



Call for participants: Academic Promotions Focus Groups

15 January 2015

Could you help us to understand how different groups of staff are affected by our current promotions policy? Are there ways of improving the process itself, or the support we offer? Help us to work through some options - participate in our focus groups.

Quad in autumn

Huge thanks to all of you who participated in the survey we ran before Christmas as part of our UCL2034 review of academic promotions and reward structures. The next stage for us is to hold a series of focus groups to explore ideas and issues arising from the feedback you gave us in that survey. The focus groups will give us the chance to have more detailed input from different staff groups, and to test ideas and suggestions. Each group will last a maximum of 2 hours and will be conducted on the Bloomsbury campus. They will be facilitated by ORC International, the independent company who conducted the earlier survey. Contributions will be anonymous and not attributed and feedback from these groups will directly influence future promotions policy.

A list of the times of individual focus groups is below. I would be grateful if you would register your interest where possible to attend.



Senior Lecturers

Monday 26 January 2 - 4pm or

Wednesday 28 January 9.30 - 11.30am


Tuesday 27 January 9.30 - 11.30am or

Wednesday 4th February 2 - 4pm

Early Career Staff (1-3 years' experience in first university position)

Tuesday 27 January 2 - 4pm

Black and Minority Ethnic Staff

Wednesday 28 January 2 - 4pm

Female Staff

Thursday 29 January 2 - 4pm or

Wednesday 4 February 9.30 - 11.30am

Heads of Department

Monday 2 February 9.30 - 11.30am

Teaching Fellows

Tuesday 3 February 2 - 4pm

If you would like to attend, please send an email with your name, contact details (including Faculty), and which specific group you would like to attend to vpeducation@ucl.ac.uk by Wednesday 21 January. My office will then be in touch with more details by Friday 23 January. Please be aware that places are limited and we may not be able to accommodate everyone at these events.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Anthony Smith

Vice-Provost (Education and Student Affairs)