


Analysis: Joe Biden could still stand down before the election

26 January 2024

With President Joe Biden looking the likely Democrat candidate for President in 2024, Dr Thomas Gift (UCL Politics) examines what could sway Biden's decision over the coming months in The Conversation.

Thomas Gift

When Joe Biden took the oath of office in January 2021, many expected him to be the. His mandate: heal the country’s wounds after four turbulent years of Donald Trump. Don’t try to be a transformative figure. Then hand the reins to a capable successor.

Fast forward to 2024 and there’s room for debate about the merits (and demerits) of Biden’s first-term legacy. But it’s Biden’s decision to run for re-election that’s become thefor Democrats.

collated by US political website FiveThirtyEight shows Biden with a dismal sub-40% approval rating. Former president Trump, theRepublican nominee who has all punched his ticket to the general election with primary victories inԻ, has jumped into the lead in a head-to-head match against Biden in.

Many allies privately, and publicly,that Biden is at risk not only of overstaying his welcome, but of passing the baton to his twice-impeached rival that Biden himself pillories as an.

Is it too late for Biden to bow out in 2024? Technically, no. Biden could, for any reason, declare that he’s no longer seeking a second term.

If he did it before March, there would still be (some) time for other Democrats to get their name on many primary ballots, although deadlines for more thanhave already passed.

If it didn’t happen by then, his successor would be determined in a high-stakesscheduled for late August. Unless the Democrat party changed the rules, delegates pledged to Biden would enter the convention “uncommitted,” and so would lobby, and ultimately vote, on a replacement.

Practically, however, the odds of Biden changing course now look small. The two main reasons for pressing ahead haven’t changed since Biden announced his reelection bid last April. First, Biden is the only candidate who’s proven that he can beat Trump. Second, there’s no obvious heir apparent.

The only one who can beat Trump?

Biden has said explicitlythat “[Trump] is running so I have to run”. Although hehe’s not the only one who could topple Trump, Biden clearly feels that he has a significant upper hand. For one thing, he’s already proven he can do it.

There’s a reason why Biden earned the Democrat nomination in 2020. Biden’s blue-collar roots, resonance with moderate voters, and an ability to sell himself as the most “electable” Democrat ultimately gave him a come-from-behind win in those primaries.

In that general election, Democrats’ faith in him paid off. Biden, including Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Pennsylvania — all of which had gone for Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Unlike in a typical election, 2024 is likely to be more athan about the incumbent in the Oval Office. Biden is betting voters will prefer the devil they know. “Don’t compare me to the Almighty,”. “Compare me to the alternative”.

No heir apparent

The Democrats also don’t have a deep-bench of obvious successors. Biden sees himself as sparing the party from what would otherwise be a brutal nomination fight.

Whereas Trump has cruised to a commanding lead in the Republican primaries and squashed challenger and former governor of South Carolina,, a contested Democrat primary would be punishing. The candidate who emerged would be battle-tested, but potentially too busy nursing wounds to pivot into the general election.

Four years ago, many envisioned the current vice president, Kamala Harris, as Biden’s. Few say that now. If Biden’s poll numbers have disappointed, Harris’s have been a. Her, at 37%, are the lowest of any first-term VP.

ٳnames who ran in 2020 — like US transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg or Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar — could step in for Biden. But it’s not happenstance they lost to Biden in 2020. No one was able to unite Democrat moderates and progressives, much less win over Republicans and swing voters.

Some think California governor Gavin Newsom is already running afor the White House, while Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer is alsoabout a presidential bid. Yet many see Newsom as “too Hollywood,” while Whitmer hasn’t been vetted on a national stage.

New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, too, has been rumoured as a. But a hard, populist leftist, without the cross-over appeal of left-wing Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, would almost certainly guarantee a Trump victory.

Experts have also speculated about the possibility of aparachuting into the Democrat Convention, such as former first ladyor even legendary TV personality. This seems more like the stuff of liberal fantasies.

No turning back

Biden had plenty of opportunities to gracefully ride into the sunset. He could have said that he’d accomplished everything he set out to accomplish. He could have cited his desire for a rising generation to be represented in politics.

Now, it seems, there’s no turning back. Eleven months from now, we’ll know if Biden made the strategically right decision. But if he misfires, it likely will be several years until we know the full effects of that choice.

A Trump sequel promises, at best, volatility and serious tests to US democratic norms and institutions. At worst, it promises a— the full-blown manifestation of the ugly underbelly that manifested itself on January 6 in the attack on.

With no back-up plan for exiting, Biden’s legacy, win or lose, will invariably be tied to whether he refused to be the “placeholder president”.
