



Opinion: How climate change and extreme weather may lead to food shortages and escalating prices

15 December 2021

The countries most at risk of climate impacts on food availability and affordability tend to be in sub-Saharan Africa, says Professor Paul Ekins (UCL Bartlett School of Environment, Energy & Resources).

Professor Paul Ekins

In a world with an increasing human population, climate change may have a serious impact on our ability to grow enough food.

Research from asÌýfar back as 2007Ìýfound that around 30% of year-to-year fluctuations in tonnes of crops grown per hectare were due to changes in the climate. It is remarkable under these circumstances that the global agricultural system has managed to remain fairly robust, and that major food shortages have been rare.

On the other hand, food prices in recent decades have becomeÌýincreasingly volatile. While there are many influences on food prices – including crop yield, weather variations, international trade, speculation in food commodity markets, and land management practices – mostly open trading systems have allowed food shortages in some places to be offset by surpluses, and increased production, elsewhere.

Now that the world seems to be moving toward more trade barriers at a time when climate change is intensifying, these stabilising effects may start to fail. Prices could rise sharply, putting pressure on poor countries and on the budgets of poor people in rich countries.

While crop growth per hectare has increased considerably over the last 50 years, recently the rate ofÌýthis growthÌýhas slowed compared to previous decades.

Recent researchÌýsuggests that up to 30% of the expected increase in growth of European crops has been cancelled out by adverse weather.

But it is worrying that the most pronounced changes tend to be in countries, such as those in sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa, that are atÌýhigh risk of climate impactsÌýon food availability and affordability.

This is particularly clear in the case of barley, maize, millet, pulses, rice and wheat. It seems that the countries most at risk of food shortages are also worst affected byÌýrising temperature. This seems to bear out the finding from the world’s premier climate science advisers, theÌýIntergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeÌý(IPCC), that the higher average global temperatures and more extreme weather events associated with climate change will reduce the reliability of food production. The latestÌýIPCC reportÌýalso supports these conclusions.

Another change noted by theÌýIPCCÌýis how rising heat and rainfall associated with climate change is increasingly degrading land, making soil less productive. This is due to the loss of soil nutrients and organic matter and has negative effects on crop yields. In addition, accelerating rises in sea levels will compound these negative impacts by increasingÌýsaltwater intrusionsÌýand permanently flooding crop land.

Recent modellingÌýof soil loss in wheat and maize fields shows large variations between tropical climate regions and regions with a large proportion of flat and dry land, with losses ranging from less than 1 tonne per hectare in central Asia to 100 tonnes per hectare in south-east Asia. The strong impact of climate and topography on simulated water erosion is clearly shown in the five largest wheat and maize producing countries: in Brazil, China and India, where a large proportion of cropland is in tropical areas, water erosion is relatively high, while in Russia and the United States annual median values are much lower.

This article first appeared in on 15th December 2021.

