on how to provide practical and emotional support to someone who has lost a friend or relative for suicide.