



Three UCL students win HealthWatch prize

8 October 2013

Three UCL students - Dylan Mac Lochlainn, Henry Lancashire and Shuchang Liu-Ìý will be receiving cheques for £500 (Dylan and Henry) and £100 (Shuchang) as winners in the UK-wide HealthWatch competition in which students are invited to show their skills in assessing research protocols.


Dylan is in the 5th year of his degree in medicine, Henry is a research student in his final year of study for an engineering doctorate in Biomedical Engineering and Shuchang is a third-year MPhil/PhD student of biochemical engineering. They will receive their awards from journalist and broadcaster Nick Ross, also HealthWatch's president, at a ceremony to be held at The Medical Society of London on Thursday 24th October. The presentation of the student awards will form part of an evening programme which will also include a presentation by Fiona Godlee, editor of the British Medical Journal. The event begins with a reception at 6.30pm and is free and open to all.

HealthWatch is a UK medical charity which promotes the proper scientific testing of all types of medical treatments, from orthodox to complementary and alternative medicine. Open annually to students of medicine, nursing and allied professions in UK centres, the competition is part of HealthWatch's campaign to create awareness amongst healthcare providers, the general public and the media that well-designed clinical trials are the best way of producing effective treatments.Ìý