

Information for parents and guardians of UCL students


Faith and religions

Information for parents of UCL students about the religious facilities and services available on campus.

On this page you can find information about:

Multi faith room/prayer facilities

There is a prayer room with ablutions facilities attached to it, and a second room for silent prayer and/or meditation. These are located in the Student Centre.

Religious services held on campus

Religious services are normally organised by the  (for example, Catholic Society organise a termly mass and Islamic Society organise weekly Jumu'ah prayers). 

Halal food on campus

Halal food is available across UCL’s cafés and in cafés and restaurants around campus.

Kosher food on campus

Kosher sandwiches are sold in the cafes on UCL’s campus.  and the  are the main food stores near UCL’s Bloomsbury campus - they offer kosher food sections.Â