


How are you making the world a better place?

17 September 2020

Complete our online survey to let us know how you're helping to meet the targets set out in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals "SDG Wheel"

UCL has launched an online survey to find out how its staff and students are helping to meet the targets set out in the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals through their research, teaching, operational and other activities. A range of examples will be showcased on a new UCL online portal, due to go live later in 2020.

The SDGs are the core of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Adopted by all Member States in 2015, they provide a framework for the world’s ongoing economic growth, while protecting the environment and addressing social inequalities.

The Goals cover topics ranging from ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’ and ‘Good Health and Well-being’ to ‘Climate Action’ and ‘Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure’.

UCL’s survey is part of a wider initiative to maximise the university’s impact on the SDGs. “Our first step is to find out how our community is already helping support the Goals,” says Simon Knowles, Head of Coordination – SDGs.

“This mapping exercise will help to identify UCL’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to the Goals. It will highlight opportunities to address those weaknesses and amplify our strengths through cross-disciplinary collaboration within and beyond UCL, across our research, teaching and operations. The wider, ongoing SDG initiative seeks to encourage and facilitate such collaboration.”