

UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Sea Hero Quest mobile game which provides vital data for dementia research goes from strength to strength

1 November 2016

Dementia is a growing health threat. Affecting over 47 million people worldwide (135 million by 2050), it is becoming one of the greatest medical challenges we face globally. To help scientists working towards finding a cure, Dr Hugo Spiers (UCL Experimental Psychology) has created Sea Hero Quest – a mobile game where anyone can help fight dementia.

Sea Hero Quest was launched back in May 2016 and has already been downloaded
more than 2.4 million times, creating an amazing 947 decades worth of dementia research data. 

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Loss of navigational skills is one of the first symptoms of dementia. Playing Sea Hero Quest for two minutes can generate the same amount of data that scientists would take five hours to collect in similar lab-based research.

Sea Hero Quest has gone on to win 9 Cannes lions awards, including two silver awards for 'health' education & services, and 'pharma' HCP devices & diagnostic. It was also profiled at the UN general assembly earlier this year.

Take part

Do your bit for dementia research by downloading and playing Sea Hero Quest

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