


UCL student wins Eisenthal Prize

21 May 2012

The Biochemical Society has announced Laura Mariotti (UCL Biochemistry) the winner of the annual Eisenthal Prize.

Laura Mariotti The prize of £500 is awarded to the top-ranked application for the Summer Vacation Studentship programme.

Laura won the prize for her Summer Vacation Studentship project application, entitled: Structural studies of a Cdc37‐PP5 complex; regulation of Cdc37 by dephosphorylation. She will be carrying out the eight-week placement supervised by Dr Cara Vaughan at Birkbeck College, London.

Dr Vaughan explained: "It is always a pleasure to work with bright and enthusiastic young biochemists. Watching them engage in a research project, normally for the first time, and helping them develop their practical and analytical skills is one of the most enjoyable aspects of running a lab.

"Importantly these students can make a valuable contribution to on-going research, which is why I have an undergraduate intern working in my lab every summer! This wouldn't be possible without financial support from organisations such as the Biochemical Society. The Summer Vacation Studentship scheme plays a key role enhancing students' passion for science and developing future scientists in the UK."

I feel very lucky as an undergraduate to be able to expand my laboratory skills with all the resources in the lab and to experience the life of a professional scientist

Laura Mariotti

Laura commented: "I am very excited about the prospect of this internship. It is an incredible opportunity that promises an eye-opening insight into how a research lab works. I feel very lucky as an undergraduate to be able to expand my laboratory skills with all the resources in the lab and to experience the life of a professional scientist."

The Eisenthal Prize is awarded by the Biochemical Society, in memory of Professor Robert Eisenthal, who was a long-standing and active member of the Society. The Eisenthal Prize was introduced to honour his commitment to science education and as a lasting mark of respect for a colleague who did so much to make the Studentship scheme successful.

Image: Laura Mariotti

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