

UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy


Past Lectures

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Previous Lectures are listed below.

Programme 2019Ìý- SummerÌýTerm 2019

10 May
Crystallography and how BiologyÌýand Physics can help design newÌýPharmaceuticals to treat pain
Professor Bonnie Wallace,Ìý
Institute of Structural Crystallography,Ìý
Birkbeck College University of London.
17 May
Geometry in Curvy Space – when Angles Don’t Sum to 180
Albert Wood, Ph.D student,Ìý
UCL Department of Mathematics.
24 May
Seismology, Plate Tectonics andÌýEarthquake Geology.
Dr Tom MitchellÌý
UCL Department of Earth Sciences.
31 May
No lecture ( School half term)ÌýÌý
7 June
The Chemistry of the Periodic TableÌýofÌý the Natural Elements -Ìýa demonstration lecture
Dr Jeremy Carl Cockcroft,
UCL Department of Chemistry.


14 June
Medical Physics
Dr Cameron DeansÌý
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
21 June Space Geodesy- Survey of PlanetÌýEarth by Global Satellites

Dr Santosh BhattaraiÌýUCL Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering.

28 June Introduction to Astrophysics,Dr Jon Holdship,ÌýUCL Department of Physics & Astronomy.



5 JulyIntroduction to AstronomyÌýand our place in the UniverseÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Dr Sarah Hutton,ÌýHenrietta Barnett School, London.
Summer Term 2017
5 MayDiscovery of Exoplanets and theÌý search for life beyond the Solar SystemDr Ingo Waldman
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
12 MayArtificial Intelligence and RoboticsProfessor Peter McOwan
School of Engineering & Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
19 MayThe World of Rotations: Coriolis Forces, Angular Momentum and Gyroscopes - a demonstration lectureProfessor John Humberston
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
26 MayThe flight of the BumbleBee andÌý the Science of how Aeroplanes FlyÌýÌýÌýDr Ken Zetie
St Paul’s School, London
2 JuneNo Lecture (School Half-Term)Ìý
9 JuneThe Chemistry of the Periodic Table of Elements - a demonstration lectureDr Jeremy Cockcroft
UCL Department of Chemistry
16 JuneÌýÌýÌýHow Biology and Physics can help us Design new Pharmaceuticals to treat painÌýÌýÌýProfessor Bonnie Wallace
Institute of Structural Crystallography,
Birkbeck College University of London
23 JuneÌýÌýÌýEngineering Structures: Design and CalculationsDr John Eyre
UCL Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering
30 JuneÌýÌýÌýWhat is a Quantum Computer?Dr Dan Browne
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
7 JulyÌýÌýÌýIntroduction to Astronomy and our place in the UniverseDr Sarah Hutton
The Henrietta Barnett School, London
Spring Term 2017
20 JanuaryA little Physics for Understanding Molecular Machines of LifeProfessor Bart Hoogenboom, UCL & IC London Centre for Nanotechnology
27 JanuaryPrinciples of Microwave Radiation and applications at home, Industry and University ResearchDr Clive Poole
UCL Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
3 FebruaryGreenland: geological evolution from the oldest crust on Earth, plate tectonics, formation of mineable deposits and comments on mass extinctions! Dr Adrian Jones
UCL Department of Earth SciencesÌýÌý
10 FebruaryThe influence of Chinese Science & Technology on the European Scientific RevolutionProfessor Andy Gregory
UCL Department of Science & Technology Studies
17 FebruaryNo Lecture (School Half-Term)Ìý
24 FebruarySpace Weather, Solar Eruptions, Earth's Magnetic Field and why this is important to modern lifeDr Anasuya Aruliah
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
3 MarchHow to Measure the MultiverseDr Andrew Pontzen
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
10 MarchSeeing the invisible Universe: the past, present and future of IR AstronomyDr Giorgio Savini
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
17 MarchAliens!... Where are you?Dr Francisco Diego
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
24 MarchThe Hidden World of the Atom
(A demonstration lecture)
Dr Robert Palgrave
UCL Department of Chemistry
Autumn Term 2016
7 OctoberThe Mathematical BrainDr Brian Butterworth
UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
14 OctoberHow the Large Hadron Collider Cures Cancer: Proton Therapy at 911±¬ÁÏÍøH Dr Simon Jolly
High Energy Particle Physics
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
21 OctoberWhat happens to Chemistry & Biology at extremes of pressureProfessor Paul McMillan
UCL Department of Chemistry
4 November
Applications of Ultrasound and how to make an Ultrasound Levitator
Professor Bruce Drinkwater
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Bristol
11 NovemberQuantum Secrets of PhotosynthesisDr Alexandra Olaya-Castro
Quantum Physics of Biomolecular Processes Ìý
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
18 November
Why Planet Earth is HabitableDr Philip Pogge Von Strandmann
Geochemistry Research Group
Birkbeck College London & UCL
25 NovemberQuantum TeleportationProfessor John Morton
London Centre for Nanotechnology &
UCL Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
2 December

Discoveries from the Electron to Quarks and the Higgs Boson and the latest results from CERNProfessor Jon Butterworth
High Energy Particle Physics
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
9 DecemberAntimatter in the laboratory and the UniverseDr David Cassidy
Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Positron Physics
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
16 DecemberNature-Inspired Chemical EngineeringProfessor Marc-Oliver Coppens
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering
Summer Term 2016
29 AprilBend it like Einstein Gravitational LensingDr Benjamin Joachimi
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
6 MayUltra Low Temperature Nanotechnology Experiments: Why & How?Mr Pavlos Apostolidis
London Centre for Nanotechnology & UCL Department of Physics & AstronomyÌýÌý
13 MayProteins, DNA and Designer DrugsProfessor Bonnie WallaceÌý
Birkbeck University of London
20 MayMathematical Game Theory and Cancer CellsMr Daniel Gradeci
London Centre for Nanotechnology & UCL Department of Physics & AstronomyÌý
27 MayThe ‘f’ Elements: a Neglected Part of the Periodic Table? - A demonstration lecture Dr Jeremy Cockcroft
UCL Department of Chemistry
10 JuneCosmic Rays: Origins, Transport and Hazards for Human Technology onÌýEarthDr Simon Thomas
UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory
17 JuneArtificial Intelligence and Space RobotsDr David Selviah
UCL Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
24 JuneHarvey’s Heart: The Discovery of Blood CirculationProfessor Andrew Gregory
UCL Department of Science & Technology Studies
1 JulyInvestigating the formation and evolution of our Solar System from Cosmic DustÌýDr Penny WozniakiewiczÌý
University of Kent
Spring Term 2016
15 JanuaryIntroduction to Astronomy and our place in the UniverseDr Sarah Hutton
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
22 JanuaryOrigin, Evolution and Extinction of the DinosaursProfessor Paul Barrett
Natural History Museum
29 JanuaryThe Magnetosphere: Earth’s local bubble, shielding us from solar storms Dr Licia Ray
UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory
5 FebruaryComputers working at the speed of LightDr David Selviah
UCL Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
12 FebruaryThe Laws of Thermodynamics and Perpetual Motion MachinesProfessor Steven Bramwell
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
19 FebruaryNo Lectures (School half term)Ìý
26 FebruaryMilankovitch Cycles: Ice Ages and Climate ChangeProfessor Alan Aylward
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
4 MarchThe Copernicus Revolution: The move towards Heliocentric Solar SystemProfessor Andrew Gregory
UCL Department of Science & Technology Studies
11 MarchDiamond - more than a girl’s best friend?Dr Katherine Holt
UCL Department of Chemistry
18 MarchRight hand, Left hand: The origins of Asymmetry in Brains, Bodies, Atoms and CulturesProfessor Chris McManus
UCL Faculty of Life Sciences
Autumn Term 2015
2 OctoberLight: Glowing Fish and how to make a Laser - A Demonstration LectureDr Elinor Bailey
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
9 OctoberThe Origin of LifeDr Nick Lane
UCL Genetics and Evolutionary Biology
16 OctoberGeophysics in Gas and Oil Exploration and should we Extract Gas from Shale by Hydrofracking?Mr Sean McQuaid
ERC Equipoise Ltd. London
6 NovemberLiquid Crystals & 3D Display with Prospects for ‘Real’ Virtual Reality - A Demonstration LectureDr Sally Day
UCL Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
13 NovemberThe Centenary of Einstein's Theory of RelativityDr Christian Boehmer
UCL Department of Mathematics
20 NovemberChemistry through the looking Glass: Mirror–image Molecules and applications in Chemistry, Biology and Pharmacology - A Demonstration LectureDr Mike Porter
UCL Department of Chemistry
27 NovemberWhat is a Quantum Computer?Dr Dan Browne
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
4 DecemberPhotons, Spacecraft, Atomic Clocks and EinsteinProfessor Marek Ziebart
Space Geodesy & Navigation Laboratory, UCL Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering
11 DecemberColonising Planet Mars as a one-way venture: Would you really leave your family to go?Professor Alan Aylward
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
Summer Term 2015
1st MayUnderstanding Changes in the Earth’s AtmosphereDr David Rowley
UCL Department of Chemistry
8th MayLanguage and the Brain: Insights from Deafness and Sign LanguageDr Mairead MacSweeney
UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
15th MayEngineering Structures: Design & CalculationDr John Eyre
UCL Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering
22nd MayThe Flight of the Bumblebee and the Science of How Aeroplanes FlyDr Ken Zetie
St. Paul’s School
5th JuneSounds of the Solar System: Using our Ears to Understand Outer Space - a Multimedia PresentationDr Robert Wicks
UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory
12th JuneEverest High-Altitude Medicine and Sports ScienceDr Dan Martin
UCL Centre for Altitude, Space & Extreme Environment
19th JuneMagnetospheres: Shielding Earth from Cosmic Rays and the SunDr Licia Ray
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
26th JuneRadioactivity: Properties, Hazards and Uses of Ionising Radiation – a Demonstration LectureMr John Makepeace
National Physical Laboratory
3rd JulyElectromagnetic Induction – a Demonstration LectureDr Paul Bartlett
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
Spring Term 2015
16th JanuaryThe World of Rotations: Coriolis Forces,ÌýAngular Momentum and Gyroscopes -ÌýA Demonstration LectureProfessor John Humberston
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
23rd JanuaryAuroras Abound – Comparing the NorthernÌýLights of Earth, Jupiter and SaturnDr Licia Ray
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
30th JanuaryArtificial Intelligence:ÌýWill Robots Take Over?Professor Peter McOwan
School of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science,ÌýQueen Mary, University of London
6th FebruaryPuzzles & Paradoxes inÌýScience & MathematicsProfessor Tony Mann
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich
13th FebruaryChemistry through the Looking Glass:ÌýMirror-image Molecules andÌýApplications in Chemistry, Biology &ÌýPharmacology – A Demonstration LectureDr Mike Porter
UCL Department of Chemistry
27th FebruaryInterstellar TravelProfessor Ian Crawford
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck University of London
6th MarchNature-Inspired EngineeringProfessor Marc-Oliver Coppens
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering
13th MarchWhy are Antibiotics BecomingÌýLess Effective?ProfessorÌýPeter Taylor
UCL School of Pharmacy
20th MarchOutflows from Stars andÌýSupernova Detonations:ÌýÌýSpreadingÌýThe Stuff of LifeProfessor Raman Prinja
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
Autumn Term 2014
26th SeptemberHow the Large Hadron Collider Cures Cancer: Proton Therapy at 911±¬ÁÏÍøHDr Simon Jolly
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
3rd OctoberRadiation & Reason: A Fresh Look at the Effect of Radiation on LifeProfessor Wade Allison
Department of Physics, University of Oxford
10th OctoberWhat Happens to Chemistry & Biology at Extremes of PressureProfessor Paul McMillan
UCL Department of Chemistry
17th OctoberSmashing Physics: The Higgs Boson Discovery at CERN and Beyond...Professor Jon Butterworth
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
7th NovemberThe Mechanics of Memory: How Does the Brain Store and Recall Memories?Professor Tim Bliss FRS
British Institute for Medical Research
14th NovemberWhen Stars Explode: How UCL Students Discovered the Closest Thermonuclear Supernova in a GenerationDr Steve Fossey
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
21st NovemberRobots in the Real WorldDr Simon Julier
UCL Department of Computer Science
28th NovemberGeological Evolution of the Earth’s Crust, Plate Tectonics and VolcanismDr Adrian Jones
UCL Department of Earth Sciences
5th DecemberApplications of Ultrasound and How to Make an Ultrasound LevitatorProfessor Bruce Drinkwater
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Bristol
12th DecemberHow do Embryos Make Themselves?Professor Nick Monk
School of Mathematics and Statistics & Centre for Membrane Interactions & Dynamics,
University of Sheffield
Summer Term 2014
9th MayFlu Pandemics – Making Vaccines when we need them mostDr Tarit Mukhopadhyay
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering
16th MayLight: Glowing Fish and how to make LasersDr Elinor Bailey
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
23rd MayEngineering Structures: Design & CalculationDr John Eyre
UCL Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering
6th JuneRadioactivity: Properties, Hazards and Uses of Ionising Radiation – a Demonstration LectureMr John Makepeace
National Physics Laboratory
13th JuneInternational year of Crystallography - DNA, Proteins and Drug DesignProfessor Bonnie Wallace
Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology
Birkbeck University of London
20th JunePlanetary Geology & Geophysics – Latest Discoveries and the Search for Life in the Solar SystemDr Dominic Fortes
UCL Department of Earth Sciences
27th JuneWhat is a Quantum Computer?Dr Dan Browne
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
Spring Term 2014
24th JanuaryHow to Win a Nobel Prize or How the Scientific Method Works: Using Nobel Prizes in Chemistry - a Demonstration LectureDr Dewi Lewis
UCL Department of Chemistry
31st JanuaryFrom Trilobites to Tyrannosaurus: Examining long-term Trends of Body-Size Evolution in the Fossil RecordDr Mark Bell
UCL Department of Earth Sciences
7th FebruaryX-Rays, the two Braggs and how they anticipated Nanotechnology and the Quest for Medical SensorsProfessor Ian Robinson
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy & London Centre for Nanotechnology
14th FebruaryStuff Matters: From Synthetic Skin to Spacecraft Professor Mark Miodownik
UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering
28th FebruaryRight Hand, Left Hand: The Origins of Asymmetry in Brains, Bodies, Atoms & CulturesProfessor Chris McManus
UCL Faculty of Life & Medical Sciences
7th MarchCosmology: Does Dark Matter Exist and, if so, what is it?Dr Andrew Pontzen
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
14th MarchBionic Hearing: The Physiology & Biomedical Engineering of Natural HearingProfessor Ian Shipsey
Department of Physics, University of Oxford
21st MarchA Journey throught 2500 years of Codes & CiphersDr Jenny Sharp
School of Computing & Mathematics, University of Plymouth
Autumn Term 2013
4th OctoberSolar Eruptions, Earth’s Magnetic Field & Why Space Weather is Important to Modern SocietyDr Anasuya Aruliah
Atmospheric Physics Laboratory
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
11th OctoberLiquid Crystals & 3D Displays with Prospects for ‘Real’ Virtual Reality: Hologram – a Demonstration LectureDr Sally Day
UCL Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
18th OctoberThe Influence of Chinese Science & Technology on the European Scientific RevolutionDr Andrew Gregory
UCL Department of Science & Technology Studies
8th NovemberCatalytic Science for the Future: Using Synchrotron Radiation & Laser Facilities to Develop New Fuels, Batteries, Materials & a Cleaner EnvironmentDr Josie Goodall
UK Catalysis Hub, Research Complex at Harwell,
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
15th NovemberThe Formation of Elements since the Big Bang - A Demonstration LectureDr Graeme Hogarth
UCL Department of Chemistry
22nd NovemberArtificial Intelligence & RoboticsProfessor Peter McOwan
School of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science
Queen Mary, University of London
29th NovemberAntimatter in the Laboratory & the UniverseDr Robert Flack
High Energy Particle Physics
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
6th DecemberArtificial Photosynthesis & its ApplicationsDr Alison Parkin
Department of Chemistry, University of York
13th DecemberSnowball Earth & the Beginnings of Animal EvolutionProfessor Graham Shields
UCL Department of Earth Sciences
Summer Term 2013
10th MayExploring Mars: Water, Life & the Curiosity RoverDr Peter Grindrod
UCL Department of Earth Sciences
17th MayDNA and other Components of LifeProfessor Bonnie Wallace
Institute of Structural & Molecular Biology
Birkbeck College
University of London
24th MayHybrid, Low Fuel Consumption & Hydrogen Powered CarsProfessor Richard Bucknall
UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering
7th JuneScientific Discoveries of Classical Greece & its Influence on Modern ScienceDr Andrew Gregory
UCL Department of Science & Technology Studies
14th JuneDissecting the Light: Curiosity & Discovery in Observational AstrophysicsDr Steve Fossey
University of London Observatory
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
21st JuneThe Flight of the Bumblebee & the Science of How Aeroplanes FlyDr Ken Zetie
St. Paul’s School, London
28th JuneLight: Shining Fish and How to Make LasersElinor Bailey
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
Spring Term 2013
18th JanuaryWhere's My Quantum Computer, and Why Do I Want One?Dr John Morton
UCL Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering and London Centre for Nanotechnology
25th JanuaryWhat Would Aliens Look Like? How Humans Might Evolve if They Colonise SpaceDr Lewis Dartnell
Birkbeck College & UCL Centre for Planetary Sciences
1st FebruaryRight Hand, Left Hand: The Origins of Asymmetry in Brains, Bodies, Atoms & CulturesProfessor Chris McManus
UCL Faculty of Life & Medical Sciences
8th February
Chemistry through the Looking Glass: Mirror-Image Molecules & Application in Chemistry, Biology & Pharmacology - A Demonstration Lecture
Dr Mike Porter
UCL Department of Chemistry
15th February
The Science & Engineering of Invisibility: Can You Make Yourself Invisible?
Dr Akram Alomainy
School of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London
1st MarchBalancing Brooms, Strange Metals and Black HolesProfessor Andrew Green
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
London Centre for Nanotechnology, UCL & IC
8th MarchInfrared Astronomy: Seeing the Invisible UniverseDr Giorgio Savini
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
15th MarchWater for a Thirsty World - Applying Geoscience to Evaluate Reliability & Risks of Groundwater ResourcesDr William Burgess
UCL Department of Earth Sciences
22nd MarchImmunology, Ageing & Gender - Why is Life Deadlier for the Male?Dr Jennifer Regan
UCL Institute of Healthy Ageing
Autumn Term 2012
5th OctoberEinstein's Theory of Relativity: Making Matter go Bang, E=mc2Professor Basil Hiley
Theoretical Physics Research Group, Birkbeck College, University of London
12th OctoberNanoparticles and their Applications to MedicineDr Josie Goodall
UCL Department of Chemistry
19th OctoberGeology of the Planets, the Search for Life and the Latest Data from NASA's Martian RoverDr Claire Cousins
Department of Earth & Planetary Science, Birkbeck College, University of London
9th NovemberArtificial Intelligence and RoboticsProfessor Peter McOwan
School of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science,
Queen Mary, University of London
16th NovemberCosmic Rays, Neutrinos, Micro-Black Holes and Have We Discovered the Higgs Boson?Dr Ryan Nichol
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
23rd NovemberSatellite Geodesy - Measuring from Space: Sea Level, Ice Cap Variations & Plate TectonicsProfessor Marek Ziebart
Space Geodesy & Navigation Laboratory,
UCL Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering
30th NovemberThe World of Rotations: Coriolis Forces, Angular Momentum & Gyroscopes - A Demonstration LectureProfessor John Humberston
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
7th DecemberBiomedical Engineering: New Ways of Making Bubbles, Capsules, Particles, Fibres, Coatings & Scaffolds for Industry & MedicineProfessor Mohan Edirisinghe
UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering
14th DecemberMitochondria: The Power Behind the Evolution of Complex LifeDr Nick Lane
UCL Department of Genetics, Evolution & Environment
Summer Term 2012
18th MayFrom Euclid to Modern Geometry: Do the Angles of a Triangle really add up to 180 degrees?Professor Mark Ronan
Department of Mathematics
UCL & University of Illinois
25th MayBiomimicry: Inventions by Scientists and Engineers by copying from Nature and the Search for the Origin of LifeDr Josie Goodall
UCL Department of Chemistry
1st JuneMitochondria - at the Heart of Life and DeathProfessor Michael Duchen
UCL Cell & Developmental Biology
15th JuneThe Mysteries of our Galaxy and its Neighbours as uncovered by the Herschel Space ObservatoryDr Mikako Matsuura
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
22nd JuneEngineering Structures: Design and CalculationDr John Eyre
UCL Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
29th JuneProperties, Hazards and Uses of Ionising Radiation and Radioactivity - a demonstration lectureDr John Makepeace
National Physics Laboratory
Spring Term 2012
27th JanuaryDNA and Other Constituents of LifeProfessor Bonnie Wallace
Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology
Birkbeck, University of London
3rd FebruaryUnweaving Star Rainbows: Bridges to the Secrets of the Universe - a Spectroscopy demonstration lectureDr Francisco Diego
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
10th FebruaryArtificial Intelligence and RoboticsProfessor Peter McOwan
School of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science
Queen Mary, University of London
24th FebruaryThe Geological History and Exploration of the Moon and its Importance in Understanding the Origin and Evolution of Life on EarthDr Ian Crawford
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Birkbeck, University of London
2nd MarchThe Global Rise and the Electronics of Digital Communications - a demonstration lectureDr John Mitchell
UCL Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
9th MarchHow Alan Turing Discovered How Patterns Form in Chemical & Biological Systems - a demonstration lectureProfessor Andrew Sella
UCL Department of Chemistry
16th MarchImaging the Human Brain: Using Magnetoencephalography to Image in Real-Time the Activity within a Living BrainProfessor Stephen Swithenby
Faculty of Science, The Open University
23rd MarchFingerprints of the Early Universe: Is there Evidence for Multiverses?Dr Hiranya Peiris
UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy
Autumn Term 2011


7th October

Antimatter, Quarks, Higgs Boson and the latest results from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN

Professor Jon Butterworth

UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy

14th OctoberWhy evolution is right and creationism is wrong

Professor Steve Jones

UCL Biological Sciences

21st OctoberThe formation and chemistry of the chemical elements since the Big Bang- a demonstration lecture

Dr Graeme Hoggarth

UCL Department of Chemistry

4th NovemberMagnetism in the solar system, plate tectonics and journey into the centre of the Earth

Professor David Price

UCL Department of Earth Sciences

11th NovemberVisualising the dynamics of living bacterial cell by microscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy

Professor Conrad Mullineaux


School of Biological and Chemical Sciences

Queen Mary, University of London

18th NovemberUsing quantum mechanics to discover new crystal structures of pharmaceuticals

Professor Sally Price

UCL Department of Chemistry

25th NovemberSources of renewable energy: harnessing off-shore wind, wave and tidal currents

Dr Kevin Drake

UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering

2nd DecemberCooling or warming? Climate prediction for Europe for the next 40 years and implications for Global Climate

Professor Alan Aylward

UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy

9th DecemberCan you make yourself invisible?: The Science and Engineering of invisibility

Dr Ackram Alomainy

Department of Electronic Engineering

Queen Mary, University of London

16th DecemberEinstein’s Theory of Relativity

Dr Christian Boehmer

UCL Department of Mathematics