

UCL Psychology and Language Sciences



The new STORM (Standing Up for Myself) intervention is a manualised 5-session psychosocial group intervention that seeks to empower people with learning disabilities to make choices about standing up for themselves when faced with situations where they feel treated badly or unfairly, marginalised or undermined by others. STORM makes extensive use of filmed first-hand testimonials by people with learning disabilities, discussions and practical exercises. Delivered by group facilitators who are familiar with group members, the programme seeks to explore sensitive topics in a safe environment where group members are well supported by their peers and the group facilitator. We have completed a successful initial pilot of the STORM programme - we warmly thank the Baily Thomas Charitable Fund for funding this which allowed us to deliver STORM to 67 persons with learning disabilities across ten groups.

STORM Manual Cover

Pilot study of STORM

We set out in September 2019 to conduct a feasibility study and pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) of the STORM programme, funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research programme (NIHR PHR Project 17/149/03).

NIHR logo

In response to Covid-19, we have adapted STORM for digital delivery and are currently conducting a pilot of the digital version. For more information see

Please contact Lisa Richardson, Study Co-ordinator, for further details about the study: lisa.richardson@ucl.ac.uk